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re-confinement: coming to a place near you


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We might have a third lockdown but there would be a strong possibility of civil disobedience.

It is justified on medical grounds, but there is a strong groundswell mounting against it partly from the young


N'y a-t-il vraiment eu que 60 morts du Covid chez les 15-44 ans en France ?


chronique hebdomadaire dans «Les Echos», le philosophe Gaspard Koenig

utilise ce chiffre pour interroger le sacrifice des jeunes générations

en faveur de leurs aînés"

and partly on "social networks" from a similar group to the one from which the 'gilets jaune' sprang..

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There is strong resistance all over Europe. Have you seen the violence generated in le pays bas? I presume the scenes were from Amsterdam.

Either way, it's going to be tricky and Macron will have one eye on the election to come.
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Ne plus "sacrifier la vie des plus jeunes pour les plus âgés"

Puts a few of us here in the cross hairs!

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Mint, I think it will be at 20h 30.

But I've just read this on FranceInfo "Lors de ses entretiens avec des responsables parlementaires cet après-midi, Jean Castex a promis qu'un débat suivi d'un vote serait organisé au Parlement en cas de durcissement prochain des mesures sanitaires, selon les informations recueillies par France Télévisions de sources parlementaires. Comme lors des précédents confinements, ce vote ne sera pas contraignant pour l'exécutif."

So perhaps no news for a day or so?
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You're probably right about no news for a day or so or even a week or so.  I have stopped wishing that the government will just get on with it.  It's hard to believe that things are getting worse and protesters (against the vaccine, against another confinement, against low pay, etc) are the only ones who are visible.  Er......is anyone in charge? 

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Mint, we think alike!  No matter which country, I am now beginning to wonder if ANYONE knows what they are doing!   Shambles. Though for the first time in several years, the UK do seem to have pretty well got their act together on vaccinations .. and made it easy .. invite from your GP .. ONLY - sister got hers and will be going on Sunday, which means in her area (Cambridgeshire) they've done the over 80's now! 

France in comparison .. seems we are the same age, as she is , why we wait .. and hope!

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Thanks for that link Norman.

I found this part very interesting.

"- le renforcement des contrôles et des sanctions, parce que «les dérives de quelques-uns ne sauraient ruiner les efforts de tous»."

I've not seen any of that in these parts.  I'd be very surprised if that changed - sadly.

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Thanks, Norman, yes, all is clearly explained in your link.

I am thinking, however, about 20 000 sm of shop space...that is HUGE.  For example, there is a big Decathlon in Angoulême that we have been to a couple of times but even that, the biggest shop I have been to around here, is not 20 000.

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It would be the whole complex,Mint.  For example the LeClerc Centre at Trélissac only the supermarket will be allowed to be open. 

Might not be good example of over 20,000 but you get my drift.  There will be bigger centres in France.

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Yes, 72 hours prior.  They have mentioned it on the news and I myself had to have the test yesterday afternoon for hospital admission Monday morning.

72 hours seem to be pretty standard.  Also, don't know about your lab.  Mine has now started emailing you  the result (very handy over a weekend) and additionally giving you an identifiant and a mot de passe to access your result on line by visiting their site.

Good luck with the dentist and be careful with the driving, especially if this awful weather is going to continue.

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