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Sanef Liber t /Alis


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Hi, have seen all of above mentioned in various threads and am now confused! I live in Dordogne and mainly travel south by car, therefore is Alis (free) no good for me?

Also read on the Sanef site - something about the subscription being returned over 4 days per month - really didn't understand this, can anyone explain?

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[quote user="fairyflowers"]Hi, have seen all of above mentioned in various threads and am now confused! I live in Dordogne and mainly travel south by car, therefore is Alis (free) no good for me?

Also read on the Sanef site - something about the subscription being returned over 4 days per month - really didn't understand this, can anyone explain?


Any telepeage transponder ("doofer") from any French provider will work on any French toll road. Hence, although Alis only has a small section of autoroute near Paris, its transponders will work on autoroutes anywhere in France (and in Vinci car parks) like all other French transponders. For very frequent users (ie daily users), there may be some benefit in having a locally-sourced transponder because it may give a discount on a useful peage section: however this has to be set against the monthly/annual charges that most providers levy for the transponder. Hence, for anyone other than a daily autoroute user, the Alis transponder, with no initial charge and no monthly charge, is a no-brainer. During the sign-up process you will be asked to select an Alis autoroute section on which to get a discount: just choose any at random if you don't live in the Alis area.



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just to expand a bit on your post, APRR (Paris Rhine Rhone) offer one trip in 6 free between any 2 of their tollgates designated by you. 

Anyone regularly (but not necessarily on a daily or even weekly basis) travelling therefore down to the South East of France might well be able to use this to advantage - I reckon 3 round trips per year will usually more than pay for the rental if travelling from the start of their network South of Rheims to say Dijon or Lyon.

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[quote user="Mel"]Out of interest, if and when I get a 'doofer', is there any particular spot or side of the windscreen it has to be fixed?[/quote]

In most cars without an athermic windscreen, you can mount it anywhere, or even just have a passenger lift it up to get through. For athermic windscreens in particular, and the "normal" position for most doofers, is to mount it in the region of the windscreen by the central rear-view mirror, where there is generally an area marked by black dots to indicate in the case of an athermic screen that this portion of the screen is not treated with anything that may block the reception of the signals. The doofer comes with a holder which has a glue on it to stick it to the screen. Note that in very hot weather the glue may unstick ...



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[quote user="Mel"]As I use the A.28 every time I come to France, I have just printed off and am in the process of trying to fill in the application form. Out of interest, if and when I get a 'doofer', is there any particular spot or side of the windscreen it has to be fixed?[/quote]


You can scan and email the form to:

Christine Zurkinden.

Email address c.zurkinden@alis-sa.com

Telephone number 0033232202188  - and she speaks English.

If memory serves me correctly emailed my form on a Moday and received the doofer on Thursday.

If you have to pay to use motorways then this is the way to do it. Nothing better than coming up to a peage that has a long queue of people waiting to pay and you just drive through the 'T' lane with a max of one or two cars in front.


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  • 2 weeks later...
[quote user="phylisbide"]I have had a Sanef doofer for a few years. If I apply for a free Alis one, can I just stop using the sanef one - thereby no longer incurring charges? phylis[/quote]

By "just stop using the Sanef one" I presume that you mean "return it to Sanef" ... the point about the Sanef one is that until it is returned it will incur charges unless you use it four times per month. You will also need to officially give them notice to terminate the contract.

However, there is nothing stopping you having both a Sanef and an Alis doofer at the same time ... just don't go through a péage with both in the car unless one is well-shielded!



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Hi Pickles...

May I pose a couple of questions please...

I have just received my Alis télébadge - and what a lovely box of goodies they sent with it!

Firstly, I am assuming the part of the badge that is read is the bar-code? The instructions suggest it should be fitted to the left of the driver's mirror. If I do this, the bar-code is not within the 'dotted' area of my screen that is not reflective. If I fit it there, will the bar-code still be able to be read at the barriers? Or would it be acceptable to fit it to the right of the mirror where I can position the bar-code in the 'dotted' area?

Secondly, you mention above about using these doofers at least 4 times a month, is that the case with Alis because I do not recall reading that? (I visit France very two months).

Thanks in advance for any help you can give me!
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[quote user="Mel"]Firstly, I am assuming the part of the badge that is read is the bar-code?[/quote]

No: it is a radio frequency transponder: the gubbins at the péage sends out a radio signal and the doofer responds by radio. The only time that the barcode MAY be used is if it is necessary for the doofer to be scanned manually at a péage eg if there is a problem. In such a case you would hand the doofer over to the operator, who would then get the ref no from the barcode. The booklet that came with the doofer will mention this.

[quote user="Mel"]The instructions suggest it should be fitted to the left of the driver's mirror. If I do this, the bar-code is not within the 'dotted' area of my screen that is not reflective. If I fit it there, will the bar-code still be able to be read at the barriers?[/quote]

With certain types of athermic screen then there is a possibility that the radio signal would not get through if the doofer is not in the dotted part of the windscreen. For most screens however this is not at all important.

[quote user="Mel"]Or would it be acceptable to fit it to the right of the mirror where I can position the bar-code in the 'dotted' area?[/quote]

That will be fine

[quote user="Mel"]Secondly, you mention above about using these doofers at least 4 times a month, is that the case with Alis because I do not recall reading that?[/quote]

No: I was responding to a question about a SANEF doofer, which has a different tariff structure. Alis is free.



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Ahem, probably this is a silly question, but...

Does it matter which way up it is fitted? I have a new C4 Picasso and my doofer will fit better in the dotted area if it is upright, rather than sideways. By fitting it this way, much more of it will be exposed in the non-reflective area.

PS to Pickles - do you charge for this advice?

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[quote user="Mel"]Ahem, probably this is a silly question, but...

Does it matter which way up it is fitted?[/quote]

It does not matter at all. Some of us just get the passenger to wave the doofer in the general direction of the windscreen, especially if it has just fallen off the screen thanks to the effects of high temperature on the glue ...

My advice is worth exactly the amount you pay for it!



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Enjoy it Mel....

We came back on Sunday and the queues at the Peage to the south of Boulogne on the A16 were quite something with some deciding whether to join the queue to pay cash or whether the queue for card payment would be quicker.

We just drove to the left and straight through the 't' lane and off. We then went towards St Omer to fill up at the Auchen filling station and I am sure that when we rejoined the A16 to Calais that there were cars in the queue when we went through only just getting to the point where we rejoined the Autoroute having refueled.

The sadistic side of me does come out with the doofer hoping that there are large queues waiting to pay.


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Paul - Love it!

On my next visit to France in two weeks time, my son will be travelling with us in convoy in his car, so he will need to queue...

But as most peages have waiting areas just after them, I think I will have to do a 'Paul' and sail through then wait for him!

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