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Titre de resident permanent? - why can't I have one?


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Following the publication of a procedure for replacing expired cartes de sejour with a titre de resident permanent in the December issue of Connexion, we decided that we had

better try and follow the procedure in order to obtain our titre de

resident permanent - we have lived in France over five years, our

initial cartes de sejour have expired and we liked the idea of having

proof of residency, especially when it comes to traipsing down to CPAM

to convince them there that we are entitled to stay in the French

healthcare system.

We carefully printed off the relevant section

of les codes (L122-1) at ww.legifrance.gouv.fr, collected together vast

amounts of utilities bills, rates bills and other proofs of who we are

and where we've been for the last five years, and headed for our

Prefeture, which in our case, is in Perigueux.

Firstly, it was a

case of "Whoopsy, this is a hard one, le Chef needs to be consulted and

he is busy" - after a period of patient waiting and perusing our

documents, with no appearance from "le Chef", it became "but this is

for non-Europeans"

After still further waiting, it was obvious

that "le Chef" was not going to be available and the excuse became

"Connexion has this wrong, this is not the procedure and anyway, this

printout (of the legal code) is not right, it is just the short version"


we could go no further, I'm afraid our french wasn't up to persisting

in arguing. But the two assistants assured us that they would contact

Connexion to explain what the procedure was (and I would bet a lot on

them not doing that!), that all we needed at CPAM was to tell CPAM to

'phone the Prefecture for proof of our residency (what, two departments

in France agreeing to talk to each other?) and that anyway, it is no

longer a law in France to carry proof of ID and even if it was, our

expired cartes de sejour were enough.

Now, much as I love living

in France, I am well aware, and have first-hand experience of this

element of the french psyche that does not allow them to admit they do

not know what to do (or to apologise for that matter) - but in this

case, I don't know what to do next either! A certain bloody-mindedness

in me wants to pursue this on the grounds that "I don't care if it is

necessary or not, but it is my right to hold such a card, so I want

one" - but I really don't know what to do next. Perhaps someone can


It may be that there are several of us who want to

follow this procedure and we can arrange to visit the Prefecture en

masse, preferably, alas, with someone who speaks french a darn sight

better than I do.

There is a sort of cross-link thread in the "Western France" forum where the advice is to write to the Prefecture

demanding to know, in writing, the reason for refusal, might be a

sensible next step, but even when sent by Recorded Delivery, there

still seems to be too many cases of such communications being ignored -

so I'd like to follow this up on several fronts if I can...

Cheers and all...

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Zeltus, this afternoon I'm off to see my Maire about a titre de sejour and as I'm in the same Departement, I'll let you know how I get on.

I want mine because I think I should have one if I'm going on the local council, sort of to prove to people that I'm committed here.  And when I've asked - in passing - about this in the past, I've just sort of been waved away with the 'pas necessaire'.

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You do not need to obtain a carte de sejour.

You do not need to carry proof of ID.

You do not need to convince your CPAM that you've been here five years because in your case, it's immaterial - you're already in the system and will be allowed to continue regardless of how long you've been resident.

There are better things to do than get worked up over this....[;-)]



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[quote user="Tony F Dordogne"]

Zeltus, this afternoon I'm off to see my Maire about a titre de sejour and as I'm in the same Departement, I'll let you know how I get on.

I want mine because I think I should have one if I'm going on the local council, sort of to prove to people that I'm committed here.  And when I've asked - in passing - about this in the past, I've just sort of been waved away with the 'pas necessaire'.


Hi Tony,

I am going through the same process as I am an official candidate in the March elections municipal. I have been asked to provide (the other way around to you) proof that I am no longer eligible to vote or be elected in the UK. A kind person from our ex registrar of electors is sending me a letter but I am not sure whether this will do. We are permanent, and are in the process of creating a SARL for our business but nothing we have declares us as full time residents, nor have we been asked to provide anything that states that we are.

Good luck with your election.


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Tony & Zeltus,

We are also in the same situation with a just to be expired CdS (and candidate for elections) and we are also in the Perigueux prefecture.  I have printed off the government website pages that says we have the right to have a Permanent titre de sejour and I'm going to ask the Maire tomorrow for an attestation that we have lived here more than five years uninterrupted.  Maybe we should all go along en force to the Prefecture!!

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A bit pretentious " if I'm going in the local council "  you need to get elected first  , Even if you are one of the British who must be more competent than the local peasants . Oh!  by the way you will need a  ' carte d' electeur '

If ever I move back to the uk how do I go about proving residence ???? perhaps just being British allows everything.

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Goodness me Red, I didn't realise that you needed to be elected onto the Council, I thought it was just a shoe-in because I'm a Brit.  And as for the carte d'electeur, I didn't realise that I would need one of those either, is that anything to do with being on the voter's register in my commune, perhaps I'd better go the the Mairie and ask for one?

I'd better go ask one of the inferior local peasants whether or not I can get one eh?

Red, you tone leaves something to be desired.

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>You do not need to convince your CPAM that you've been here five years

because in your case, it's immaterial - you're already in the system

and will be allowed to continue

> regardless of how long you've been


You know that.. .and I know that (and I know that you know that I know that you know that ad infinitum :) )

But the CPAM in Perigueux have sent us a letter stating we are out at the end of March and to date (i.e. two days ago) as far as they are concerned, the situation hasn't changed - so I am trying to cover all my bets and make sure they can't wriggle out on a technicality.

>You do not need to obtain a carte de sejour.

Yes, I know. But I'm entitled to one and it is recommended by french ministers that I have one. So I'll bloody well have one or know the reason why. Signed Angry of Guildford.

>There are better things to do than get worked up over this....

Nah, this is too much fun! Otherwise I'd have to berate the neighbours for their bonfires and barky dogs and rage at the bar for not selling decent beer and curse the cost of servicing my Beemer and how dare they make petrol so expensive...

re. your tag.. d'you follow http://www.pilotedudimanche.net/ perchance?



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[quote user="zeltus"]Yes, I know. But I'm entitled to one and it is recommended by french ministers that I have one. So I'll bloody well have one or know the reason why. Signed Angry of Guildford.

If you are 'Angry of Guildford', you probably aren’t entitled.  Try being 'Angry of Perigueux' instead....  [;-)]


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