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What checks are obligatory on a house prior to sale


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I am selling my house in the Picardie area early next year with a view to moving south. Can anyone tell me which checks are mandatory on the house? I heard you must have the plumbing and electrics checked out, but what else.

I am concerned as the previous owner used plasterboard backed with polystyrene on the walls and ceilings. I have since heard it is no longer allowed to use this on the ceilings. I guess it is for fire regulations. If a fire broke out the polystyrene might melt and start dripping, and if you got sticky burning liquid polystyrene on you it would cause a lot of injury. I don't know how true this is and if it is enforced retrospectively to houses with the boards already fitted.

What worries me is that if this is part of the checks I will be liable to correct something I did not do. I don't have the time or money to put it right.

Many thanks in advance for all replies.

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Obligatory checks are for asbestos, energy efficiency and lead (but only in paint, not in pipes). Some areas require termite certificates, but probably not Picardie as it is too far north. In some areas you have to have the drainage arrangements surveyed to see whether or not they comply with latest standards. Check with the notaire and/or agent handling the sale about what is neeed where your are.
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Many thanks for the replies.

Woolybanana, that was what I thought. It was a French builder who told me it was illegal when he came to quote me on some work, but maybe he was trying to justify his massive quote.

The notaire is closed for august but I will go there when he reopens for a list of requirements.

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