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Betty wrote : As I've said (several times) my current laptop came with Windows 10 and can't update it because the laptop itself hasn't enough RAM. my bad ..

If your Win10 machine is ok in all respects apart from sufficient RAM then why not buy an install-it-yourself ram upgrade, suited to your machine, from here : http://uk.crucial.com

It cost me about 40€ to add 4GB of ram to a secondhand laptop I bought. It should cost less in the UK.

** If I can do it then you can; you being younger, more savvy, feistier (is that a word ?) than me by yards.
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Sorry, Cajal, I mistakenly thought it was powerdesal who posted the link, didn't read properly. As I said, doesn't really change my views at all. I doubt I'll ever go back to a laptop as I've managed so well for so long without one.

In fact, last time I did try to use my laptop it went into a spin doing a zillion Microsoft updates, resulting in me being unable to access any ms office applications. After a day of fruitless messing and an eventual phone call to Microsoft, they gave me a new key to re-install the whole office suite. Life is too short to be doing all that faffing about.

This will no doubt bring forth a plethora of useful tips about changing to some other software as Microsoft is the spawn of the devil. Thanks.

I enjoy the fact that I can do stuff online from anywhere in the world with a gadget I can hold in the palm of my hand. I appreciate its not for everyone, but as a woman-of-a-certain-age I am well out of the loop of doing it for kudos, peer recognition or because I've been brainwashed into believing it's a must-have. If I am going to pop out and buy a new communication device, mobile or otherwise, I'll probably buy something that's as close to state of the art as I feel comfortable with. Again, not because of any need to conform, or be seen to be doing so, but simply because technology is moving quite fast, and I see little point in buying something that's 5-year-old technology when in current terms it's the equivalent of buying a penny-farthing for transport. I remember trying to teach my mum how to use a VCR. I don't want to be that sort of person as I gradually head towards my dotage. What I find a bit odd is people who have a mobile phone (for example) yet don't actually use it. If you regard them as unneccessary, just don't have one.
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CMB - contracts for mobile phones - here in France !! - you 'aving a laff ?

Take out a contract on a mobile, and the company will siphon money out of your account if you've not used the thing.   So no way am I becoming involved in that malarky.

As for PAYG - my mobile is an investment;  it is like an airbag in a car;  or ALBS - one pays for such safety, and hopes never to use it - but in an emergency one will be damned glad it's fitted and working.

Called back-up;  what they use in Shuttle space programs I believe.

As for 'not using mobile' - I HAVE used mobile, in an emergency - and I was extremely grateful I had it, charged up, topped up and ready to go.   Like a seat belt, or an air-bag - it served it's purpose when needed.

I sincerely hope never to have to use it again, but I have the security and knowle4dge that if I'm stranded, I have space programme built-in back-up.

There are some aspects of living in France, during the winter, when at dead of night after an 'incident' when the temps are well below freezing that maybe not everyone who 'visits' France has actually encountered.   Until one has, maybe it's rather unfriendly to condemn without having experienced the loneliness of the dark, deserted night - with no friendly houselights around.

You bet I was glad that I had a mobile, that I'd never used, until that point.

If you've never experienced a similar incident - then maybe not nice to pre-judge.

As for modern techno - I can raise you - HDE big flat screen tv with the B&O sound-bar etc etc.   And box with all gizmos, rewinds, pauses you can name.


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Chessie, my sweet. I pointed out I don't have a contract for a mobile. Nor do I believe I advocated anyone else having them. I don't, as such, and haven't for years. And my five French ones were all done via my credit card on monthly payments which I managed to stop (or have stopped for me when my credit card expired) I've never taken out a contract or an agreement for anything in France which involved giving access to my bank details. If they ask for a RIB, I walk away.

I'm not pre-judging you, but you do seem intent on pre-judging me with your frequent references to my perceived lifestyle and things I've "never experienced" . I don't "visit" France in the way that you infer. I've lived there, worked there and most of the time I'm there on my current "visits" which tend to last 2-3 months, I'm alone. I drive alone (sometimes even at night). I don't reserve my visits for the summer...

I don't have a lifestyle, I have a life. Just a plain, ordinary one. But don't worry, if I ever find myself needing lessons in sucking eggs,mi know where to find you x

PS Congratulations on your wonderful telly. I hope you can find something worth watching on it!
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Sue, I think you might find that you and I posted at the same time, so I wasn't ignoring you. If ever I decide to resuscitate my laptop, that's exactly what I'd planned to do! At the moment I've planned to simply manage if needs be with an SD card or the external hard drive I've already got (which happens to be the innards of a previously deceased laptop anyway)

I'm just going to mention this again, though, as it seems to keep getting overlooked: I haven't used my laptop more than twice in the last two years....I DO use my iPad daily. So I might just buy another iPad eventually.
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"The main "pro" of a mobile for me is that I pay nothing extra on top of my UK contract price to use my entire call/text/data allowance in many countries abroad."

"Chessie, my sweet. I pointed out I don't have a contract for a mobile. Nor do I believe I advocated anyone else having them. I don't, as such, and haven't for years."

Sorry but these statements on the same thread are just not compatable.
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Oh Richard, how lovely of you to pop by..I thought you might be poorly, such was your silence. I will explain, as I'm sure you will want me to. I have a monthly payment plan in the UK. I used the term "contract" for brevity. I pay monthly, thus avoiding having to pay the ridiculous additional per-call or per-minute tariffs of a PAYG contract (see what I did there? Brevity) . I can stop paying tomorrow, if I so wish, as its a sim-only arrangement.

Apropos of nothing in particular, I travelled on the world's longest cable car a couple of weeks ago. Oddly, I believe there's a separate record for the world's longest bridge. I wonder why anyone would make that distinction?

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Whenever you pay for and get services, then I believe that is a contract, whether it be daily weekly monthly, whatever. Your monthly payments presumably go to a supplier in return for their services.

Your ramblings are by no means brief and your sarcasm rather pathetic to both me and others on this thread. Ipads are not the best just because you have chosen one.

Functionality is the key word that you appear to be missing when describing things.. The airline/cable over the Thames actually bridges over the Thames - hence it can be called a bridge. What did the thing that you went on do?

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Found it rather hurtful, and extremely unfriendly, to be called a 'mug' when on a rational, logical level due to circumstances of living here in France - it makes every sense - for ME. 

Rather dismissive comment which indicates a poster not willing to listen to other's reasonable reasons for making certain decisions.

As for 'sucking eggs' and 'dotage' maybe the poster is completing a bucket list for themselves before the dotage referred to sets in !!!  

With my daughter and son-in-law running their own techno business, as well as web design and social media consultancy - won't take me more than a day or two to 'catch up' with all the latest gizmos in 2025 when we may be returning to UK.   And it'll be the latest gadgets as well - so this grannie won't need to be taught very much - I'll be ahead of the curve...........

Hey ho - takes all sorts.


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Chessie wrote:

Maybe the Ipads aren't such a great idea; not a clue cause I don't want, don't need, and not inclined to spend a lot of money just to flash around something expensive to get lost, get broken, or stolen. Not for me.

I feel sorry for some people who are always 'plugged into' their Ipads, mobiles etc - they seem to live their lives in a bubble; as in 'I'm so important, must follow social media, friends have to be able to speak to me instantly - they might forget me if they can't get hold of me right now, this instant....'

Don't need, don't want, don't like.

You live most of your life (I presume) in the UK and need to be in contact with everyone because of your busy working life, social life etc.

I live in France; I'm retired - I no longer need that 'urgent, busy, important' mode of life any more - thank goodness

There are some aspects of living in France, during the winter, when at dead of night after an 'incident' when the temps are well below freezing that maybe not everyone who 'visits' France has actually encountered. Until one has, maybe it's rather unfriendly to condemn without having experienced the loneliness of the dark, deserted night - with no friendly houselights around.

Oblique references to people who "flash around" iPads, the "I'm so important" jibes, the "people who "visit" France....

No different really, than me asking "who's the mug and you assuming it was a reference to you...

Richard: I'm no fan of the iPad in particular. I've consistently stuck to a policy of not having an iPhone, because I refuse to entrust my entire online life to Apple. I began by pointing out that my decision was based on a combination of price and convenience. It's cheaper than any comparable alternatives. That. Is. All. But you'll find a way of twisting almost everything I say because you derive some perverse amusement from it. Whatever.
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Betty - how the hell can you dare make assumptions about my health.

Your posts are based on northern lass made good (by whatever rmeans ) and everybody on here who doesnt speak french, or even does speak french but is poor, is less than me because I've done well ( by whatever means). I therefore know best and have lived near royalty. I'm poor but can spend lots of money if necessary.

I make the comment "by whatever mean" because you have not explained why you know better.. Please do. Can I remember that your OH have different qualities?

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One wonders why threads don't get replies, or even new threads started? ?

Just read back on this one and see all the back stabbing and unpleasantness and perhaps that explains.

Members may feel they won't bother to post or reply due to some of the unpleasantness.

This used to be a very informative forum, but now mostly an argumentative one.
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Hello woolypully - yeah like you referring to me twice as 'cheesy' Chessie;  is it wonder some of us don't wish to post on here.

Anyway my little scrumptious wolwe piesang - I'm sure that won't make you any more tetchy or grumpy than you already are ! - bless.

As for the 'assumptions' about flashing around Ipads - I was really talking generally about how some people behave; the fact that one of the posters took it personally was rather illuminating I thought.

Never mind everyones, life's too short to bother with the flashy showoffs, the know-it alls who tell everyone what to do, and refuse to apologise for their sheer crassness.

Why is everyone so bad tempered.

Feel sorry for Idun who started this, in all innocence..........

Au revoir - Chessie

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Tis  true, wooly gives us nicknames, I really don't mind and yours has come from my auto correct pad, which always writes Cheese when I write Chessie, and it drives me mad. Your name getting mixed up is not the worst thing it does by any means.

And grumps and insults, when was the board other than that, a mix of everything really. I don't mind it, even when I am the brunt of stuff.

And being grumpy, well, we are all getting older and maybe patience about lots of stuff is harder to summons a lot of the time or is that just me!?

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Look, I'm happy to apologise wholeheartedly to anyone I've offended.. And big enough to accept that attack isn't always the best line of defence. I cracked. It wasn't big or clever.

Richard, you have me so very wrong. But your opinion is your opinion. I suspect we don't (and never will) have the same sense of humour. You can't see mine, that's certain.

Chessie, I think we are both guilty of assumption making an ass..etc. I wasn't making direct reference to you in the comments you chose to take exception to, either.I have, as I pointed out, loads of friends like you who have mobile phones they don't switch on.

Everybody else: thanks for all the time taken to help me resolve the problems with my laptop. I still don't plan to buy another one.

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What a fuss ... never any need to point at someone, we are ALL different, with different needs and wants ... I don't love my Ipad or my Iphone, but they serve a useful purpose for me. ... and I do sometimes wish that I could be like Chessie (love cheesy as a nickname, but I am sure you are NOT!) and I could to those days when computers were not so prevalent.  Mind you my career would have gone in a totally different direction if that were so.

As the reading I have to do tomorrow at our local English speaking church says (Colossians) : Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against each other.

Happy Mothering Sunday to all!

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Richard51, I have no idea how you will take this, because I always find you exceptionally prickly.

It feels like endless complaints about posters, posting off topic, which has always happened, bit like any conversation between humans, which take on a life of their own, as has this thread.

And on this one, well feels like you have really gone off on a tangent and are making comments that are uncalled for.

We are grown ups and we all know what we know, and is anyone suggesting that their needs and requirements for such things as all this 'technology' HAS to be the same as everyone else's.

And I didn't understand the bit about speaking french, at all. But there is so much in this life that is beyond my comprehension!
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