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Crossing Spanish Border

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Normally we go to Spain two times a month, however that was before Covid-19.
We have both received our two vaccinations and got the digital vaccination certificates.

Can we cross the border without a PCR test. ?
We can not find anything on line.

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It was discussed here a few days ago


Misleading title: Day trip to pain should have been Day trip to Spain
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We usually go to Spain for a break, and I've been this year, for dental treatment, but that was there and back in the day, so the French PCR test surfficed for both ways.

But the requirements seem to change so quickly that I've decided to go nowhere, even double vaccinated, but France until we don't need PCR tests, never mind quarantine and until we can eat out again without all the current restrictions.  Since we can be there in just over the hour it's a bit of a bind.

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Danny said: Normally we go to Spain two times a month, however that was before Covid-19.

We have both received our two vaccinations and got the digital vaccination certificates.

Can we cross the border without a PCR test. ?

We can not find anything on line.

I live five minutes from the Frontier with Spain and cross frequently. There are no restrictions on cross frontier travel.
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Infection pulmonaire - Coronavirus Covid-19 (27/05/2021)

Une stricte limitation des déplacements s’impose pour ralentir la

progression de l’épidémie dans le monde, du fait de la circulation très

active du virus de la Covid-19 et de ses variants (les chiffres de la

pandémie peuvent être consultés sur le site du Centre européen de prévention et de contrôle des maladies). Dès

lors, tout déplacement international - depuis l’étranger vers la France

et de la France vers l’étranger - est strictement encadré jusqu’à

nouvel ordre.
Il convient de s’informer soigneusement et impérativement de la réglementation en vigueur en se référant notamment à l’alerte Covid-19 des conseils aux voyageurs.

Il est fortement déconseillé de se rendre en Espagne depuis la France pour tourisme ou des activités de loisirs.

Un test PCR effectué moins de 72h avant l’arrivée et dont le résultat doit être négatif, est exigé à l’entrée du territoire espagnol par voie aérienne (aéroports) ou maritime (ports). Cette obligation est étendue aux voyageurs entrant par la route, depuis la France, à compter du 30 mars.

Ne sont pas concernés par cette mesure : les enfants âgés de moins de

six ans, les voyageurs en correspondance aérienne, et, s’agissant de

l’arrivée par la route, les professionnels du transport routier entrant

en Espagne dans le cadre de leur activité, les travailleurs

transfrontaliers et les résidents de la zone frontalière pour des

déplacements ne dépassant pas un rayon de 30 km de leur lieu de


Cette obligation de présentation d’un test PCR négatif

s’applique aux voyageurs, quels que soient leur nationalité et le motif

de leur entrée en Espagne, venant d’un pays classé « Ã  risque Â»,

c’est-à-dire enregistrant un taux d’incidence égal ou supérieur à 150

cas pour 100 000 habitants. Les voyageurs en provenance de France sont

donc concernés par cette obligation. Le numéro de document d’identité ou

de voyage doit figurer sur l’attestation.

Une pénalité financière dissuasive est prévue en cas de

non-présentation d’un test PCR négatif à l’arrivée. Le document

présentant le résultat du test PCR doit être rédigé en espagnol, en

français, en allemand ou en anglais.

Les tests salivaires dont le prélèvement n’a pas été effectué en laboratoire, mais à domicile, n’autorisent pas le voyage.

Aucune mise en quarantaine à l’entrée sur le territoire espagnol n’est en vigueur.

L’ensemble du territoire espagnol est soumis aux règles de la « nouvelle normalité Â», qui prévoient notamment :

  • le port du masque obligatoire pour toute

    personne de plus de 6 ans, dans les espaces publics ou dans les lieux

    recevant du public
    , y compris les hôtels et les commerces, lorsqu’une distance d’un mètre cinquante ne peut être respectée entre deux personnes ;
  • le port du masque obligatoire dans les véhicules, si les passagers ne résident pas dans le même foyer ;
  • le respect des gestes barrières ;
  • la tenue de registres de passagers par les opérateurs de transports, conservés pendant quatre semaines.

La mobilité entre communautés autonomes est autorisée, mais des

confinements locaux peuvent être maintenus. Un couvre-feu de 23h à 6h

reste temporairement en vigueur aux Baléares et en Communauté

valencienne. Les réunions entre personnes ne vivant pas au sein du même

foyer restent limitées, en fonction des communautés.

La situation évoluant rapidement, il est recommandé de

s’informer régulièrement des dispositions prises par les autorités

nationales et locales et de s’y conformer strictement
, sous peine de fortes amendes, en consultant le site du ministère espagnol de la santé (en espagnol).

Source https://www.diplomatie.gouv.fr/fr/conseils-aux-voyageurs/conseils-par-pays-destination/espagne/

You can also look at:


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I believe Ken you come into this category of people who are exempt

les résidents de la zone frontalière pour des

déplacements ne dépassant pas un rayon de 30 km de leur lieu de


That may not be the case for those from further afield.

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es résidents de la zone frontalière pour des déplacements ne dépassant pas un rayon de 30 km de leur lieu de résidence.

Yes, that was the case but that regulation was cancelled several weeks ago. As it stands there are no restrictions on entering Spain from France. There may be a form that needs to be filled and is required by the Spanish authorities if you are a 'visitor'. However, in the case of myself and DANNY' who asked the original question to go across for shopping purposes rather than a vacation, there isn't , or doesn't appear to be, any requirement to even fill in the form. The frontier is open and there are no Spanish or French police.
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I cross , on average once a week. I do much of my shopping in Spain and yesterday had new tyres fitted to my car. The savings are quite extraordinary on many products.

The vast majority of people doing shopping are French and arrive from all over in coaches. They , like me, know that the savings are well worth it. The frontier shopping centres have expanded beyond all recognition to when I first arrived here 22 years ago.

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We took the risk today.
Just back from a days shopping, no problems on the way down, however cars were been stopped at the entrance to the Spanish motorway, Lots of cars pulled over, the two cars in front of us had Belgium plates , both pulled over, lots of french cars also, saw the debit card machine in action. When it was our turn, they looked at the number plates, ( 66 ) and waved us on.
From the 7Th June 2021, just the digital cert is all that is required, no PCR test, but it must be for the two jabs.

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Somehow I imagine you border crossers high on mountain passes, on foot, at night with donkeys carrying large sacks of contraband, shotgun slung over the shoulder advancing slowly, listening for border guards, then you come out of the misty dawn with your bounty that is distributed to eager peasants who tug their forelocks in appreciation!?
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You are correct, except they tend to be the immigrants seeking a new life in the UK. We have come across lots of these people when we are on Randos, not a pleasant trip high in the Pyrenees when you are very poorly dressed.

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'We took the risk today.
Just back from a days shopping,

no problems on the way down, however cars were been stopped at the

entrance to the Spanish motorway, Lots of cars pulled over, the two cars

in front of us had Belgium plates , both pulled over, lots of french

cars also, saw the debit card machine in action. When it was our turn,

they looked at the number plates, ( 66 ) and waved us on.
From the 7Th June 2021, just the digital cert is all that is required, no PCR test, but it must be for the two jabs.'

That supports what I posted above about exceptions for those who live near the border.

Even in pre-covid times there were fewer problems going across to Andorra and back if yhou had an 09 or 66 plate..

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[quote user="NormanH"]

'We took the risk today.
Just back from a days shopping,

no problems on the way down, however cars were been stopped at the

entrance to the Spanish motorway, Lots of cars pulled over, the two cars

in front of us had Belgium plates , both pulled over, lots of french

cars also, saw the debit card machine in action. When it was our turn,

they looked at the number plates, ( 66 ) and waved us on.
From the 7Th June 2021, just the digital cert is all that is required, no PCR test, but it must be for the two jabs.'

That supports what I posted above about exceptions for those who live near the border.

Even in pre-covid times there were fewer problems going across to Andorra and back if yhou had an 09 or 66 plate..


Which is quite ridiculous when, since the new plates were introduced, one can have any department number one chooses on the plates, and it is not necessary to change them when the car is sold or one moves into another department. We live in 11 but my car has the 30 plate which was on it when I bought it.

Liberté de choix pour le numéro de département

Vous pouvez faire apparaître, sur la partie droite de la plaque et sur un fond bleu, un identifiant territorial comprenant le numéro de département de votre choix surmonté du logo de la région dans laquelle est situé ce département.

Cette référence locale n'a pas nécessairement de lien avec votre

Vous pouvez donc choisir le département avec lequel vous

ressentez les attaches ou les affinités personnelles les plus profondes,

que celui-ci soit ou non votre département de résidence.

En outre, vous pouvez ou non, si vous le souhaitez, conserver la référence locale apposée par l'ancien propriétaire en cas de rachat d'un véhicule d'occasion.


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"That supports what I posted above about exceptions for those who live near the border"

There are no travel restrictions within France so there cannot be any advantage to living near the frontier. There are no restrictions in travelling across the frontier into Spain though certain requirements may be necessary but as long as they are comlpied with (if necessary) then no problem.

On the motorways there is always a Police presence of one form or another at the toll booths. Pulling over motorists is what they are there for! At crossings other than on motorways it is unlikely to see any Police presence. This morning I crossed to buy a car load of paint, not a policeman to be seen, Spanish or French and in fact barriers that had been in place to narrow the roads have been removed.
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Updated regulations or not. What I have written is correct. There is no problem with crossing into Spain. There may be requirements and that is for the individual to comply with. The fact remains there are no restrictions.
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It is quite obvious that the authorities are only at best making random checks in some places.

Saying that anyone can cross into Spain without being controlled is a bit like saying you drove home p*ssed yesterday and no-one stopped you, so anyone can drive when they are p*ssed.

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It is quite obvious that the authorities are only at best making random checks in some places.

Saying that anyone can cross into Spain without being controlled is a bit like saying you drove home p*ssed yesterday and no-one stopped you, so anyone can drive when they are p*ssed.

What utter nonsense! The fact remains you can cross into Spain whenever you want. Your analogy is, quite frankly, stupid!
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