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Hi folks, especially Chrispp.. Has anyone seen one of these. It appeared on our terrace a couple of days ago and didn't 'arf wake Frances (OH) up! It was about a foot long annd by the time I had my camera this was the only photo I managed to get...


It really was a lovely looking thing! Didn't half shift tooo!!


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I occasionally see them, but they are far more common down south where you are John, they tend to be fairly tolerant of humans and will quite often watch you from a short distance, they can sometimes be seen in brambles if you look carefully later in the year eating blackberries.

Be a little bit careful if you pick one up as they can give a bit of a bite.



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I spent a while today looking at 'Lizard' sites.

I found the Lizard, (very similar pictures to the one Pix posted), but didn't feel confident enough to say 'it's a Green Lizard'. It just seemed too easy [:)]. Google is amazing.


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We have a copy of 'Complete Mediteranean Wildlife' by Paul Sterry and it threw us a bit 'cause it's not in there. I realise that they can't put everything in, but I would have thought a 'common' reptile would be?

We will definately look out for them and the blackberries. There will be competition for them too because our chokky labrador, Celé can also be seen picking and eating the blackberries and woe betide anyone who tries to stop her!!! Don't 'arf make going for walks in the b/berry season a slow walk! She O/Ding on cherries at  the moment[:D]


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