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The sting is this the end to cheap Ryanair flights?


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Just the usual daily wail moan.

Its not as if you buy your ticket via a travel agent and then have to find a computer, people already book online so its just a bit more work for the customer.

Why not have a go at the trains in the uk? no check in desk or luggage drops, so how do they justify the ridiculous cost of a train journey?

Ryanair also run on time 90%+ not something the rail networks can boast

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[quote user="Anton Redman"]Is there anywhere Ryanair fly where you cannot get your hands on a PC or visit an internet cafe these days ?   [/quote]

Anton, I agree with your response, but the important point is that shortly when you check in via the internet you will be charged £5 per person. Ryanair say that the removal of check in desk will save them money so charging for check in will make even more.

Teapot, stated " Just the usual daily wail moan." I am sorry to disappoint you but similar reports have been published in the Times and Telegraph.

IMO the only reason that Ryanair get away with their inflated costs, is purely because they choose in the main to fly to airports not covered by other operators and have got themselves captive travellers. They are no longer a Low Cost transporter and often the National carriers on similar routes offer far better value, but they can be praised for their clever marketing and opening up Europe to the air traveller.



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Sorry Baz, cannot accept your opinion. Their "inflated costs" are necessary to stay in business IMO.

Whilst I would regret every job lost in todays situation, The increase in revenue should be quite dramatic with the loss of staff and the additional £10 per customer for on line booking.

Look at the published 3rd quarter report and what the increase in fuel cost has done, they have to maitain a fleet of aircraft and need to have the funds to do it as well as replacing aircraft.


By comparison, running a few ferry boats back and forth accross the channel would be easy and they (Sea France) are in trouble, Speed ferries are no more.

We are going to have to accept that prices must increase by a modest amount or lose the services which would be a lot worse. 

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baz said "but the important point is that shortly when you check in via the internet you will be charged £5 per person"

Is it really Baz?  That £5 charge is news to me and Ryanair.  Like to quote a RELIABLE source for this?

There were so many if and buts in that yarn about the £320 charges that I'm surprised that she did not add in the kids having a sex change or parents divorcing in between booking and taking the flight would have cost £60 extra name change for each one so that makes it £800 close enough for a journalist to say nearly £1000, much better story now!!



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Ryanair are sometimes their own worst enemy.

I flew to Turin a couple of weeks ago to watch the Juventus Champions League game.  £75 return. Now I think thats cheap and am very happy with the deal. 

What galls people is that the flights were advertised at £5.99 and everything else is extras (and I know how to play their games - I even have an electron card).

Day trip charters from Gatwick to watch the same game - well over £200.  I still know which I would prefer.  I would not have the lifestyle I do if Ryanair did not exist.

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For me this latest fee is the straw that broke the camel's back.

I just did a quick comparison for flights in June.

VLM from Lux => London City June 5 to 8th  €163 all in, taxes the lot at times which suit me very well, no car parking, 10 mins up the road on a bus and I already have a season ticket.

Ryanair Frankfurt-Hahn => Stansted June 5 to 7th (have to come back on the Sunday as not poss to do the return journey on a Monday.

Basic price inc taxes and Visa charge  €60.89  (no baggage)

PLUS  booking in fee €10

PLUS Carpark charge at Hahn €30 (just gone up from €21)

PLUS driving to Hahn and return, 120Km each way say €30

PLUS waiting time for wife in carpark at Stansted say €5

so that's a total of €136 for a flight at terrible times for me and one evening less in UK.

OK a very personal itinery and does the extra €10 make a difference?  Well no but having itemised everything like this I have realised that I am willing to pay the extra €30 for the ease of travel and the time saved.

For me it's a case of

So long Michael and thanks for all the flights


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Yep Pierre ZFP, I agree with your solution on that occasion. I do exactly the same when comparing UK to France, including the hire car and bad exchange rates it can be better to take the car on the ferry. 

Voting with your feet is the only way to change anything, but Ryanair does seem to be running on pretty low margins percentage wise.  Greedy Hahn airport parking charges, market forces etc.



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I totally agree.  Every journey should be a mix of total costs v convenience and we mostly forget about certain costs.

On my recent filight to Turin I mentioned earlier I got a good price by flying back in the evening the day after the game.  If I had flown back in the morning it would have cost me an additional £40.  What I forgot to add in was the "cost" of being in Turin all day.  1 chocolate cake in wooden box (€32) 1 pair of gold earrings for my wife (to salve my consience - €70) and one slow multi course lunch including a bottle of decent wine (€50).


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I note from the Guardian that Ryanair have been reported to the Office of Fair Trading by the Air Transport Users Council regarding the online check-in fee saying that it may breach consumer protection regulations.

Teapot stated that "Ryanair also run on time 90%+ not something the rail networks can boast"

However independent research (Flightontime.com) shows the latest figures for Ryanair punctuality (less than 15 min late) to be 76.44%. The most recent figures for rail punctuality in the UK are 89.9%.

Brian (again)

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Hi Brianagain, not surprised about the OFT, IMO quite right as their is no other option it has to be included in the price of the "flight"

Regarding the rail punctuality, from memory they don't count any train 15 minutes or less as late so bending their figures, can't comment on the latest figures as both services would have suffered more over the winter this year than most. Normally Ryanair's punctuality is very good.

Better than mine [:D]

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We travelled to France for £30 return in March (no extras) and are travelling for £16 return in May (again no extras) both trips at reasonable times.  We are lucky and can cherry pick our trips and travel when we can get a good deal - so no complaints from here.  Personally, I like the online check in and hand baggage only, it makes travelling a lot simpler wth less time at the airport.

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[quote user="brianagain"]I note from the Guardian that Ryanair have been reported to the Office of Fair Trading by the Air Transport Users Council regarding the online check-in fee saying that it may breach consumer protection regulations.

Teapot stated that "Ryanair also run on time 90%+ not something the rail networks can boast"

However independent research (Flightontime.com) shows the latest figures for Ryanair punctuality (less than 15 min late) to be 76.44%. The most recent figures for rail punctuality in the UK are 89.9%.

Brian (again)

Apologies to Baz, I had not read it as a charge for non luggage carriers after 1 May and now I am totally puzzled.   Their news summary is as clear as mud.  In phase 1 it talks about free check-in for carry-on baggage passengers and then in phase 2 "the check in fee" of £5/5€ will apply to all new bookings (which only previously applied to those booking-in luggage) . 

Surely it should say "A check-in fee will be applied" if it is the intention to charge an across the board check-in fee?

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[quote user="Ron Avery"]Apologies to Baz, I had not read it as a charge for non luggage carriers after 1 May and now I am totally puzzled.   Their news summary is as clear as mud.  In phase 1 it talks about free check-in for carry-on baggage passengers and then in phase 2 "the check in fee" of £5/5€ will apply to all new bookings (which only previously applied to those booking-in luggage) . 

Surely it should say "A check-in fee will be applied" if it is the intention to charge an across the board check-in fee?[/quote]

I assume you meant to quote me Ron?  I agree, I had to read this twice to confirm that the most likely interpretation is that it applies to ALL new on-line bookings/check-ins after 1st May. 

Post edited for clarity.

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The way I read it...

Phase 1, from now until May 1st, passengers who use the web check-in and have no baggage will not need to pay the £5 charge.  Those with baggage to check-in will pay £5 if they check their baggage in online, or £10 if they check it in at the airport.

Phase 2, 1st May to 1st October, all new bookings must use the web check-in at a cost of £5, those with baggage to check-in can choose to either check in their bags online (included in the £5 charge ?) or check-in their bags at the airport (£20, payable at time of booking).

Phase 3, 1st October onwards, no check-in desks at airports.


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