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A Danger of Civil War in France?

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My view is that this is a complete load of hype and nonsense. There is no risk of civil war in France, there never has been. Civil unrest , yes but civil war , no. Macron may, or may not, make concessions, that is. very much the French way. I think that like all of his predecessors, he will make concessions. He has already. But civill war, absolute nonsense. The majority of the French people may not like him but civil war? It is too ridiculous for words. I'm surprised that some people even think it a possibility. Most people are not that stupid!
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That would seem logical, Ken but the tribune published today seems to have been signed by 163000 folk. Now, if those are all soldiers with guns..

I dont think civil war is round the corner but there are certainly areas where the rule of the Republique’s laws does not seem to run.
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This is the original article:

There is very little known about who is really behind today's article since it  is anonymous.
It rather breaches journalistic standards to publish it, but then that site is really only propaganda.

That is not to say that  some of the concerns are not widely spoken about, but the timing is significant, a month before the regional and departmental elections and suggests a  political agenda behind the scenes.

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BANANA: 163000 folk. Now, if those are all soldiers with guns

IF, a very big 'if' and most unlikely. But even if it were The population of France is around 60 million!! so a few disaffected soldiers, even with guns, are of little consequence. France is as famous for its riots as it is for its monuments. No, I don't think you believe there could be civil war in a nation that shows little or no sign of it. Riots, perhaps but life is too good; and they know it!
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Non of the armed forces in most countries are trained nor equipped to work on the streets as Policemen, against drug dealers, criminals or rioters.

Our Naval training in crowded control, armed at the time as a squad with 7.62 SLRs consisted of one volley over the heads of the crowd. If that did not work, then "shoot the person wearing the green scarf". (actually the words used by the GIs were "shoot the tall fuzzy-wuzzy with the scarf, but times have changed)

Sailors/soldiers/airmen are not trained to negotiate with the enemy. Arms are myopic and heavy handed when dealing with civilians.

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It is very dark in France at the moment.

It will only get worse.

I have said it before and I will say it again...DON'T move to France. Stay clear.

I started a thread on another forum a good few months back. Maybe a year. 'Is France becoming more violent' ?

I got vilified by the 'place in the Sun's'. Of course they have no idea. Living in rural land beside their swimming pools, watching Sky One on their Ipads and drinking rosé all day.

The French news has endless streams about voilence in France. You could say it is out of control. It is the biggest debate in France.

Ask anyone what their biggest concerns are in France. They will say 'Security'.

France is out of control.

Give it a few years....and things are going to turn very bad.
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Actually there are many countries where the police that you see every day are part of the armed forces, including the Gendarmerie in France!

Armed forces police from all branches in the UK receive excellent training and participate daily in police work, albeit on military bases or with military personnel. I am sure that they would do a reasonable job on the streets to assist or temporarily replace the civil police if it ever became necessary. I suspect that the same applies to the French armed forces.

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As things stand they would perhaps be employed in those banlieus or estates where the drug gangs have taken over and need to be weeded out. As we have seen with the policeman shot dead the other day the gangs are well armed and getting bolder. Time to call a halt.
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[quote user="Meek Megan "]Armed forces police from all branches in the UK receive excellent training and participate daily in police work, albeit on military bases or with military personnel. I am sure that they would do a reasonable job on the streets to assist or temporarily replace the civil police if it ever became necessary. I suspect that the same applies to the French armed forces.[/quote]

That would require a change in the law.  Policing as such by the military is a no no in the UK.

Assisting the Civil Force in emergency is permitted but, as I said, not policing.

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  • 4 weeks later...
If you are referring to my last post, Ken, then the article is there on the web in a publication called Unherd, but the link works too. It refers to the habit of the French of running themselves down, essentially and to the problem of population reduction.

Try and read it, even if you have to use the dictionary for the long words. There are, by the way, simplified dictionaries for children and learners of English!?
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[quote user="anotherbanana"]If you are referring to my last post, Ken, then the article is there on the web in a publication called Unherd, but the link works too. It refers to the habit of the French of running themselves down, essentially and to the problem of population reduction.

Try and read it, even if you have to use the dictionary for the long words. There are, by the way, simplified dictionaries for children and learners of English!?[/quote]

I'm not sure who he is replying to, he's often a bit random.

Maybe a quick lesson in forum etiquette would help, such as mentioning the name of the person to whom the reply is being made.

I think there are some "sticky" notes on the forum home page.

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There does seem to be some confusion! I was replying to Nick.

Thank you for for explaining that there is a dictionary for idiots. I see there are others who have jumped on the bandwagon. Perhaps they , also could benefit from the dictionary!

The point , anyway, that seems to have escaped you, and others, is that Cheesy stated something stupid and Nick P questioned it. I was simply saying that he wouldn't get an answer because it was stupid!!!

I don't know, and don't care, that you may have been offended. I was replying to NIckP. In fact still stick to it, he won't get a reply!
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[quote user="Ken"]There does seem to be some confusion! I was replying to Nick. .......................[/quote]

It doesn't make any sense to reply to a post made over six weeks ago and several pages back without any reference or quotation to indicate to whom you are replying.

Or do you just troll the forum looking for someone or something to disagree with?

And you're the one who keeps calling people stupid [:-))]

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Banana Ken, in future perhaps you might indicate to whom you are replying so that confusion might be avoided. Otherwise I fear we shall have Schleswig Holstein all over again You are right in that I should have indicated where the reply was to go!

It was my mistake. I could make an excuse as to how it happened but doubt it would be believed.
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