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LD Lines and foot passengers


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Because then they don't have to pay for extra staff to man the passenger gantry or a coach to a passenger terminal which also has to be staffed.

You can take a bicycle on for £10 each way which is cheaper than P&O I think.

The ironic thing is that you have to walk your bike onboard [8-)]


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You still have two options, book a bicycle crossing and just act like an escaped lunatic pushing/riding your imaginary bike.

Or turn up at the booking booths and try and jump a lift with someone crossing, the staff are usually amenable to this and usually amend the booking FOC and I have offered a seat to people a couple of times like this althogh one was actually booked on the crossing but had broken down a few kms from Boulogne sur mer.

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I'll suggest this to the friends that are visiting this summer as well, but I think they'll just go with the less stressful option of P&O... I can hear P&O going 'mwahahahahaha' all the way to the bank as I write. Why can't LDL?

I love the idea of my chums bowling along down the gangplank on their imaginary bikes, though. I could earn the price of a fish supper from one of those 'hilarious video' shows.
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I have just realised that its you Fay, you have already been let down by the stillborn flights to the Aeroport Albert Picardie, now LDlines.

There are still no flights or even a sniff of some at the airport yet they have just built a second new passenger terminal, it looks absolutely surreal.

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Yup, it's me - once again trying to establish what's available for the summer when all my friends are keen to come and visit!

That is very strange about the Aeroport Albert Picardie - maybe they have secret plans, or perhaps (more likely) the budget ran out at the crucial moment.

Oh well, if people want to come for a wonderful time on the sunny Côte Picarde they will find a way... they always do!
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I would try never to cross the Channel as a foot passenger again, whatever the price. Foot passengers get the full 3rd Class treatment from P&O, from the cold and depressing terminal building, to the uncommunicative and sourfaced staff. One very difficult aspect is the fact that there's nonwhere on the boat for foot passengers to leave their luggage - you have to drag it around with you - up stairs, to the loo, et al!!

It seems very obvious that the ferry companies don't want people without wheels. Presumably P&O continues to take them, however reluctantly, because of undertakings dating back to their British Rail/Sealink inheritance.

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