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Taxi Strike Thursday Jan 10th


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LOL! I imagine that's the ONLY task most of them do. Outside the major conurbations, I strongly suspect that unless your mutuelle was paying, you'd have to get a bank loan to take a taxi anywhere. I think our (one) local taxi quoted a friend €35 for the 9 mile journey into town. So that's a €70 round trip.[:D]

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I once had to take a taxi from near Auch to the foothills of the Pyrenees, about 120km. To pick up Eddie's van after he broke his leg skiing. Bad road conditions too.

The driver charged me 100€ which I didn't think was too bad. He helped me get the van started too, borrowed some jump leads as the battery was flat.

On the way the poor man got caught by the gendarmes answering a call on his mobile - 22€ fine and 3 points [:'(]

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I use taxis all the time when my scooter isn't suitable.

I have one firm who does medical transport and the other who does urban journeys.

It isn't cheap, about 7€ a trip for anywhere in the city or 20-25 to the airport, but it saves all the expenses of owning and maintaining a car, and the drivers are marginally safer on the road than I would be [:)]

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What's the strike about? 

I'd echo the views of the earlier comments about extortionate prices. Around here, the local firm charge a fortune to go in to the village ($50 for 2 x round trips of 10kms and that was 6 years ago!)  He makes his money from the SECU and the mutuelles, with a particularly lucrative handicapped day centre in the village.

What's more, there's an ill-disguised cartel with the other taxi operators: when we tried to get competitive quotes for our son's wedding four years ago, the other firms (effectively) refused to tender. We ended up paying for his hol in Martinique.

Just by contrast, in the UK a week or two back, we paid £20 for two round trips of 15kms.    

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