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Emergency dental treatment


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It never rains but......
I have cracked one of my molars;  now a piece of tooth has detached itself - and I now need a temporary crown as an emergency.
I know it's not possible to 'recommend' any particular dentist but -
I am a complete and utter dentalphob - get panic attacks.
My dentist in the UK would sedate me (light anaesthetic so I was totally 'out of it').
Do french dentists offer this type of sedation ?
And is a temporary crown likely to mean I don't have any christmas presents this year ? !!
Would be looking for dentist (who could speak little bit of English if poss) - in Bergerac/Marmande area.  Would be happy to hear from anyone via private messages if anyone can help - please.
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I once did have the name of an English dentish operating in that area (Duras - NE towards Bergerac memory tells me), but I cannot find it now.  Think I got ot off this forum, but it was at least 1-15 yrs agao at a guess. 

As for sedation, hubby has the same problem, but we have yet to find anyone doing that around here, even in Montpellier, though you might find some more advancement by now.  However, given the region you are in, there is likely to be a dentist who has some English around that area.  Sorry, I don't have recent links to that area .. durng lockdown you might have less choice .. sorry this is probably not what you wanted to hear. 

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chessie wrote the following post at 21 Nov 2020 15:03:

It never rains but......

I have cracked one of my molars; now a piece of tooth has detached itself - and I now need a temporary crown as an emergency.

Apparently there is a system of 'dentistes de gardes' for such an emergency on a Sunday or you can ring 15 ..

it's worth a try.

Edit :There is usually a list of 'dentistes de gardes' if you put that into Google followed by your postal code.

'Vous pourrez également contacter le SAMU au 15 ou encore le commissariat de police au 17 '..
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I'm not sure if this will help much, but here goes.

First of all, I feel for you Chessie.  The same exact thing happened to me while we were living in Bédoin, many years back.  We had a pretty good dentist at the time, but why oh why do these things always seem to happen on the weekend.  I had always been told to avoid the dentiste en garde, but that was just word of mouth stuff.

My dentist worked me in after about 4 days (I was not really in pain, but fearful that I would be soon).  Two of those days were weekdays.  The filling in the molar was very large and there just wasn't enough tooth left for a crown.  So, he pulled the remaining tooth (put the area to sleep with anesthesia - but I remained awake).  I did not experience any pain until after the anesthesia wore off and he had prescribed pain reliever.  It all healed up nicely and since it was my very back molar, I CHOSE not to have an implant put it. 

Just walking into a dentist office sets me off.  In the U.S.A., it is not hard to find a dentist who will put you 'under.'  Though I have never had that done, even though I had 4 crowns done there over a 10 year period.  Had a very good, sympathetic dentist.

I just finished treatment here in Sceaux on a crown that had developed a cavity underneath it.  The cavity had developed into an infection that had deteriorated the bone of the tooth.  It required 5 separate one hour appointments for dental surgery.  My last appointment to place/fit the new crown was on 2 nov.  I did ask about full anesthesia type medication and he said that it is not done here.  He fully put to sleep the tooth in question, but I will say the entire process was quite a challenge for me.  But, I did get through it.

In the end, I asked him if I was the only patient to shake in the chair while getting treatment.  He emphatically said, NO, I was not.  So, Chessie, you are not alone.

Good luck and remember, each time you sit in the dentist's chair, you will be getting up and leaving within a short time.  Keep your mind focused on that.

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Our eldest had all 4 wisdom teeth taken out in the chair under local at the Dentist Hospital in Granville. Took all of 10 mins! This was about 5 years ago.

He had a prescription for Xanax to take the night before and the morning of the extractions.

So there is a system of relieving anxiety in some cases.
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