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Validity of car insurance


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Hello, I hope someone can help with this. We came over to the UK for Christmas and have been stuck here ever since due to Covid. I am wondering if our French car insurance remains valid, a) because of Brexit and b) because of the length of time we have been here - more than three months. The green card says that the insurance is valid in GB and we haven't received any ommunication post-Brexit to notify us of any changes. Any advice greatly appreciated.

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Provided you have a French registered car and can prove that you are resident in France (Carte de Séjour) your French insurance is valid.

The UK does not accept French insurance on a French registered car when being driven by a UK resident, nor on a UK registered car in any circumstances.

French car insurance remains valid until it is cancelled in writing, it is renewed automatically on each anniversary and you are liable to pay the premium unless you have given notice to cancel it.

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Friends of ours only yesterday managed to get back to Spain after (misguidedly) going to UK for Christmas.

Time after time their flight bookings were cancelled but being French resident, and in UK by car, not getting home by now suggests that either you didn't want to or weren't really trying.

Going the other way it's strange how hoards of non residents who have been hanging about in Spain using Covid as an excuse for not going home have suddenly managed to find a way get back when faced with being recorded as overstayers and potentially fined and barred from future re-entry!

I dare say a few have done the same from France.
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Well if it meant that you could have both your jabs easily in the UK, then I think it would be a good reason to stay.

Re insurance, well,  if your green card doesn't say anything, and I have looked briefly and cannot see anything on the web, you should be OK shouldn't you.

IF you are really worried, then call your insurer.

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Gardian asks 'why ask on here?' Well it was the Easter weekend and the insurance offices are closed and I thought someone else may have had the same experience. In the past when I've looked at the forum there have often been helpful, not to say sympathetic, responses but perhaps times have changed. To all those who did respond, in whatever tone, many thanks.

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Isn't that the problem bixy that so much seems to have changed

since brexit, that stuff that we 'knew' may no longer be valid? AND I

shall add that over the years, lots changed anyway.


know when we moved back to the UK, we brought our french car, we still

had our french house then. We drove in the UK for about four months, and

then took it back to France and sold it.

I had checked with our insurer at the time, and it was fine, then. But now, I would always check.


realise that you said that it is easter, but you did mention having

been in the uk since last year, so it made me wonder why you are

starting to worry about it, now specifically, were you stopped???

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[quote user="bixy"]Gardian asks 'why ask on here?' Well it was the Easter weekend and the insurance offices are closed and I thought someone else may have had the same experience. In the past when I've looked at the forum there have often been helpful, not to say sympathetic, responses but perhaps times have changed. To all those who did respond, in whatever tone, many thanks.


Bearing in mind what idun said, I was also wondering why, after being in the UK since Christmas, you were suddenly unsure whether your insurance was still valid.

Have you been driving the car for months without knowing that?

I think the regulars on this forum are still helpful and sympathetic, but their patience may have been strained of late by pleas for help from people who don't necessarily give the whole story, if you know what I mean.

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