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Complete France Forum

Regular commuter to SW France?

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Hi all,

For those of us unlucky enough not to be able to spend all our time in France but having to return regularly to the UK to work, the commuter market has got a lot harder over the past 12 months, not to mention quite a bit dearer - some of the regulars have given up and moved back to the UK, some have cut down, many of us have had to change airports (and to the train) multiple times because of scheduling changes and of course, it all gets more confusing and potentially expensive ...

We started a small forum (www commuterjet net) for the regular commuters (nothing that would rival this!) to try to arrange things such as lift-shares either side of the channel etc. and had a reasonable membership but then the server crashed and we have just got back running again. Its all free, not for profit (in fact, it's costing us!) and all with the aim of making that regular commute just that little bit easier for us all.

So, if you are in the position of having to commute into SW France on a regular(ish) basis, why not pop over, join up and say "hi", someone may be going your way and be able to save you some time and/or money.

Once again to the mods, if this post is breeching any rules, please feel free to edit it etc.
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[quote user="Cathy"]

By the way, when you register, why do you have to give your age?


I tried to register a few mins ago. Did not have to give age but had to give a d.o.b. "to comply with US law" - said d.o.b. must indicate an age of 13 or over - again to comply with US law. Is an orange jumpsuit me ?


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