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No hand luggage on UK flights ...............


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[quote user="Russethouse"]Give it a week and Shami  Chakrabarti will be on our screens ..........( I know I'm a dreadful old cynic)[/quote]

A long as a week - surely not??[;-)] She's probably already booked for Andrew Marr's prog on Sunday morning[:)]

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I would feel safer flying tomorrow than ever!

Thats probably my warped logic... but it's when we / the Security forces let their guard down that we have to worry.

I don't know what would be worse ,  if it turns out to have been a genuine but thwarted threat or a dodgy intelligence threat.

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Chris pp wrote

"Yes indeed, Hoddy, let's not forget the fanatics, where ever they are.

No doubt we all have different views on who they are."

I don't know if our basic views on this would be different,Chris. I do know which particular set seem intent on blowing up me and mine at the moment.


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This is by no means the last word on the matter, but I sense no major disagreement:

  • Today wasn't 'frivolous' (surely nobody could feel that it was just done 'for an exercise'?)
  • Life has to go on - i.e. we'd most of us turn up to fly tomorrow
  • Security is an ever-increasing problem and it's close to impossible to prevent a determined attack
  • Inconvenience is short-term, however frustrating (easy for me to say, sitting here, but ......)

Twenty years + ago, I can well remember Ken Livingstone saying on a radio talk show that "There has to be a political solution in NI". "It's the only way to peace".  Others with me at the time ranted.  I was influenced by what he said and of course he was right. (Hope that I'm not treading on any toes here - not intended).

What we are facing is an ever-escalating situation that threatens us and those closest to us.  Where is the UN in all of this?  If it can't be effective (which it hasn't been for decades), how can all the agencies here and elsewhere be when they're operating essentially in reactive mode?

Good day because nobody was hurt: those arrested will be charged or not in due course.

Bad day for the future - as far as we can see at the moment.

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Back for a moment to the question of hand luggage.......I can't find an answer to this and Ryanair do not have information on their site.

My husband is flying to the UK next week for a wedding. He sent his case to the UK with his parents last week and has booked a flight only, no luggage.

Does he now have to book a piece of luggage on the flight as he still has to take the items which were going in his hand luggage? In total these consist of a wedding present, card, shoes ( which he forgot to put in his case )! Weight around 3kg!

Will he have to pay now for a piece of luggage? Cheaper to do now than at the Airport.

Any info gratefully received. I appreciate the question seems trivial in relation to the discussion which has gone on before this, but we still need to know.

Thanks all.

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[quote user="vickybear"]

Back for a moment to the question of hand luggage.......I can't find an answer to this and Ryanair do not have information on their site.


Vickybear, Ryanair certainly have information on their site regards the current hand luggage rules, For your convenience I have copied them below.

Hand Baggage Restrictions - Flights Departing from the UK

The UK Government has advised UK airports that no items of passenger hand baggage may be carried on board any departing flight from any UK airport. This instruction applies to all airlines operating from UK airports.

Passengers are not permitted to carry the following onboard:

Handbaggage, including ladies handbags, electrical or battery powered items including laptops, mobile phones, ipods, electrial key fobs.

The only items permitted to be carried onboard are the following items:

Travel Documents (passport), Keys (but no electrical key fobs), baby food, milk, sanitary items and prescribed medicines (except in liquid form unless verified as authentic) essential for the duration of the flight.

I think you will find that the charge for hold luggage has been waived.


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The answer might not be straightforward. I would suggest you ring Ryanair but be prepared for variation when you are at the airport.

My daughter flew from Nantes to Manchester last night - Thurs 10 Aug - with hand luggage in the cabin ie bag with camera, mobile phone etc. We had rung Aerarann and they said to pack everything in the hold luggage with purse, passport, ticket etc to be hand-held, then when she arrived at check-in discovered she was allowed to have small cabin luggage after all.

There was tight security at the airport with armed police strategically placed and very careful scrutiny of all belongings - the staff were very security conscious but extremely pleasant and agreeable.


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On TV this morning Simon Calder said that those flying in to the UK were able to carry hand luggage, but those flying out, and using internal flights, were not allowed any (apart from bits previously stated).

He also said that once past security there is nothing to stop you buying stuff at the Duty/Tax free shops (if they have any at your airport!) - which presumably will be checked again at the gate where you will need to show a receipt.

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I have just read through this thread and wanted to make a few comments.

Will – I can’t find any info on the increase in baggage allowance limits given there is no hand baggage allowed on Ryanair. Many others it seems still have no information on this. Baz has made an assumption that they won’t charge extra which is pretty reasonable but we all know the French and if it’s not written down and told to them 5 times they may be liable to charge. I must say that I am shocked that Ryanair have not put anything about this on their website.

Juddith – Your comments got loads of replies. I also lived and worked in central London and yes you still have things in place because of terrorist, the ‘ring of steel’ and the lack of bins at stations are just a couple.

The problem facing anti terrorist specialists with the new type of terrorist is that unlike before they are dealing with fanatics who are quit happy to martyr themselves. Unlike the IRA who only blew themselves up by accident these people think nothing of doing it deliberately.

Where it has all moved on from is that before you had people in the Middle East, Asia etc who were not educated listening to religious leaders who were extremely educated and they effectively brainwashed the people in to doing some of these things. Now in the UK we have educated and even well educated people of UK citizenship willing to do the same and this is very frightening. I have always thought that educated people who could think for themselves would, by the use of simple logic, realise that the only people who win are the ‘top’ people in these organisations who live in luxury and have an unlimited income.

To say the response is over reacting is a bit stupid, how would you have felt if  a member of your family was on one of the planes that may have been blown up, I think you would have blamed the government for not doing enough to stop them in the first place. That’s certainly what I felt when all my windows were blown out when the bomb went off in Docklands. I see the police who shot the guy on the tube are back at work and so they should be, they did their job and they did it well. If the guy did have a bomb and killed 50 people the police still would have been blamed.

Personally I would bring the death penalty back (very happy to pull the handle or whatever myself) for terrorists and I would also introduce the stripping of citizenship for people having anything to do with terrorism. Ok you can all have a go at me for that one but I don’t care, I am fed up with the ‘politically correct’ brigade and the ‘nanny state’ lot, I want me and my family to be safe at ANY cost and I believe that I am not the only one who really feels this way.

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Couldn't agree with you more, Quillan. I am pleased to see someone else backing the police who shot that Brazilian; OK he didn't have a bomb, but he was in the country illegally, and I know that is not a shooting offence, but he shouldn't have run away - he spoke perfectly good English, so it wasn't a case of not understanding. The police acted as they saw fit at the time given the circumstances, and the heightened threats, they were working under. I'll no doubt, also, get flack for that comment.

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[quote user="Quillan"]

Personally I would bring the death penalty back (very happy to pull the handle or whatever myself) for terrorists and I would also introduce the stripping of citizenship for people having anything to do with terrorism. Ok you can all have a go at me for that one but I don’t care, I am fed up with the ‘politically correct’ brigade and the ‘nanny state’ lot, I want me and my family to be safe at ANY cost and I believe that I am not the only one who really feels this way.


I would never argue with a statement like that.  It is coming to a point where I feel gagged and frustrated with it all.

Anyway, just leaving now to get on an aeroplane (I hope).  Right where are my shades...... Toodle pip[8-|][B]

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[quote user="Benjamin"]With you 100% Quillan but how do you strip the third generation of an immigrant family, and presumably remove their entitlement to a British passport.

Would they then be kicked out of the country and to where?


Thats a gigantic leap...............before we go down this road perhaps you should check out your own ancestry? Many people who think they are British through and through may find that either their grandparents or great grandparents would have been sent back under that 'rule'

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[quote user="Benjamin"]With you 100% Quillan but how do you strip the third generation of an immigrant family, and presumably remove their entitlement to a British passport.

Would they then be kicked out of the country and to where?


If they don't like it here, and they obviously don't otherwise they would not be doing what they are doing, they can blame their parents or grand parents I really don't care just strip them of their citizen ship and passport and ship them out. As to where I don't really care either but I would suggest they get sent to wherever these terrorists actually operate from (Pakistan, the Middle East wherever). Perhaps the thought of a tent in the desert or halfway up a mountain with no internet, telly, books or local Tesco's etc might make them realise just how lucky they are.

These 'religious' dissidents up the north of England, I'm talking about 'captain hook' or whatever name 'The Sun' gave him as I can’t even remember his real name, comes to the UK as a political refugee then tells people to kill none Muslims. Why bother with putting him on remand, having a trial etc it's all a waste of money. We all heard his speeches and saw his videos on the telly just ship him out save ourselves a pile of grief (and money and his mates with him). Remember human rights belong to humans and these sort of people are animals and therefore devoid of any rights.

I am sure the average Muslim is also horrified at what some people do in the name of their religion and we MUST remember that these morons represent something like 0.0000000000001 percent of their faith and the rest of them are decent hard working fully valued members of the community.

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[quote user="Russethouse"]

[quote user="Benjamin"]With you 100% Quillan but how do you strip the third generation of an immigrant family, and presumably remove their entitlement to a British passport.

Would they then be kicked out of the country and to where?


Thats a gigantic leap...............before we go down this road perhaps you should check out your own ancestry? Many people who think they are British through and through may find that either their grandparents or great grandparents would have been sent back under that 'rule'


If your not a terrorist you have nothing to worry about just like the millions and millons of second and third generation immigrants who have fully integrated and are a credit to their community, quite simple really.

We are far to 'politically correct', we have no free speech in the UK and I am sure that if 'they' could read our thoughts we would get 'done' for that as well (thinking that is). How long will people just lay back, stick their feet in the air and get walked all over by the 'do gooders' and 'politically correct' brigade, I get so anoyed with it I really do. In fact I am so annoyed I will have to walk away from the keyboard else I type something I could get banned for.

Does anyone know if the no hand luggae rule applies to TB when (and if) he goes back to the UK, I really hope he enjoys his holiday and his little one to ones with George over the old dog and bone. Obviously the situation is not that bad else he would be back in the UK PDQ to give his fellow countrymen (and women) a bit of moral support, on second thoughts cancel that as he doesn't really give a toss anyway and if it does hit the fan there's always Jonney two jags ready to sort it all out, now hold that thought [:D] .

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Quillan is usually a voice of good humored, laid-back reason on this site. When he starts voicing saloon bar solutions, it shows how far outrageous behavior has made reasonable people feel.

I agree with his starting points in that I also think that the British are ill-advised to give shelter, comfort and give benefits to those who wish (or support those who wish) to murder at random any of us who travel by tube or plane or just live in the kingdom.

Problem is that our immigration policies, and how our immigrants were assimilated, have been for so long been subjects one could not discuss or question, without the inevitable cry of 'racist’ being shrieked. So a benign post-war British policy of wanting to help those less well off than ourselves, has got skewed by the multi-cultural agenda, to such an extent that the police yesterday were still carefully claiming that they did not believe that any particular ethnic or religious group were behind this emergency.

Thought we all on this forum, seem to like to slag off the Americans, they have handled the sensitivities of immigration much better than us.

There ain’t an easy answer - but for the health of our inter-community relations the status quo is not healthy as the tensions in our society are being heightened.

I hope a consensus is emerging where our politicians can rationally dare to address the topic of multiculturalism. The fact that, as Margaret Hodges found out, that solid Labour voters are drifting to the BNP, I had hoped would mean that our governmemt would start addressing the issues, if only out of self preservation.

Myself, I am with Lord Tebbit and his cricket test. Isn’t it so good to see the well-assimilated new members of our national cricket team.

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Renaud – Why thank you although I think some may beg to differ.

I just want to be clear on point so there is no miss-understanding. I don’t know what ethnic background these people come from only that I caught on a TV channel that they are (allegedly) Muslim. Muslims, like Christians, Jews and other religious groups are not restricted to any nationality. Anyone holding UK citizenship and a UK passport who conspires or participates in terrorism, including a person who’s ancestry is British beyond reproach, should be stripped of their citizenship and passport then thrown out. Their actions alone indicate quite loudly that they do not wish to participate in British society. I mentioned one particular character who entered the UK as a refugee and then stirred up trouble and preached murder as just a general example and it is something that has been well publicised.

What of course does worry me is that people assume that Muslims are all the same colour and ethnic background and should the suspects indeed turn out to be Muslims I would hate to see the vast majority of decent Muslims tarred with the same brush which would be unforgivable.

I did see Mrs ‘O’s post before it was deleted and to anyone else who saw it I totally disagree with her comments.

Juswundrin – I am not sure where you are coming from only to say he didn’t so it’s emotive.

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I read somewhere recently a quip that 'whilst most Muslims are not terrorists, most terrorists are (today) Muslims' and I agree with that. Tuesday the Deputy Commissioner was addressing the Black Police Association voicing his concerns about young 'Asians' ( I hate that term ) being profiled because they are Muslims, but unfortunately, if the cap fits...

Today in the Guardian, though the 'community leaders' ( another loathesome term) were voicing their concerns , it did seem that their priority lay with how all this would affect the Muslim community rather than expressing downright disgust, condemnation etc at how a few disaffected nutters are hiding behind the Islamic religion.

Even Enoch Powell at the height of his raving, didn't see a day like yesterday coming !

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So  Mary, killing an unarmed man is now

OK because he shouldn’t have run and anyway, he was a supposed illegal immigrant having lived here for 3 years, then who or what kind of people are we now ?

His parents and his family are distraught, oh too bad you imply,  they can read on here that he was justifiably

shot and killed. Somewhere, some of us have forgotten what life can mean to

people, having a child killed because he refused to stop, could happen to

absolutely anyone’s son or daughter. We will never know if he heard or

understood, he is dead.......others cannot answer either of thsoe questions. We have to put our hands up and say he was

unlawfully killed or is it because he was black and a foreigner, that he “could”

well have been a terrorist?

If we follow that line, it will be no wonder that terrorism will continue to grow from

small beginnings,  new groups will appear and we will then put the blame once

again on others whilst blindly shouting kill the infidels…oh dear, that’s what

the terrorists shout I believe…….We may feel we are aloof from it all but go

and ask the thousands upon thousands of dead innocents that have been

slaughtered in the cause of “freeing” nations. How many innocents should die, to

bring a so called freedom to a country. How many believe that Iraq or Afghanistan will be all the better countries

for all what is happening there,  in

their lifetime ? And don’t blindly take the Blair is a villain stance because

any party in power would have done exactly the same, including the Liberals.

[quote]If you are not a terrorist you have nothing to worry about just like the

millions and millons of second and third generation immigrants who have fully

integrated and are a credit to their community, quite simple really.[/quote]

 Is that so, someone forgot to tell  Jean

Charles de Menezes, 27,  who was shot

seven times in the head and once in the shoulder. Remember, they said initially

that he was wearing a big overcoat that could have concealed a bomb, the truth

was it was thin denim jacket. He was also held down to identify, before being shot.....


[quote] We are far to 'politically correct',

we have no free speech in the UK [/quote]

What no free speech at all,

funny, the red tops spurt an awful lot of right wing propaganda, is that OK or

do you actually mean that racist abuse should be allowed from all  sides, that would make

for some interesting times I’m sure.

[quote] In fact I am so annoyed I will have to walk away from the keyboard else I

type something I could get banned for.[/quote]

Oh how funny, that being your job having others banned !  I think you are

pretty safe, you have a little word that says moderator, it has served you well

in the past. So now perhaps this will be seen by the wrong person(s) and it

will actually be me being banned, which would be rather ironic, considering your passionate

plea for free speech, which  bizarrely, you

denied another................... I know, don’t answer, one rule for some…..

[quote] Does anyone know if the no hand luggae rule applies to TB when (and if) he

goes back to the UK,

I really hope he enjoys his holiday and his little one to ones with George over

the old dog and bone. Obviously the situation is not that bad else he would be

back in the UK PDQ to give his fellow countrymen (and women) a bit of moral

support, on second thoughts cancel that as he doesn't really give a toss anyway

and if it does hit the fan there's always Jonney two jags ready to sort it all

out, now hold that thought

So as ever, any so called serious post ends up in a political bashing…Oh I

am pretty sure, for fairly obvious reasons TB won’t need to go through the checks. So let’s get on our high horses

how a PM does not have to.

I have been through this elsewhere and as has been stated, in a job

as intense a his, having a vacation must be extremely important . There

are instant communications possible to him, he spent a long time with

several important

people  on the Israel

and Iraq

conflicts before he went

and no doubt he feels his Home Sec, Sir John Reid is capable of

dealing with the newest problem. William Hague has stated said it was

not on to

recall Parliament on this matter and should anything else happen after


another re-call it simply was not recall parliament when it was not

absolutely necessary. I find it quite sick that anyone could think that

the PM doesn't give a toss, I suppose the next rant will be, that he

actually enjoys seeing people dying or in deadful pain.

Or is Blair superhuman, in which case a few people will have to say sorry,

they did not know that !!

Juswundrin, come on, we both know what would have happened...................

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