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UK Quarantine for those arriving from France


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WB ............

There’ll be reporters at Calais reporting on hard luck cases of people needing to get on the ‘Last Train to San Fernando’.

We have friends over here at the moment staying at their ‘2nd home’. They’d decided to return next week in order to visit a rather unwell member of the family and the plan was then to come back for a further month or so.

If the French take tit-for-tat action, I’ve told them that if they stick to that plan, they’ll never be seen again - they’ll be in a sort-of permanent state of quarantine!

I don’t think that they found my comment overly helpful.

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Maybe they should set up camps at Calais so that people could quarantine there and be fed. Ah, ooops, yea, maybe not.

Gardian, interesting idea re the Brexit moment. Does it go on for ever?

Macron is scared of losing face as he is in trouble electorally here. Hence his stubbornness over fish.
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The first round of the 2022 French presidential election will be held between 8 and 23 April 2022, with the second round held two weeks after the first.....
Not quite sure what that has to do with the UK imposing quarantine on people arriving from France, which  seems to me a  case of  locking  the stable door after the horse has bolted..

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Macron is losing popularity and is manoeuvring by screaming his head off over fishing. And sending planes and a rubber boat destroyer to the Med. to threaten Turkey.

His party has had some defections; the last thing he wants is for it to break up completely.

Xavier Bertrand as his election opposer?
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Wooly...what on earth are you going on about ?

You are really loosing the plot.

Cross border tourism should never have happened.

France is going to pay dearly for that decision.

Now, I do believe you called me an idiot for predicting a few months ago on another thread that this would happen.

France will be back in lockdown by October I reckon.

This is going to get very messy.

Start buying toilet roll.
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"Macron is losing popularity and is manoeuvring by screaming his head off

over fishing. And sending planes and a rubber boat destroyer to the

Med. to threaten Turkey.

His party has had some defections; the last thing he wants is for it to break up completely.

Xavier Bertrand as his election opposer?"

That may or may not be true, but it would be the subject of a different thread.
I can only assume you are trying the 'dead cat strategy'  so beloved of Boris Cummings.

To quote a writer I loathe in a publication I despise, but I refer to it as it might just still be simple enough for your waning powers of reason to grasp:

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First the cretins accuse the Government of not locking down quickly enough, now they accuse them of overreacting. Can they ever win?

However much warning they gave it was never going to be enough for every Tom, Dick and Harry to get back so as to avoid hibernation for two weeks. A significant number are of course infected.

Boris is being cautious, suck it up guys.
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I can't keep reading about how well this UK government is doing. It's a sleaze machine, didn't act quick enough in the first place when we saw what was happening in Italy, taken the brakes off and relaxed the restrictions too soon (not that they were ever as restrictive as they were here), interested only in getting their business supporters back on their feet regardless of the health of the population, and "Do what I say, not what I do" (that one aimed at the Cummings brigade. And the figures they churn out about numbers of cases etc, all massaged. Now they don't count a Coivd-19 death if the person was diagnosed more than 28 days before !! So all those in comas for weeks died of something else ??

Rant over.

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Wooly, why is it silly ? The latest farce is the U-turn on A-level results. When are they going to get something right? I'm so glad I'm not living over there now.

Can you just point to one good thing that this UK government has done? There has hardly been a complete session of Parliament, Boris always seems to be absent; Rees-Mogg, leader of the House, who insisted that the MPs must return to the chamber rather than video, has never been there as far as I can tell. We have a health minister who makes things up as he goes along. It's hopeless. And before you tell me I'm silly again, I was a lifelong (well I'm not dead yet) Tory voter, but this shower have completely embarrassed and disappointed me. I would never vote for them again, but chance would be a fine thing as they've also dis-enfranchised me having been here over 15 years. Still happy to take tax off me though.

Disgusted, Chipping Sodbury.
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From John Bercow’s page;
I hope the Prime Minister is enjoying a well deserved rest so don’t spoil it by telling him what’s happened this week:

1. The govt launched a “Fix your bike” voucher website

2. It broke in less than an hour

3. The govt said we should all lose weight

4. The govt is still issuing vouchers to help us buy burgers

5. It was revealed the govt spent £400m buying a bankrupt satellite company, OneWeb, to replace the Euro GPS system we lose due to Brexit

6. Months before, a study by MIT found that OneWeb’s tech is 6x less efficient than the EU solution: the worst of the technologies studied

7. In June the govt merged the Dept for International Development into the Foreign Office, and said the move "guaranteed there would be no cuts in International Aid"

8. This week the gov cut International Aid by £2.9bn

9. And the govt quietly granted permission for your health records to be given to Palantir, a controversial data-mining company said to have worked with Cambridge Analytica on Brexit

10. It did both these things the day parliament broke up, so there couldn’t be any questions

11. But in answer to questions about the Russia Report, the gov’s suggested solution is to (I'm not making this up) to ask Russia to tell us who their spies are

12. Ex-Russian intelligence staff say 85% of their work is not spying, but “political funding and misinformation"

13. Which brings us to: Funding and Misinformation news

14. Since 2012, the Tory party has had almost £3m in donations from members of Putin’s cabinets

15. 14 current govt ministers have received donations from individuals or companies connected to the Russian leadership

16. Priti Patel said the Russia Report could be ignored because it was now 9 months old and “out of date”

17. The govt delayed the release of the report for 9 months, and the reasons given were described as “simply not true” (aka "misinformation") by the Intelligence Committee

18. Now Covid news, and Matt Hancock boasted he had met the targets on his “Six tests” on Covid 19

19. Full Fact found 4 of the 6 targets were missed, one target couldn’t be met because it had never been defined, and 1 “relied on a definition [that] does not reflect practice”

20. The cross-party Media & Culture Committee found that the gov’s support for arts was “vague and slow-coming” and “jeopardised UK culture”

21. The cross-party Public Accounts Committee found there was an “astonishing failure to plan for the economic impact” of Covid 19

22. It also said the policy of discharging patients into care homes was a “reckless and appalling policy error”

23. It called the govt “slow, inconsistent [and] negligent”

24. The chair of the Committee said “A competent government does not run a country on the hoof”

25. More on-the-hoof news: the gov quarantined tourists returning from Spain because Spain was a danger

26. The day before, Spain had 2 Covid deaths. Britain had 114

27. The transport secretary was on holiday in Spain, so was effectively trapped by his own dept’s decision

28. Which brings us to Brexit, and a report from London School of Economics showed a WTO Brexit will permanently shrink 16 out of the UK's 24 industry sectors by up to 15% each. Permanently.

29. A Tory MP tweeted “??WTO here we come!”

30. Another pro-Brexit Tory MP with a grasp of what's to come tweeted “my strong advice is: take the opportunity to live abroad”

31. Dominic Cummings tweeted that leaving the EU "could be an error”

32. And now PPE contracts, so prepare to begin eternal screaming:

33. £252m to Ayanda Capital, registered in Mauritius for tax purposes. PPE not delivered

34. £186m to Uniserve. PPE not delivered

35. £116m to P14 Medical Supplies, with assets of just £145. PPE not delivered

36. £108m to PestFix, with just 16 employees. PPE not delivered

37. £107m to Clandeboye Agencies, a sweet wholesaler. Yes, a sweet wholesaler. PPE not delivered.

38. £40m to Medicine Box Ltd, with assets of just £6000. PPE not delivered.

39. £48m to Initia Ventures Ltd, which registered itself as “dormant” in March. PPE not delivered.

40. £28m to Monarch Acoustics, which makes shop furniture. PPE not delivered

41. £25m to Luxe Lifestyle, which has no employees, no assets, and no turnover. PPE not delivered

42. £18m to Aventis Solutions, which has total assets of £332. Not a typo, £332. PPE not delivered

£10m to Medco Solutions, incorporated just 3 days after lockdown, with share capital of (not a typo) £2. PPE not delivered

44. In all, approx £1bn to inexplicable suppliers for PPE that hasn’t been delivered

45. The gov still polls well for economic competence. Go figure

46. Meanwhile a Nuffield Health study found after 10 years of "chronic underinvestment", UK is at the bottom of the league table for health resources; and diagnostics and surgery by the NHS will take 4 years to return to pre-Covid levels. But £1bn for non-existent PPE

47. The gov’s “world beating” test-and-trace programme was described as “scandalous” by the British Medical Journal, and found to miss its 80% target in every Covid hotspot announced this week

48. And finally, Boris Johnson refused a public enquiry into gov handling of Covid 19
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But AZ, don't you know that calling people "silly" is a convenient way of avoiding any constructive form of criticism and argument?

Nothing new about name-calling when you run out of logical arguments; playground bullies have done it from time immemorial.

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In an effort to prevent calls of me being "silly" or a snowflake or whatever other childish name might come to mind, I have taken a piece from the Daily Mail (yes, the unthinking man's bible) to introduce the subject of the government's U turn on A level exam grades.

For a nice change this piece is actually entertaining to read besides being informative[:)]

ANDREW PIERCE: From hubris to humiliation... an anatomy of a political shambles

Sorry I didn't manage to do a live link to the piece so I have provided the headline to make it easier for you to find and read the article.

Edit:  the article is now linkable[:)]


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