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Acte de mariage

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Our daughter is to be married at our local mairie very soon; both she and the bridegroom are British.  When the formalities are complete I gather they will be given a copy of the acte de mariage which they will then have translated by a 'traducteur expert' and the two documents together will serve as the equivalent of a UK marriage certificate.  I understand from the British consulate in Paris that if the mairie completes a form called 'formule plurilingue d'extrait de l'acte de mariage' and returns it to the consulate, the marriage can (for a fee) then be registered in the UK.  The likelihood of our tiny mairie having such a form, or being able to get it in the few days remaining before the wedding, is quite small and they have already told us that they will only issue one copy of the acte. Submitting the original acte plus translation via the consulate to the Registry in Southport (who will not return any documentation submitted) is the other route to UK registration.

UK registration of the marriage is not essential: but if my daughter and her husband should ever need another original version of their acte de mariage (if it gets lost or destroyed for example, or if they simply need another officially issued copy) what is the procedure for doing this in France?  Is it done through the Mairie who issued it, or is it done through the prefecture or a central registry?  And does anyone know if the
formule plurilingue d'extrait de l'acte de mariage can be downloaded from any official site?



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The mairie where the marriage took place will issue copies of the acte de mariage FOC (Copie de l'acte de mariage)

They will need to present IDs and the Livret de Famille which will be given to them on their marriage (copies of the same if by post).

The multilingual version sould also be requested at the mairie where the ceremony took place (Traduction d'une pièce d'état civil)

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