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Mail redirection from France to UK


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Due to Coronavirus we are stuck in UK, and I have been trying to extend our mail redirection which we have in place from our house in France to an address in the UK.

On the La Poste website I find that I cannot extend the existing redirection, and that the facility for making a new redirection is not available.

I wonder if anybody knows how long it will be until the redirection service is restored?  Is this a temporaty thing due to Coronavirus or just La Poste?

Thank you in advance.


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Thank you very much indeed for that Norman, and a very fast reply too.

Perhaps there is hope that we may be able to take out a new re-direction, as it looks as if it may be quite a while before we can get back to France.

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On a very rare outing last Monday (at the request of my doctor), I walked to my nearest La Poste (which is closed, but has an outdoor letter box) to mail some medical documents to my doctor.

La Poste website suggests that since many of their satellite post offices are closed for business due to the virus, that people should deposit their outgoing mail in the La Poste mailboxes on the streets of Paris.  So, that is what I did.  The box was chock full of letters.  Clearly it had not been emptied in - who knows how long.  I also have no way of knowing IF it will ever be emptied. 

I'll have to follow up with my doctor next week to see if she ever got the documents.  She is literally less than 1km walk from my apt.  But, she wanted to limit patients coming into the office when ever possible.  Hence asking me to mail the documents.  I have my doubts she will ever get them.

I could have walked another 10 minutes and left them in her letter box at her building.   Likely what I will have to do next week....  If La Poste is not going to pick up the mail in their boxes, they should not tell people they are picking them up.

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I received this in an email from La Poste on 24/3:

Madame, Monsieur,

Afin de protéger la santé des postiers et assurer leurs missions essentielles au service de la population, nous adaptons notre organisation à l’évolution de la situation sanitaire. Cette adaptation se fait en concertation permanente avec les autorités sanitaires, la médecine du travail et les organisations syndicales.

Les mesures suivantes seront mises en place progressivement.

Concernant la distribution du courrier, des colis et des services, l’organisation se fera sur la base de quatre jours travaillés cette semaine puis de trois jours de travail par semaine à partir du lundi 30 mars, pour à la fois respecter les recommandations de la médecine du travail et maintenir l’organisation des tournées. 

Si les prérequis suivants ne sont pas réunis : accès à des points d’eau identifiés, équipement en gel hydro-alcoolique ou lingettes virucides, masques pour les services l’exigeant (services de proximité pour les plus fragiles), le service sera suspendu le temps que ces conditions soient à nouveau réunies. 

Le passage quotidien pour les services de proximité est maintenu : portage de repas aux seniors, portage de médicaments, portage de produits sanitaires nécessaires aux personnels soignants. Ces services seront assurés par des agents dédiés.

Cette nouvelle organisation permettra également le maintien des services essentiels : 

- Les services de lien social (Veiller sur mes Parents, Cohésio, Ardoiz, …),

- La distribution du courrier, des colis et des petites marchandises.

Sur ce point, nous vous demandons de concentrer vos commandes et envois sur ce qui est strictement nécessaire. 

Concernant les bureaux de poste, nous avons fait le choix de concentrer notre activité sur une cible de 1 600 sites pour limiter le plus possible l’exposition des agents. Le strict respect des mesures barrières et des conditions nécessaires à la protection des chargés de clientèle et des clients conditionne chaque jour l’ouverture effective de chacun de ces 1 600 bureaux. 

Enfin, nous vous rappelons que les déplacements en bureaux ne doivent être faits que s’ils sont strictement nécessaires. De nombreuses opérations peuvent être faites à distance, via le site et les applications numériques de La Poste. 

Ces nouvelles mesures s’adapteront en permanence à l’évolution du contexte sanitaire suivant les décisions des autorités publiques, dans le cadre d’un dialogue social permanent et en tenant compte de toutes les situations locales. 

Toutes les postières et tous les postiers sont engagés et mobilisés à vos côtés afin de faire face aux difficultés de cette période. 

Prenez soin de vous et de vos proches,

Philippe Dorge

DGA du Groupe La Poste

En charge de la Branche Services Courrier Colis

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Thanks for that Nomoss.

I presume that since nurses aren't able to secure face masks, neither is La Poste.  So, based on that reply, they will not be working until they can get the masks and gel.  So, the mail in the mailboxes will remain uncollected. 

I feel for them, but their website said otherwise and I took them at that word. 

I will have to walk my medical docs to my doctor, assuming she hasn't fallen sick herself.  I'll call her next week, just in case someone decides to deliver the mail.

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[quote user="Lori"]
Thanks for that Nomoss.

I presume that since nurses aren't able to secure face masks, neither is La Poste.  So, based on that reply, they will not be working until they can get the masks and gel.  So, the mail in the mailboxes will remain uncollected. 

I feel for them, but their website said otherwise and I took them at that word. 

I will have to walk my medical docs to my doctor, assuming she hasn't fallen sick herself.  I'll call her next week, just in case someone decides to deliver the mail.

Is it not possible to scan them and send them to her as attachments to an email?

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We did discuss that last week.  She wanted the documents (there are several) to review in advance of a tele-service RDV to discuss phoning in pharmacy prescriptions.  Then, to have them on record in my file.

I will ask her if the scans will do when I call her next week - assuming my mail never gets to her.

Frustrating, as she is an easy walk from this apartment.

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[quote user="Lori"]
We did discuss that last week.  She wanted the documents (there are several) to review in advance of a tele-service RDV to discuss phoning in pharmacy prescriptions.  Then, to have them on record in my file.

I will ask her if the scans will do when I call her next week - assuming my mail never gets to her.

Frustrating, as she is an easy walk from this apartment.

I'm sure you are permitted by the rules to walk to your doctor's surgery.

She could print off whatever you send her by email, assuming she has a printer.

Probably best to send them as PDF's, if you have a choice on your scanner.

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