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Feeding the wild birds


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That looks more like feeding the dogs!

This morning I hadn't taken the time to go out to feed the birds as it's not so cold (we have to feed them outside of the garden with the animals), thinking I'd go out later.  I was in the yard this afternoon with the dogs and a little t-i-t came on top of the wall as if to say "and what about us!"

When I went out with the seed and a lump of butter (as I forgot to buy some more boules), they were waiting in the tree.  I wonder how much longer they will need the "resto du coeur", I don't mind feeding them all year.  How long do you others feed them for?


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 I feed my wild birds all year, just less in the summer. I hope to keep them visiting to eat the aphids and slugs etc........

We had Siskins in the garden yesterday which I haven't seen for ages here, and we think we have Blackbirds nesting under our bedroom window (which will put the Robins who nested their last year, nose out of joint, no doubt)


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I love to feed the wild birds but was concerned about encouraging them into the garden because of the Flu Virus.  I wanted to continue to feed them as it has been so cold, so I contacted the RSPB.  They said:

The form of flu that is currently spreading is not contagious in humans and there has been no case of this being passed by wild birds to humans.

Therefore, normal hygiene precautions at bird tables and feeders will certainly be adequate at the present time. Wearing gloves is an obvious first step but cleaning feeders outside is an excellent extra tip. This is equally true where birds are nesting in the vicinity such a house martins and swallows although it is by no means clear whether certain species carry or been exposed to the disease. Indeed, these are all things that perhaps, we should be doing already given

If the situation does change, please keep checking back at the RSPB



So I am still feeding the birds and they are looking very well on it![:)] 

PS. I have been grroming the dog outside because he has started to moult everywhere and the Yellow Wagtails? (only way to describe them) have been flitting around picking up all the hair this week.  Wish they would come inside and do it!![:'(]

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Our great tits sit on the window sill and knock on the window when their feeder is empty - drives the kittens wild.

I've taken to buying the larger fat balls from the Co-op Agricole - 4Euros 71 for 4 and they last a lot longer than the smaller ones.

Last year, I wondered why the fat balls hanging on the telegraph pole in our back garden were completely disappearing including the string bag they were in - then I caught the red squirrel attacking it.  He's not been out for it this year, but I stopped him nicking the peanuts by putting up a squirrel proof bird feeder which you can buy off the RSPB site.  Also, the Jays a very greedy feeders on ground food.

I haven't seen my nuthatches this year, but the black redstart is back so hopefully that means spring is definately here.

If you are interested in birds and wildlife (English only at the moment) have a look at www.wildlifeindigital.co.uk .  All the pictures on it were taken my brother and his girlfriend but you might also be able to use it to identify some of the visitors to France.


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