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Tally Ho - Oh Non ! Not in France, what a Quirck...

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Give it a rest and lay down for goodness sake.

Everytime I see a post from Dick Smith,  it's odds on that you

won't be too far behind. You had one nice break and were let back, good

for you but don't take the p*** and just carry on in the same vein. As we

used to say.............. you'd give an aspirin an 'eadache......

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Miki,see your language as not changed since you become a "mod"if someone posts something like you friend Mr Smith did about the size of someone and takes the mick out of them because of their size when their own is somewhat similar I think it is somewhat hyppocritical.There is an outside chance that it was an attempt at humour,did not make me laugh.
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Bouffon - I am sorry but your statement is factually incorrect - studies (autopsies) have shown that the assertion by many hunts that the first dog goes for the back of the neck and thus dispatches the fox is simply untrue in the majority of cases the fox is killed by being torn limb from limb. Shooting is much quicker.
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[quote user="le bouffon"]Miki,see your language as not changed since

you become a "mod"if someone posts something like you friend Mr Smith

did about the size of someone and takes the mick out of them because of

their size when their own is somewhat similar I think it is somewhat

hyppocritical.There is an outside chance that it was an attempt at

humour,did not make me laugh.[/quote]

The old man's still on the road I see ! Does he not mind you using his name ? I guess not, still, nice to know we have our own Hamiltons on the forum !

Laugh ! I can't ever see you two having a laugh, from what I can make

out, most of your time is spent grumping about everyone,  everything and harrassing Mr

Smith. Unless of course old bouffant is the one with the exhaust pipe

round his neck and he got the bang hump and asked you to post for him. Hasn't Mr O got a laptop in his cab?

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Far be it from me to comment on actions by moderators, but I

though where they disagreed with post people were making there “discussions”

were carried out privately (e.g. e-mail or PMs).

And to think this thread used to be about hunting as well

(but don’t that that as a grump, just an observation).


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Me, Miki a moderator ! Yer 'aving  larf aincher ! What a big hit

that would make with some folks on the site eh !! I admire and

respect our dedicated Mods and the work they put in but it is not my

cuppa tea.

I was a kind of mocker in my early youth,  then became a

full mod, not quote a face but a well known kinda guy about town. [8-|]

Whoops it's Mr Spoerry me old French teacher again !!

One thing I did learn many years ago, if anyone starts a sentence with "far be it for me to comment"

that was EXACTLY what they were planning to do. So glad to see nothing

has changed there then. Just a comment you understand................

And just for those who think it has gone off thread (how terribly,

terribly unusual is that !) then I agree with Dick, I too would like to

see the big moosh chase the fox across the countryside, quelle sport eh


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1) As far as I know Miki is not a moderator

2) Le Bouffon and Opas have separate log ins, I suspect one might be very cross with the other if they posted under the wrong name -

3) The mods will not put up with the 'hounding' of one member by another/others  ie when a member is continually answered with off topic or personal derogatory posts by one or two others.

4) Please stick to the argument/topic without being personal to individual posters


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Could therefore,  Miki be a top secret mod agent ? (don't

tell 'em James, let the mods try to guess !!). So who mods the mods, if

the mods, mod wrongly and who mods James if James wrongly mods a mod

who modded wrong ?

 It's all so confusing, maybe I won't be an agent moderateur

after all, the cotisations could be too much, anyone know their annual

charges ?

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[quote user="Miki"]Me, Miki a moderator ! Yer 'aving  larf aincher ! What a big hit that would make with some folks on the site eh !! I admire and respect our dedicated Mods and the work they put in but it is not my cuppa tea.


Thanks for clearing that up Miki. The world is turning smoothly on it's axis again.

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Sorry russie to  paint a picture but when the fox is torn limb from limb it would be dead so out of pain very very quickly with a pack of hounds tearing it apart.That would be much quicker than a poor shot or poisoning where the fox is left to suffer much longer and the later dying from the inside,I have said before I do not care one bit about fox hunting,ban it or not it is the rubbish used by the anti-hunt lobby that I find more objectionable that a fox being ripped to bits,ps do you know how long it takes a sheep to die when it`s thoat as been cut?At a quess longer than it takes a pack of hounds to kill a fox,I do not believe it is a matter of cruelty to the fox,more like a class thing.
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I saw  a bit of a programme in the middle of the night last week, which showed fox hunting in France,  and yes the animal was torn to shreds very quickly. BUT the absolute fear that the poor animal was in, even jumping into a lake to try and avoid death, was even more horrifying than its actual demise. No animal should be put through that in the name of entertainment;
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Much earlier in the thread  le bouffon said this

[quote user="le bouffon"]... once the dogs grip the fox it,s dead,...sorry just do not care about foxesLiving in the inner cities and life there and what could be for the rest of us is more of a relivance.[/quote]

Either the dogs 'grip' the fox with their little paddy paws (or their sharp teeth) and it's dead, or as he states much more recently, the dogs 'tear it limb from limb' and it's dead.

Which do you really believe, if either?

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Sorry but the colours play havoc with my sight,could you write in normal black if you want a serious reply.Since the last post is shown at the top of the page,I have noticed you do not mention the fact that it takes a sheep longer to die when it as had it`s throat cut,than a fox being killed in what ever way by a pack of hounds.ps russie no I did not see last  nights prog due to lack of interest.
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We shouldn't mock the chasseurs, after all they are the elite... blowing their own horn, they've been doing it for years



I did already say the animals might retaliate :


La chasse aux Humains

Le week-end, ou quand le temps de la retraite est venu, il faut bien occuper son temps libre, lorsqu'on habite la campagne et que les distractions sont rares. Aussi, nombreux sont les Animaux ruraux qui pratiquent comme divertissement l'activité barbare qui consiste à abattre, de sang froid, un maximum d'êtres Humains, à l'aide d'une arme à feu. Les Cerfs et les Sangliers entre autres, sont réputés pour de sauvages chasses à courre, à l'issue desquelles les têtes empaillées des innocentes victimes décapitées iront orner leur salon, à des fins purement décoratives.

Quant aux Lapins, sous des airs inoffensifs de peluche premier âge, ils masquent en réalité de bas instincts sanguinaires et un goût prononcé pour les tueries.

Lorsque les Humains sauvages se font rares, on en élève (voir Dossier Batterie), qu'on lâchera ensuite dans la nature, pour le plus grand plaisir des Chasseurs. Ces Humains d'élevage, incapables de courir, dénués de tout esprit de méfiance, habitués à recevoir leur nourriture de patte Animale, se laisseront tout bonnement abattre sans même comprendre ce qui leur arrive.

Les Chasseurs prétendent perpétuer une tradition, mais perpétrer est le mot juste.

Pour leur défense, les Animaux Chasseurs invoquent une communion avec la nature, arguant que leur "art" nécessite une grande connaissance et un amour de l'espèce Humaine (je vous laisse juge de cet argument hilarant), ou prétendent encore que la chasse est le meilleur moyen de régulation des naissances Humaines qui existe. Ces Animaux devraient faire un tour du côté du Planning Familial ; ils y découvriraient d'autres méthodes de contrôle des naissance, plus appropriées.

A voir également : La chasse aux Humains migrateurs ; l'utilisation odieuse des leurres pour piéger les Humains, ainsi que les brèves.


(Ian, if I hear any more about the Quirk, I'll start a new thread)

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Sorry but the colours play havoc with my sight,could you write in normal black if you want a serious reply. (le bouffon)

Are you saying we can expect responses full of jollity if we only post in black? A small price to pay.....

Perhaps in turn, I could ask you to make more use of the space bar, as lack of spaces between words which should be separate play havoc with my ability to read your posts.

Since the last post is shown at the top of the page,I have noticed you do not mention the fact that it takes a sheep longer to die when it as had it`s throat cut,than a fox being killed in what ever way by a pack of hounds. (le bouffon)

Why should I mention it? It has got nothing to do with this topic. You very rarely answer questions people ask you, but I will do you the honour of answering your off topic and irrelevant question.

I totally disagree with the practice of slaughtering any animal this way, in a country (UK, for example) where stunning is required to be carried out first. I believe there should never have been an exemption for certain religious groups, and I don't know which flake or groups of flakes allowed it.


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Off for a lie down I nearly agree with you,but let me say it is not off topic,fox hunting in called many things and one of them is cruelty to animals,I hear a lot about foxes but not a lot about sheep and cattle,the parallalism between hunting for fun and needless cruelty should not be lost.
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I've always thought that one of the reasons so many of the 'quality' have hunted in the UK is to emphasise their equestrian status - and that so many of the 'ordinary people' have kow-towed to them as part of the semi-feudal country society that so many of them seem to want to perpetuate, all tied cottages and tugged forelocks.


Now let me try and remember what these elite people did for a living when I was employed to qualify a horse for point to points by hunting it a few years ago. There was the Farmer, the green grocer, the farrier, the school teacher, the solicitor, the doctor, another couple of farmers with their wives, a nurse, an exotic dancer a factory owner, a property developer, a stud groom and his girlfriend, a farm labouer and a few other quite ordinary people as well



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Fox do kill chicken in the UK and a lot of pheasant too, but as for

lamb i think not. I have shot fox for many years, primarily on land

that borders vast areas of forestry commission land as well as arable

farm land.The overriding reason for farmers wanting fox shot are due to

the amount of premature births of lambs caused by 'old charlie' running

around with its cubs and causing distress to the sheep. This may or may

not seem cruel but every lamb born is a farmers wage ( certainly his

income) and as such is impelled to take action ( his wife makes him )

to protect his stock. Hugh.

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They trap and or shoot wild mountain cats round here. Aparently you can't keep them out of chicken runs. Some of the cats are protected but it does not stop them (the farmers). As one farmer said "Its the law of the mountains, they eat my chickens so I trap and kill them". Not quite fox hunting but it does show that nothing protects animals really when you get right down to it.

I think it's interesting that after the aniversary of the ban in the UK no arrests have been made and they just carry on business as normal so to my mind it was all a waste of time and energy debating it.

I see somebody said the ban was introduced because that was what everyone wanted so it was therefore democratically put in place. I think that is a bit nieve, if you went round Labour voters and asked them at election time (the one for the partimentry session that imposed the ban) and asked them to give three reasons why they were voting Labour I doupt very much if many would have said it's because of stopping hunting. Sure there would have been some but I would wager very small percentage. So to go round saying everyone wanted it banned is not really true. As I have said before I don't really care but I don't like the implication that there were more people in the UK who voted labour because they would ban fox hunting. There are far more important issues on which to elect a government.

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