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Asbestos survey


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We bought a house in France last year, and the Asbestos survey noted that there was no asbestos in the house.  However, we have now found out that there is asbestos in the terrace roof.  When the survey firm was contacted, they said they knew about the asbestos, but didn't include it in their report since the asbestos was not inside the house.

Is it true that the survey only needs to indicate if there is asbestos inside the house, not on terraces and other semi-open structures that are attached to the house? 

If the survey is supposed to report all asbestos findings - do we have any recourse since it was omitted from the report or do we just thave to take it on the chin and pay for the removal ourselves?


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Very strange reporting procedure, ours even reported a sheet of asbestos which was leaning against the greenhouse wall!!!!!!

As for getting rid of it, do you want or need to? Would knowledge of its presence have stopped you buying the house? Is it causing you a problem? Or are you perhaps over reacting to the media hype about all asbestos being dangerous, blue is dangerous, brown possibly ( I dont know), white asbestos dust is about as harmless as talcum powder, ie I wouldn't want to breathe or digest either.

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Off at a slight tangent but in UK I had a large old shed to sestruct with a white asbestos roof and was quoted £600 for the job from a commercial outfit.

They also told me if I brought it to them they would charge £2.50/kg for disposal but then pointed out that to transport it I would need an hermetically sealed container....!

I got rid of it by "other means", nuff said.....................[;-)]

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We think it is a bit strange as well...it may have something to do with the French owner being on site and living there while the survey was being carried out?  I am wondering if he convinced the survey guys not to report it...

I think we would have still gone ahead with the purchase, but put in a requirement that the asbestos be removed prior to completion.  We may be overreacting, but I don't know how dangerous it is...and just to give you a sense how this affects perspective:  our cat loves to go and sleep inside the gaps in the terrace roof. Now she has some skin and breathing problems - I can't help but wonder if the asbestos had anything to do with it?  Probably not, but the suspicion lingers...

Plus, of course, it might impact resale value in the future.  

Any idea if under French law, the guy who was the prev. owner is still responsible for the asbestos disposal?

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We have written to the notaire - while we wait for a response, we would love to get some outside perspective (and perhaps someone else has been in a similar situation...?)
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All asbestos should have been included in the report. If it's cement bonded sheeting then it should be possible to take it to your decheterie. You'll need to wrap it in plastic bags or something similar. Make sure you use a good face mask whilst removing it though.
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I tried taking a small amount to the decheterie a few weeks ago, it was a definite no-no. After a discussion which ended up being a group discussion with the locals I was advised to find a farmer friend and ask him to bury it!!!!!!! Eco friendly ----not.

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I didn't read the posting properly and realise that it was an outside structure, however my posting remains unchanged


What the survey company have told you is absolutely correct.

If however the room under the roof was not isolated from the asbestos by a ceiling then they would have reported it.

I had exactly the same situation with my property, one roof over a boiler house was reported but the kitchen roof was not. I also think but cannot recall with certainty that the garage roof was not mentioned. The report did however mention an asbestos chimney lining which was hidden from view.

It makes sense really when you think about it, roofs are on plain view for all to see and do not represent a health risk unless disturbed or not isolated from the living space, most houses in my region still have asbestos "ardoises".

I could not take mine to my local dechetterie, they advised me to tip it on a country foot path (I do lots of randonees and it certainly does make a good surface!), my Maire also said to dig a hole, but be aware that future testing will be sure to include soil examination.

The dechetterie of another commune does accept it but only from their residents (who have paid for it in their taxes). I finally bagged it all up and transported it to the UK where my local dump has to begrudgingly accept it from householders although there was a risk from the Douanes when I left my departement.

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