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Travel from UK to France suspended from midnight


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Covid-19 of any strain will have free rein globally whilst the likes of Emmanuel

Macron, the president of France, when attending EU type summits continues to

shake hands with the attendees and maintains his total disregard for social

distancing and keeping out of others faces on these occasions.


also find it unacceptable that the self same Macron, who creates the

rules and regulations with aplomb, hosts an informal meal at the Eleysee

for 12 - yes that's 12, 6 over the allowed grouping, which continues

until 00.30, four and a half hours after the 20.00 curfew hour he

implemented the previous day.

It would appear

to me that Macron, who sets the height of the bar, expects us to limbo

beneath it whereas he finds it acceptable for himself and his ilk to side

step it and manoeuver their way around it.


the majority of today's leaders he is highly skilled in gesture

politics and performing to the gallery. Unfortunately those gestures

have been shown to invariably come back and bite them on the a.ss.
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[quote user="NormanH"]The Brexit mantra  "Take Back Control"   ( of

borders and free movement for example)  has caused howls of outrage now

that  France did  it for 48 hours. Apparently it was only intended to

work one-way ?[/quote]

And it's all Macron's fault [:-))] ...

The hard-of-thinking in the UK seem unable to rationalise that 40+ countries doing the same thing kind of suggests border closures are virus-related and not political or even Brexit-related. Though it may be political I suppose - an attempt by its own government to scare the English population into behaving sensibly while not realising that the language will be reported around the world. Fools.

And the language used to describe this variant: mutant / mutating / 70% more infectious / out of control / running rampant / uncontrolled - language used by politicians in briefings and interviews and therefore by the press... maybe that has something to do with borders slamming shut.

If France had identified the same problem (in fact, I'm sure the new variant is well established in mainland Europe already but, due to lack of genome sequencing is unrecorded) and if France had used the same language and the media had reacted in the same way, the UK would have closed its borders against France immediately.

Cartoon in Ouest France yesterday :


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[quote user="chessfou2"]Excellent coverage (by far the best I have seen) of the new 'mutant' strain (B.1.1.7 - one of hundreds/thousands or more) : https://unherd.com/2020/12/how-dangerous-is-.the-covid-mutation/[/quote]

Thanks very much for that link. It explains the recent situation very well.

What a pity so many people seem incapable of understanding it, even if they had the patience to read it.

Mr Starmer would be well advised to wise up on information like this before opening his mouth, but as a lawyer he only sees black and white, and cannot bring himself not to grab any straw of political advantage that comes his way..........

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Meilleurs Voeux Cajal and to those who have no idea whether I speak French or watch crap French TV or read French papers, or whether I'm involved in anything at all over here. President of a music group for 12 years, does that count ?

It is true that I criticise the UK government, mainly because I'm dependant on it for my pension and want to ensure that I can continue to live here. It is also far easier to understand, having lived over there for 50+ years. Without a vote at all now I'm not at all able to influence French politics.

There's no disputing the fact that UK has been bad at dealing with the pandemic, U-turn after U-turn and poor decisions, plainly NOT following the science, or as I would prefer to state it, not following common sense.

Closing the French ports was a master stroke by Macron, showing how the UK is totally dependant on imported goods.

So that's got that off my chest, and if anyone wants to make up fake news about my life in France, don't do it in public!

I hope 2021 will make some people a little more happy.
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Sid wrote .....'Closing the French ports was a master stroke by Macron, showing how the UK is totally dependant on imported goods'

ALBF says...I would never of belived that a French 'person' would do something like this.

In fact I don't think they would. Except Marcon.

It was callous not a master stroke.

He used lorry drivers as political pawns. Lorry drivers have kept food on our tables and the wheels of industry turning during these shît times across the EU..

I don't think Boris (as I hate him as I do) would have done that. Do You ?

Anyone heard from Mr Macron recently ?

He knows he has done bad. He should be ashamed of himself.

I even think MLP is scared now of his politics.

This is not how human beings behave in the EU.

Except Mr Macron.

There, I got that off my chest.
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It's Christmas day and I can't be arsed arguing over politics. However I do wonder if one problem was that Macron may not have realised how much huffing and puffing there is over setting up testing in the UK, and what a big ask it was. Maybe I'm wrong but that is the impression I get, there are people in the UK tearing their hair out trying to figure how to get tested and in France you just walk into your local clincal lab and ask for a test, plus they've been doing routine testing at ports and airports for ages.

My problel is, I am totally confused about the numbers being given out.

According to Grant Schapps (I think) there were only about 1,000 backed up although other sources said nearer 4000..

Today Grant Schapps is saying they have done about 20,000 tests. Yet only around 800 trucks are said to have crossed, so how does that work. And there are still thousands of trucks left. How?

Those figures are from memory, gleaned from various sources, but it seems to me that the immense number of tests said to have been carried out bears absolutely no relation either to the fairly moderate number amount of lorries that were said to be stacked up, and even less relation to the pathetically small number of lorries said to have made the crossing.
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Well the new mutant ninja covid thing has been decteted in France.

In Tours of all places.LOL.

Seems to arrived on the 19th December. Well there you go.


Have to admitt, I don't feel well today.

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I did say it would be all over Europe soon enough, in one of my earlier posts on one of these threads ... already in Germany ... OH is of the opinion that the mutant strain arrived with someone travelling - it uses humans as its vector - so just stop everyone travelling he said.  But still they do and still expect to control it .. somehow!

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[quote user="alittlebitfrench"]Well the new mutant ninja covid thing has been decteted in France.

In Tours of all places.LOL.

Seems to arrived on the 19th December. Well there you go.


Have to admitt, I don't feel well today.[/quote]

You bastard!
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