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The bastion of accuracy and truthfulness, not, the Connexion has put the cat among the pigeons today. it reports that two French lawyers say that the attestation for UK visitors to french residents homes, isn't actually necessary, interesting? ?? Anglo/French Facebook groups will be in meltdown tonight. ??
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This seems a bit more ambiguous.

The "British Foreign Office’s official Travel Advice for France" is not quite the same as the interpretation of "the Brexit.gouv.fr page" (surprise surprise) which "

suggests that France may intend to apply the lighter border code rules

specifically to Britons"

"The Connexion notes that the British Foreign Office’s official Travel Advice for France was updated yesterday to include a reference to the attestation.


now states: “You should be prepared to show proof of your

accommodation, for example, a hotel booking confirmation, proof of

address if visiting your own property (eg. second home), or an

invitation from your host if staying with a third party, friends or


“As detailed by the French Ministry of Interior here, you may be requested to provide an ‘attestation d’accueil’. French residents will need to acquire the ‘attestation d’accueil’ and pass it on to you before you enter France.”


Interior Ministry site linked to refers to the document being required

by “a foreigner who wishes to come to France for a tourist stay of less

than three months”.

The wording of the Brexit.gouv.fr page however

suggests that France may intend to apply the lighter border code rules

specifically to Britons visiting France."

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[quote user="betise"]Ah yes, the Correxion ![/quote]

I'd be interested why you say that, have you more accurate information than the Connexion has given or why you suggest they are not always accurate? Did you actually read the Connexion article which in my opinion gives in depth discussion of the issue?

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Rather slowly as they were told last weekend.

The Independent got there a day earlier https://www.independent.co.uk/travel/news-and-advice/brexit-france-visit-friends-family-b1849588.html and it has also made The Mirror and The Daily Express. Daily Mail tomorrow?

The French press will probably eventually see those reports and produce their own commentary even though it has been remarked on in various reader comments for several days.
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What has this got to do with the attestation mentioned in the original post? I notice you don't mention 6000 people invading Spanish territory and the response by the Spanish military and police. Your agenda is duly noted. ??
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As I mentioned in the main thread about this Attestation I fear that the hostile reception given  to legitimate visitors from the EU (in the case of that latest article people with  settled status) will not create much reciprocal good feeling among French officials checking British holidaymakers.

I see no connection with any events in Spain...

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What's the problem? if you don't have the correct paperwork you will get stopped whether you're in France or the UK. It ain't rocket science. As for the connection I thought as you mentioned the EU you might have an interest in how the Spanish are treating illegals, but obviously not, as it appears you are only intent on publishing bad news about the UK, no surprise there then, coming from you.???
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Would this be the 'correct paperwork'?

"Wolfgang, a German national who runs an IT business, was detained at

Heathrow airport despite having proof of settled status, indefinite

leave to remain and a British passport on the way."

One of the problems is that unlike France,   people such as him  have no documents to show  because  the UK government has voted against giving EU citizens a

residency card to show employers, landlords or border officials.

I repeat that I see this as a factor which could adversly affect the treatment of UK visitors to France since a sort of 'tit for tat' attitude could creep in.

I cannot see the relevence of how "how the Spanish are treating illegals", unless you are thinking that  British tourists count as 'illegals' .

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I think you'll find that in Spain like France there were thousands of people living under the radar for years. These people have now had to become legal or they will get treated like the latest influx of 6000 illegals trying to get into Spain Of course there will always be the odd case like the German who you highlighted. I just find it sad that people troll the internet looking for bad news stories. As the song said try looking on the bright side of life. The residency card situation is because in the UK nobody has a card, I wish they did it would save the NHS untold money from health tourists.
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This article in the Local gives balanced information


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[quote user="NickP"]The bastion of accuracy and truthfulness, not, the Connexion has put the cat among the pigeons today. it reports that two French lawyers say that the attestation for UK visitors to french residents homes, isn't actually necessary, interesting? ?? Anglo/French Facebook groups will be in meltdown tonight. ??[/quote]

Looks like the Connexion was accurate once again:

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That is the Correction reporting on itself[:D]
I wouldn't believe anything I read in that rag.[:-))]

The previous link  (The Local) seems less  up itself, although nothing beats  French official sites for what is required in their own country.

Why do British people prefer dubious journalism to official information?

I can imagine someone waving a copy of "the Correction" in the face of a French official saying "look it says in here that I don't need an Attestation"[:D][:D][:D]


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The Correxion seems to think that because the information is general, and not specific to British, it must be wrong...

"Several official French sites refer to this form for non-EU citizen visitors but the sites are of a general nature and not specific to Britons."


"The res­ponse I’ve had is that a host’s invitation can effectively constitute a document for private travel in the sense of the SBC’s Annex 1.

“Even so, in this case people will have to show proof of having at least €120 per day of their stay. This is why it can be of interest for people with limi­ted means to ask their host to obtain an attestation d’accueil at the mairie.”
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