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l'identité numérique de la Poste


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I used to have one that I set out mainly to get on the ANTS site.  Sometimes I use it to see where parcels in transit might be.

Recently, last December, I think, I kept getting emails asking that I renew the identity.  Am I correct in thinking that this "new way" can only be available if you have a smartphone?  As I don't have such a thing, I have ignored all their emails and now I am getting the mails again asking me why I don't upgrade?

So, if anyone has this, I'd be keen to know whether it's a case of no smartphone, no identity?

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Mint, I had to look this up because I thought it was only for ANTS but I see now that it provides access to a lot of official sites. Did you get your postman to validate yours initially ?

Your query about smartphones though, yes, it's becoming more and more of a problem; as websites tighten up on security they are looking for more convenient ways of verifying that it is "you" trying to access their site. That's fine if you have a smartphone but I'm sure there are very many people who don't!

In fact I have just this weekend bought a smartphone for my wife; she is deaf so it will never be used for its original purpose, making phonecalls, but the texting and web access will be good.

We have a UK bank account with Lloyds and part of their security check is to phone you and ask you to type or say the 4-digit code that appears on the computer screen when you logon. The problem here is that she doesn't hear the instructions so doesn't know what to do. I complained about this and they have modifies their instructions to say "wait 20 seconds and then say/enter the code".

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The requirement to have a smart phone to do online banking / bank transfers/ credit card verifications etc, these days makes like difficult for those who do  not have a smart phone.  Yes.  Since this includes hubby, who has yet to use the non-smart mobile phone I bought him about 4 years ago .. indeed.

Even getting a new phone and having to put all the new verification details in is not easy, even when you do have a smart phone.  Been putting that off for about 2 months, and am still working with the old and the  new phones ..

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It was an option, amongst many that were offered, to do our proof of life for french pensions, only, we no access to any of these sites etc. So we are back to paper proof of lifes, I hope.

There is an expectation that everyone has access to everything, but the truth is that that is a nonsensical idea.

Not only France, there are a few things here that are going the way of that silly idea that 'everyone' is on line or has a smart phone etc etc.

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[quote user="sid"]Mint, I had to look this up because I thought it was only for ANTS but I see now that it provides access to a lot of official sites. Did you get your postman to validate yours initially [/quote]

To answer your question, Sid, yes.  The facteur came and looked at my passport and he inputed some data into that electronic gadget they all now carry around.  And the l'identité numérique has worked a treat when I have had to use it.

It's part of the "Connect France" system so if you have the bureau de la poste way of identifying yourself all sites which accept CF should allow you to access their site.

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It's not necessary to have a smartphone to receive the codes to verify bank transactions on our UK and French banks (Lloyds and Credit Agricole). Any mobile phone capable of sending and receiving text messages will do the job.

My wife and I both have old Nokia 3330's, which can hanmdle text messages. We have had these for years and have replaced them from time to time with reconditioned ones bought on Ebay at minimal cost. I also buy new batteries on Ebay as and when required.

I have found that leaving the phones permanently connected to their chargers, either from the mains or in the car, greatly increases battery life.

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[quote user="mint"]
Nomoss, I wasn't talking about banks.  Don't need smartphone for Nationwide, Banque Postale or even Currency Fair.

I was asking specifically about the subject topic[:)]


Sorry, I was simply trying to help by pointing out that a smart phone is not necessary for the extra checks required by other entities.

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