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RDV for new CDS

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Well I had hoped that paperwork would become stricter, as when the 'free movement ' started it struck me that some people would move, being deliberately ignorant of french rules/laws and do as they pleased.

And then these programs started on tv about the good life in France and some Brits happily lived in France, working au noir, usually in the building trade. How easy it was to undercut artisans when not paying cotisations and using EHIC 's, and certainly not being obliged to justify anything at the local Mairie who used to deal with all these things. And too many couldn't even speak French, so I would suppose doing cheap uninsured jobs for brits.

I should mention all those who had British jobs, but as the expression goes, their bums on seats in France as they worked, believing that simply paying NI Contributions and uk tax was enough and it usually isn't.

All because of that expression 'FREE MOVEMENT OF PEOPLE', as if the EU was one country and not LOTS, all of which have their own laws.

Not everyone, of course not everyone, was doing things as 'they' pleased, but too many were, and some probably still are in spite of things being tightened.

So, yes, I do believe that things needed tightening, but why the local mairie cannot do it is beyond me. As I said they always did and sent the paperwork off to the Prefecture.

I always had lots of paperwork and justifying to contend with, you just get on with it!

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You are confusing tourmented with angry.

Albf is Angry.

ALBF family and co have always played life by the rules. By doing so, we just get screwed all the time.

People around us are screwing the system left right and centre. Nobody cares. Politiciens are screwing the system as well. It is a free for all.

So as far as I am concerned, from now on, it is dog eat dog.

My project for the été was to buy a holiday flat/house in the UK. In doing so I would apply for UK citerzenship for OH. Even if she don't live there. Like many other French folk.

If Mr BritinBretagne has a problem with that, that would make me feel a lot happier.

BTW...Brexit, French politics, schooling and Covid is having a big phycological effect on the kids.

It's stressful out there in France family world. For everyone. My sons best friends family have had enough, they are leaving and moving abroad. They are not the only ones.
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Same difference ALBF. Being angry is making you torment yourself about things that you can't change. Nothing is new in all the things you are winding yourself up about, the only new thing is that suddenly, you are feeling them more. For a lot of people it has always been dog eat dog but there has always been the option to try and live differently if you want. But you have to accept that if you decide to stick with your moral code and do things right, you will have to put up with seeing other people doing things that you don't allow yourself to do because you consider it wrong. It's no good getting angry about that.

Your problem is that you have tunnel vision. You can't change that because it's the way you are, but you have to try and understand that other people live in different tunnels, and for them, the landscape is different - different problems, different priorities. It's not necessarily a case of right and wrong, it's more a case of, different. You don't want to send your kids to school. There are parents who for whatever reason cannot cope with theirs being at home. You are your family are not the only ones being affected by all this you know. Different people are affected in different ways and all equally valid.

As for the UK, on Monday morning, with the UK recording over 50 000 new cases a day, Johnson insisted on all kids back going to school. By the end of the day he'd been forced into a U turn so term only lasted for one day, but he really did not want to do that, he wanted schools to stay open. I don't think Macron would be quite that stupid.

Re applying for citizenship for your wife, you need to know the rules first if you want to bend them. Buying a flat in the UK will make zero difference to your wife getting citizenship (or do you actually mean residency?). She can apply for permission to join you in the UK, and if she does join you in the UK she can potentially apply for citizenship five years down the line. But, you can't apply for citizenship for her, she has to apply for it herself; and as of 1st Jan she can't start living in the UK first and then apply for settled status, she has to start by applying from France for permission to join you in the UK. It would be a bit hard to claim that she lived before end Dec 2020 whilst also living and working in France, in a UK flat you didn't buy until July 2021.

You have a relatively cushy life ALBF. It may not all be a bed of roses but you should try and appreciate what you do have, compared to a lot of folk. Find me one household that is not stressed right now.

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[quote user="alittlebitfrench"]

Albf is Angry.

ALBF family and co have always played life by the rules. By doing so, we just get screwed all the time. [/quote]

Referring to oneself in the third person always looks a bit weird...

That said:

We (99%) play by the rules here in France. We did in the UK. It's who we are. We don't get 'screwed' - by the system or anyone else.

There are aspects of the French way of life that are open to abuse and - I agree - abuse happens. Same in the UK. I knew of people who operated half their lives 'tax-free'. But no country, system or culture is perfect - because it involves human nature. Yes, we can choose to move elsewhere... but we always take ourselves, our attitudes, our dissatisfactions, with us.

We can choose to live safely by our own values and standards in many countries and personally, what others are apparently / allegedly doing in their own small lives is mainly none of my business and I lose no sleep over it.

If I was aware of fraud or scamming on a massive scale I'd try and do something about it but that doesn't seem to be what we're discussing here. Someone obtaining a CdeS they're not entitled to or remaining registered with the NHS while they spend most of their time in France or Spain... not my problem, not my worry. Probably, one day, sooner or later, it will be theirs.

e2a: a most excellent post above, Eurotr@sh.

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I agree absolutely with Catalpa's post ^^

When I see or hear about people cheating the system, putting themselves first, thinking the rules don't apply to them not caring about anyone else, it actually makes me sad, not angry. Sad that there are so many people who do these things, because I think the world could be an infinitely nicer place if there weren't so many people like that.

But there is that streak in human nature, you have to accept it.
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The thing I find hardest to accept is health care abuse. It is so costly.

And that affects us all. It isn't 'none of our business', it can become serious to our own health  if our consultant is occupied, or bed is been taken by someone who isn't playing the game. So this is one thing that I really do believe, that the rules should be played by.

I know french people and english people and probably british people in all of the UK will do some work au noir. I know that happens. AND it is no different for me than those who earn far too much and pay next to no income tax. It happens.

ALBF, well, it would be difficult to get your wife british citizenship. They are quite strict about it, I know as a friend who is from an EU nation and has lived in England for 40 years has told me all about it and how costly it is too. Well for them it would be; as they are pensioners with very small pensions.

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[quote user="alittlebitfrench"]B&B said....

"Personally I’m glad that steps are being made to check applications as there have been quite a few reports of second home owners who have abused the system designed to make life straightforward for genuine applicants and have already been issued cards"

Shock horror Brit....I bet the French don't do that at all in the UK. LOL.

I read about this problem on some other place. It all turned into fisticuffs. It was quite funny to read.

Personally I really.......ummm...ummm.....could not give a four asterix word begining with S what people get up to.

Given the amount of abuse the system in France gets, a few second home owners running around with a pointless CDS in their wallet is neither here no there.

I think France have more important things to worry about.[/quote]

Sort of sums you up; clueless, out of your depth and don’t know where to go.
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BIB is from Cornwall Idun. We have to make allowences.

Imagine what he just said but with a very thick Cornish accent......with a big white beard and no front teath.

So here we go....

"Sort of sums you up; clueless, out of your depth and don’t know where to go".......my lover.

You see, kinda different.

Chuck him a couple of coins in his hat and move on.

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EuroTr@sh wrote the following post at 09 Jan 2021 12:39:

When I see or hear about people cheating the system, putting themselves first, thinking the rules don't apply to them not caring about anyone else, it actually makes me sad, not angry. Sad that there are so many people who do these things, because I think the world could be an infinitely nicer place if there weren't so many people like that.

But there is that streak in human nature, you have to accept it.

Oh ET .. that's how Trumpy got where he did .. by people not criticising him, by letting him flout rules.

He walked all over convention and so made his corrupt way appear to be the new norm. Taken to its limits this behaviour becomes dangerous and seditious.

And, no, I don't have to accept 'streak' you talk of ..
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Just going back to the original post, we have completed our application in the week before Christmas, attending the préfecture in Niort (79). We originally applied in January last year, online under the original system, and submitted all the require documents as scans. We then had to send and update via the new system in October with evidence of our having lived in France during 2020. Also we had renewed our passports (so we've got those non-EU blue ones now) so I added those.

On the day all we took were our passports and photographs.

The actual "interview" turned out to be nothing more than a very quick administrative procedure, checking our identities, giving fingerprints, handing over a photograph (only1 needed) and signing a form. We had appointments 15 minutes apart but were invited in together and were back out on the street in 10 minutes, job done.

This residency card is called WARP (Withdrawal Agreement Residency Permit), I haven't seen one yet and ours will probably arrive in February we we told, but I suspect it's different to the "normal" CdS as it's only for Brits !

So, no "interview" as such, no grilling, very straightforward.

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suein56 wrote the following post at 10/01/2021 7:33:

EuroTr@sh wrote the following post at 09 Jan 2021 12:39:

Oh ET .. that's how Trumpy got where he did .. by people not criticising him, by letting him flout rules.

He walked all over convention and so made his corrupt way appear to be the new norm. Taken to its limits this behaviour becomes dangerous and seditious.

And, no, I don't have to accept 'streak' you talk of ..

Well suein56 I should have made it clear I was talking aboutthe little mean minded cheaty things that little people get up to when they try to get one over on the system. Not corruption on the Trump and Johnson scale. Abuse of power by people who are themselves in charge of the system is a completely different thing. You can't really compare the millions of pounds of taxpayers' money that has gone into Tory sponsor pockets in public health contracts, with someone who is struggling to make ends meet and who claims a few hundred pounds benefit they are not entitled to, from a system makes it easy for them to do it..

But yes I do agree that it is a slippery slope because where do you draw the line. In the UK people have been fraudulently claiming thousands of pounds from scheme set up to mitigate the effects of the pandemic and that is well the wrong side of the line. And yes I agree that there should not be a line to draw, in an ideal world everybody would know right from wrong and they would choose right over wrong every time. But, wen I said "you have to accept it" I suppose what I mean was, you have to be realistic. Human nature is weak, people fall into temptation. You can't not accept that because it is how things are. All you can do is draw a line between what you are prepared to tolerate and what you're not.

I will admit that I am a goodie two shoes, I don't even break speed limits when I know there is zero chance of being caught. My thinking is that if I take it upon myself to decide which laws to obey and I give myself permission to override any rule that I think is stupid or unnecessary, then I can't complain if other people do the same. So if a teenager decides it is safe to drive at 60mph through a built up area because they are confident their reactions are good enough, they are only taking the same liberty that I took. I think the world would be a better place if everybody thought like me :-) but I know they don't and I just have to accept that, otherwise I would be eaten up inside by anger like ALBF is.
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  • 3 weeks later...
Our experience in Gap 3 weeks ago sounds very similar to Sid's in Niort.

The one problem was that I have deformed hands due to a combination of rugby injuries and Dupytrens contracture and can't put 4 fingers flat on a surface. I was thus excused this part of the process .

Thought this could be relevant to arthritis sufferers etc.
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