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Dover: Operation Stack has just Started again


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Same problem in Calais last Thursday, 17 Feb, when I was heading back to the Tunnel from near Dunkerque on the A16.  And entrance slip roads to the A16 from the outskirts of Calais were closed.
I spotted the queue in time to turn off into Calais, work my way round through Sangatte and then directly across country to the Tunnel terminal.

Is it to do with the damage to ferry ramps at Dover on 11 Feb?


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[quote]Excuse me for being dumb, what is operation stack? I can only assume that plod stop people heading to Dover, am I correct? If so is that legal?John[/quote]

No, of course it isn't legal. The police frequently hold up hundreds of trucks in plain view without any legal advice whatsoever. They just do it on a whim, or hold competitions to think of the most illegal thing they can get away with today.

Do you really think that Kent Police do totally illegal things in plain sight of the world's media?
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Just rung P and O ferries travellers advice line which is fairly useless.


"They hope the problem with the berth bays at Calais will be resolved by 1st March 2005. Delays are to be expected until then"

They will not give refunds or change web purchased tickets.

Mmm.... Last time I travel with that shower. No wonder they are loosing money.
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I think the police behaviour is outrageous , they should keep the lorries moving anticlockwise a20 -dover -a2- m2 -m25 - a20 etc etc , and just let into the docks whichever lorries happen to be passing when there is some space available, a bit like musical chairs. A bit of fun would brighten the drivers day instead of just sitting there waiting like lemons.


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Logan: it's hardly P&O's fault, I'd be the last person to try and excuse them, but it's out of their control.

I travelled over the night of 11/12 Feb, and came back over the night of 19/20 Feb.

We had two and a half hours delay going out, but were put on a ferry an hour EARLY coming back as we arrived at the port in good time.

Apparently, P&O are refusing to carry day-trippers/booze-cruisers at peak times to allow others to cross...........that from Invicta Radio on the way down Kent, so apparently they DO care about us


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We travelled out on the evening of Friday 11th.  Signs on the M40,M25,M20 etc warned of 2 hour delays at Dover.  We hit the queue about 5miles out of Dover where both lanes of the dual carriageway were blocked with cars and lorries therefore we had a long wait.  Once we got into Dover the police were only allowing cars down the one side - pity they didn't start this earlier.  One lorry tried to risk it and was turned back all the way to rejoin the lorry queue -shame!

Our P & O Pirate vessel was due out at 9am but we did not get on board until 3am!  Felt sorry for the teachers in the coaches full of children off skiing - Chaos in the shop, etc at the Port and wonder how much shoplifting went on that night

Not sure why motorway signs were not truthful saying 2 hrs when in reality the delay was over 6 hours? 

Coming back we were delayed by an hour and a half.

Much grumbling from me (as usual when we have these delays) about how we should of booked the tunnel or been a bit quicker off the mark with booking with Speedferries!


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Does anyone know what the legal position is regarding these delays. If P & O cannot gurantee my sailing times surely I should receive a refund or am I being unrealistic? It really is a pain going to UK and expecting to be delayed for hours just because I can't get my money back. Just tough is P&O's attitude.
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[quote]Does anyone know what the legal position is regarding these delays. If P & O cannot gurantee my sailing times surely I should receive a refund or am I being unrealistic? It really is a pain going to U...[/quote]

Firstly, the delays are not the fault of P&O and secondly in the circumstances you will probably find that P&O will credit you with your payment against a new booking if you wish to cancel. Finally, P&O are still transporting  you as agreed across the Channel even though you may be delayed, I really cannot see that you have any claim against them.



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[quote]Firstly, the delays are not the fault of P&O and secondly in the circumstances you will probably find that P&O will credit you with your payment against a new booking if you wish to cancel. Fi...[/quote]

Half a mo Baz! You don't work for P&O do you?

I make a contract with P&O to ship me at agreed times and days and hand over my hard earned dosh. They accept the challenge of the contract. In other words we have a deal. They now find they cannot honour the deal. Thats their problem. They at the very least should give me my money back. It's a long time since I lived in UK but I didn't think things had changed that much.
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