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Which poster will be the first to get the vaccine!


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  • 5 weeks later...
Well just to say that I have booked my first and second jabs now. First on the 25th of Feb, about 8 miles from home, the second in May about 12 miles from home.

This feels like a relief somehow. I know that there is still a risk of catching it, but, hopefully if I do, it will be milder.

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My wife and I had our first jabs today at CH Carcassonne. We arrived about 20 minutes before our rdv's (for 1530) and it took roughly an hour including the 15 minutes monitoring time after the jab.

I made our appointments for the first and the second jab on Jan 15th and 16th. These were immediately confirmed, and again on Feb 7th and 13th, for each of us separately, all by email, and my wife received a text message reminder yesterday, although I didn't.

We were surprised to be told that my name was not on their list, and that there was no vaccine available for me, but as it was close to their finishing time, they eventually found they had one spare dose, and were able to allocate it to me. I suppose someone didn't turn up on time.

After checking in my wife, they looked for our second jab appointments, and found that mine was there, but not my wife's! This was more easily sorted out, so we hope it will all be OK next time.

The young lady assured me that it was not the first time this had happened, and said it usually occurred when a couple had made joint appointments, so I suppose there is a glitch in the booking website.

The trouble is, that if each of a couple make their appointments separately they won't necessarily get them for the same day, which is not good if, like us, they have to travel some distance to a vaccination centre.

Our arms don't hurt - yet.

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