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Speedferries cancelled


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Just looked at the Dover weather/port info and Speedferries 8am and Bolounge 11am saiing has been cacelled, recorded message has a 12 hour forcast and that tells me that this is in force but could change. What to do, as I am booked on the 4pm and need to get over. Ideas are welcome!

Phone number for speedferries update 08702200570  (uk)

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[quote user="Marym2"]


Just looked at the Dover weather/port info and Speedferries 8am and Bolougne 11am saiing has been cacelled, recorded message has a 12 hour forcast and that tells me that this is in force but could change. What to do, as I am booked on the 4pm and need to get over. Ideas are welcome!

Phone number for speedferries update 08702200570  (uk)


Now I'm looking at the conflicting reports  http://www.doverport.co.uk/traffic.asp?skey=21&ckey=228
Not running

and also the BBc has no reports of Speedferries cancelation. Do I take the chance and drive down or?

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Rang them and got through to Speedferries as well, the answer was, Ring at 2 15pm to see if the ferry is running, no good if you are booked on the 4pm and it takes a couple of hours to get to Dover. Will try the Tunnel, all other ferries are running SFAIK.
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The type of ship used by Speedferries is not permitted under international safety rules to operate in waves more than about 3m high - which means, in effect, that if more than a Force 6, mean wind speed about 30mph, gusts to 35mph or so, is forecast, they won't take the ferry out of harbour.
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[quote user="Will"]The type of ship used by Speedferries is not permitted under international safety rules to operate in waves more than about 3m high - which means, in effect, that if more than a Force 6, mean wind speed about 30mph, gusts to 35mph or so, is forecast, they won't take the ferry out of harbour.[/quote]

Well that's funny cos last January we crossed with Speedferries in a force 8-9. They said so when we were on board, even befor we left the quayside and from my seafaring days I would most certainly say it was that strong.  I hae to admit, I was surprised that we sailed that day!

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The 'significant wave height' is the governing factor. The Beaufort scale figures I quoted, and the corresponding wind speeds, are those that normally give rise to such wave heights - as you will know from your seafaring days, factors like wind over tide and channel depth, as well as the ship's heading relative to wind and tide direction, can have an influence over wave height. Nevertheless, taking an 86m Incat catamaran out in a Force 8-9 sounds as  if they are rather pushing their luck - but then I am only a maritime journalist, not a ship operator or safety inspector. As it's only a short crossing they probably think they can get away with it; Hoverspeed used to take its cats out in some pretty foul weather.

The passengers will give up well before the ships. The US military has three Incat vessels, a bit bigger than Speed One, sister ships to BF's Normandie Express. As naval vessels, they are not subject to IMO Codes, and at a high speed craft conference I attended at the Royal Institution of Naval Architects, it was revealed that they had operated successfully in wave heights of 13m, which must have been really uncomfortable.

A check on the Equasis ship database shows that Speed One is classed by Det Norske Veritas - their high speed craft rules are unique in that they allow vessels to operate in heavier seas, but at greatly reduced speed. It can be argued that a ship of this type is even less comfortable when travelling below optimum speed - but at least it gives the operator the scope to maintain services and revenue, with delays rather than cancellation.

Apologies for getting technical, but as I know that Coco is a former P&O staffer I think she will understand some of what I am on about.

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Nightmare journey, got to Newhaven after tight journey from London, Blackwall tunnel bad but so was most of the roads to the Port, Lewes has a lot of new roadworks (widerning the roads) Transmanche was not running at 5pm but was told to come back at 7 30pm which we did, got on board at 10/11ish but did notsail until later. Asked for a cabin as I had spoken to the person in charge to see if they would give us one for free, when back an hour later to be asked for a payment. Turned around and slept in the reclining chair. Journey was rough but not to bad. The drive down was dismal rain and more rain.

Took longer then expected and arrived, 1pm as had not had any food for a while went to the local resturant,had a good feed and got to the house. Had a look where we had been robbed last year and yes the same thing had happened. Only this time they could not get in but had also tried the main house as well. Now we are looking up to sell as this is a bit of a joke for us, where we live the crime rate is so far off the scale ( London ) but to have this happen twice in a few months in France. Now instead of getting on with the renovations we are again securing the property.

Tired and fed up


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I'm sorry to hear this, Mary, especially as I've been joking with Cassis about such things. Not funny.

As far as the crossing is concerned, this is why I am prepared to bite the bullet and travel BF at their high rates. I've never been messed around by them, when I've needed information thay have been good, and they are helpful if you need to change bookings. They aren't cheap, but it's worth it IMHO.

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I'm in France now and using the slowest dial-up internet ever - hence the delay. Our 08.00 28th February Speedferry was cancelled due to the weather. They offered to "park" the sailing or wait for the 12 noon one. I'd heard the weather forecast (getting worse!) so we parked our sailing for a future date.

We drove up to the tunnel and paid £127 for a single crossing which got us to France at about the expected time anyway. £127 hurt a lot, but taking into account the usual Speedferries deals and our 2 free crossings with them this year I'm not complaining overall.

I guess our train (08.23) had say 30 cars on it at most. What a waste of a fantastic resource. If only the prices on the tunnel were a bit better.



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Yes, it's still just the one boat with Speedferris[quote user="Weedon"]

Upon trying to book one of my remaining 2 crossings I was informed that Speedferries were not operating in March because the boat was in dry dock. 


Yes, it's still just the one boat. See here but the free crossing have been extended.

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