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the next president of France?


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That is true, nimty. But the current leader in the polls is Xavier Bertrand who has been around a ling time, with good experience and better known to the people.

He does no seem haughty, was not educated to run the country ( former insurance salesman) and has a better public profile.

There may be other candidates who have yet to declare such as Edouard Phillippe, the former PM who seems universally respected.
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[quote user="NormanH"]None of the people who have declared themselves candidates so far...


Well, they'd better get a move on then, hadn't they?  What is it, a bare 8 month?

When Macon won, he'd been preparing for 18 months.

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The extreme left are having their ‘Cirque d’Hiver’ this weekend which should be fun for them, rather like gang warfare with truncheons and spikes. The last person standing should be the candidate except for Melonshoe La Geueule who will stand against whoever, wearing silk suits as ever.

And the Socialists might get stuck with She who is Mare of Paris!

Poor France. Seems they might be stuck with Macron, except for LaPlume de ma Droite.
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The article you posted about the profile of the protesters against the pass sanitaire gives an idea of the strands of thought that make up the right-wing electorate, and the Catho-facho one is quite voluble on social matters (anti-abortion, anti same -sex marriage etc).
In my town the Deputé (who also happens to be the Maire's xème wife) belongs to this group, hence the fact that since he is place there has been the absurdity of a Mass in the arena to 'celebrate' the opening of the corrida

It is not only the left that is made up of irreconcilable splinters.

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I liked, from the Midi Libre article, Ciotti's "un projet pour plus d’autorité, plus de liberté" - good luck on combining them!

Also, Barnier seems to be taking a leaf out of the Brexiters' playbook (and maybe spiking the big guns of the extreme right) with his "limiter l’immigration et la maîtriser" ...

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