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Therese Lemenager, Javron Les Chapelles 1949


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Many years ago I purchased an old French bedside cabinet and recently repaired the back wall of the inner compartment. I found a number of 1940's letters and photographs of the Lemenager family at La Trevanniere farmstead in Javron and particularly concerning Therese Lemenager, a young and attractive woman. One of the letters and photos involves 'Gilbert' who was in love with her. What happened to Therese? Did she marry Gilbert or another?
I would love to return the photos to Therese or her family but letters to the current owner of La Trevanniere and the Mayor of Javron went unanswered. The photos in particular are priceless in local history terms, one of which shows the whole family, some with hunting guns and dog, outside the homestead.I would have included these but cannot see the facility to do so on this forum.
However, I do run the Shorehambysea.com history forum and this is the link to the Lemenager article and photos. The link doesn't seem to work on this forum so click and drag across the following link and paste it into your own  'search' facility:- http://www.shorehambysea.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=3014.
I would have thought this story would make an interesting article for newspapers local to the area but should anyone know how else to contact the Lemenagers I would be very grateful to know.
Roger Bateman
Shorehambysea.com Archives
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"I would have thought this story would make an interesting article for

newspapers local to the area but should anyone know how else to contact

the Lemenagers I would be very grateful to know.


I think you should contact the local paper. I don't know the area but it is the sort of story that would appeal and I am sure that if the paper publish some of the family photos you might well get some answers. Probably a good idea not to reveal the contents of the letters and too much detail about the romance.[:$]

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Welcome to the forum!

I tried following your link, Roger, but when I clicked to see the image, it told me I had not got permission!

Sounds a good idea to write to the local French paper.


PS Seeing your forum name reminds me, I had a 19thC ancestor whose first name was Nelson and who lived in Shoreham most of his life. Just wondered if you had taken the name from an ancestor of yours, and it could turn out to be the same one!
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  • 2 weeks later...
Many thanks Loiseau and Cendrillon - I'll see if I can trace a local paper in the area. If you want to read the full article you don't need to sign on to do it but if you want to see the photos on  Shorehambysea.com you will need to register first.

My avatar name of Nelson is a bit pretentious - my ancestor served on HMS Spartiate during the Battle of Trafalger but he was only an ordinary seaman.- just look up your Shoreham predecessor's surname on our census returns, street directories and, recently, parish transcripts - not many web sites have the latter totally free of charge.

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