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Bird flu - stupid or what?

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I have just received this from ASPAS and it seems to me to be exactly the sort of stupid reaction that was bound to start happening in France.

Certains maires ont demandé à leurs habitants de détruire les nids d'hirondelles sous prétexte qu'elles seraient vecteurs du H5N1. Il faut savoir qu'en 20 ans, la France a perdu 84 % de sa population d'hirondelles. Cet épisode de grippe aviaire, s'il est ainsi géré, risque d'anéantir rapidement l'ensemble de la population française d'hirondelles.
  D'autres utilisent le prétexte de la grippe aviaire afin de justifier de véritables génocides. Le maire de Saint Baudille de la Tour (Isère) a même été jusqu'à demander l'éradication des renards, fouines, belettes, putois, corbeaux, pies, buses et autres rapaces sédentaires (espèces protégées). Cette attaque à la biodiversité a immédiatement été condamnée par l'ASPAS qui a porté plainte contre ce maire.

Very quick translation.  Some Mayors have asked their inhabitants to destroy the nests of swallows, house martins and swifts under the pretext that they are carriers of H5N1. It should be known that France has lost some 84% of its population of these birds over the last 20 years.....

Others are using this pretext to justify a real genocide. The Mayor of Saint Baudille de la Tour (Isére) has asked for the eradication of foxes, weasels, pole cats, crows, magpies, buzzards and other non migratory birds of prey (protected species). This attack against biodiversity has been immediately condemned by ASPAS who have lodged complaint against the Mayor.

PS. All birds of prey are fully protected in France under Article 1 Protection de la flore et de la faune sauvage.


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"Others are using this pretext to justify a real genocide. The Mayor of Saint Baudille de la Tour (Isére) has asked for the eradication of foxes, weasels, pole cats, crows, magpies, buzzards and other non migratory birds of prey (protected species). This attack against biodiversity has been immediately condemned by ASPAS who have lodged complaint against the Mayor."

It looks as if the "project" has been stopped :



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