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A nasty moment in Paris

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A Catholic memorial procession in memory of religious folk killed during the Paris Commune by the Communards was attacked by extreme Left elements. Still angry? Why the heck do they have to be so childish? Leave well alone

albf is right about rising levels of violence?



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Nobody was interested in my previous posts about the Commune until this happened.[:-))]

Always ask yourself in whose interest is it that I am  seeing an item in the news?  Someone with an agenda has put it there.

I notice an increasing focus in the media on acts of violence, in part provoked by the Presidential campaign in which the extreme right have put their money on alarming the electorate

Look at the propaganda spewed out by this channel

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[quote user="NormanH"]
Always ask yourself in whose interest is it that I am  seeing an item in the news?  Someone with an agenda has put it there.


Every time I see a link to The Guardian I'm forced to ask myself that very question.

And every time I watch the BBC News - again,  for some reason - I find myself wondering whose agenda is being ticked off,   box by box.

Curious though,  because I always thought that CNews was considered a bit to the Left,  and that it was BFM that was slightly to the Right.   Maybe that has changed recently...?

Incidentally if you want a laugh at The Guardian's expense there's a hilarious article from Spring 2020 predicting doom and gloom for Britain because it wasn't part of the EU's Vaccine Procurement Programme.   


And more recently Polly Toynbee appears to have been driven delusional by her disappointment that Brexit hasn't caused a complete collapse for Britain.

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Even the Catholic paper La Croix noticed that  "cet événement était une aberration spirituelle et politique".

"Le contexte était celui d’une guerre civile et d’une guerre de classes.

La répression féroce des communards, que l’Église institutionnelle

laissa faire
, a suscité une triste dynamique consistant à faire de

certains religieux des boucs émissaires."

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