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stopped by gerdarme


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[quote user="Deimos"]she checked with a colleague who said that they don't tend to worry about it these days.[/quote]

Don't you just love those sort of "off the cuff", unrecorded and unaccountable whimsises which can so come back to bite you in the bum when something happens.

Insurance companies, bless..........................[:P]

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I've paid fine, got my Carte Gris back, Now I have to change my address on it at the prefecture, Niort. Does anyone know an online form i can obtain and present to them already filled in. I shall also change my UK driving licence to a french one, can I get form  for that online too? Sorry about this but when you live alone and don't know people to ask you lot are invaluable; Thanks
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You can download a demande de certificat d'immatriculation from [url=http://www.interieur.gouv.fr/sections/a_votre_service/vos_demarches/vehicules/cerfa-1067203/downloadFile/attachedFile/10672.pdf?nocache=1138096996.08]HERE[/url].  You only need to fill in the first page with your name and new address details.

You don't have to change your driving licence for a French one.  Your gendarme wasn't talking about you needing a licence for a trailer - he was actually talking about needing a carte grise for a trailer (which costs 48€)...




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You can do the change of address and the exchange of licence at the préfecture.

To change the address on your registration document, you need to provide:

To exchange your licence, you need to provide

  • the original licence (keep a copy for yourself,

    just in case)

  • 2 ID photos
  • your passport

  • 2 copies of the form from this page: http://www.equipement.gouv.fr/formulaires/fic_pdf/11247.pdf
  • you might want to have a utility bill or tax form, to

    prove your address in France, if your passport does not show it...
The duplicate form can be completed from your computer, in which case, 2 copies will be printed automatically. Don't forget to sign them both.

If completing by hand, you will need to complete, sign and print 2 copies.

If in doubt, contact your préfecture before setting off [:)]:

Préfecture Deux-Sèvres (79)

4, r Duguesclin, 79099 Niort Cedex 09

Tél. : 05 49 08 68 68

Fax : 05 49 28 09 67

E-mail : courrier@deux-sevres.pref.gouv.fr

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I went to Prefecture in Niort today.

No problem changing Carte Gris.

I couldn't get apply for my driving  licence because I hadn4t got my birth certificate with me.

You also must take a stampes addressed envelope, everything on the list was fine. Thank you Clair.

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There were gendarmes on practically every street corner yesterday, and hiding behind bridges.  It gave me quite a fright seeing so many, I was convinced they were going to fine me for something like having my steering wheel on the wrong side,[:)] they are quite scary.  I wonder why yesterday there were so many in and around Morlaix. 


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My latest tactic is to engage the younger lady ones in conversation about their name. It cant be gendarme as they are clearly ladies, so what should I say? Gendarmesse (no, not nice word) etc, oh yes, gendarmette. Then they say no, I am a gendarme, and I say how can you be as it is masculine. This goes on a while while their usually male trainers fall about in the ditch. But dont try it with the big dikey looking jobbers. They have serious personality problems as they were rejected for the prison service.[6]
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My husband has been stopped three times since we have been here and breathalized and this was mid afternoon, fortunately, he was OK as he does not drink very much and never during the day.  The last time he was stopped he was fined for speeding and he tried to explain that we had a leak and I was sat with my finger in the hole in the pipe  and he was dashing to the shop to buy the bits to repair it but to no avail. He was fined  90  euros on the spot but he said the Gendarme was a very polite young man and after explaining the situation the Gandarme just smiled and gave the "Galic Shrug" which  OH  took as...tough 
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  • 3 weeks later...

A neighbour has had two fines from the traffic police.

First time as she arrived at a peage point whilst driving a right-hand drive car, she pulled up the handbrake whilst leaving the engine on. As she is tiny she got out of the car and walked round to the booth to pay. A watching traffic cop fined her for not being in control of a vehicle with its engine running.

Second time, she was fined for not actually having completly stopped at a stop sign. She said to the policeman that she thought that she had come to a stop. He replied in English "Madame, I do not lie." 

Be warned.

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I've found, during several stops (controls) and one accident, there has never been a problem with a diferent address on my carte gris[:D] must change it soon, I've also kept my UK driving licence (for 8 years), yes of course they question it............. but I just do the english thing......................STUPID[geek] ...........they don't make a note of it!

Mooky, did you pay immediately?  Because for future reference, if you pay immediately to the 'flic', you pay less than if you wait to pay by 'timbre amende' or cheque[Www]

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No. I paid the tabac later that day. You buy a stamp, there is usually a queue with other'offenders' there. My offence just earnt a "phuffff

from the others. I realise I have not changed the address on my controle technique, nor do I have a little silver stamp in it for when I renew.

Is this an offence too?

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sunday driver

I'm sorry to disagree, but my experience, and the advice of loads of frence friends...............who get lots of amendes, you pay less if you pay immediately by cash..............perhaps the flic (with the english) doesn't explain this, but if you explain:/insist then the fine is less............probably 30% less[geek]

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  • "L'amende forfaitaire" est la procédure simplifiée qui permet à un

    contrevenant d'éviter des poursuites pénales par le paiement d'une

    somme forfaitaire.
  • L'amende forfaitaire peut être minorée (-30 %) pour la plupart des

    contraventions (sauf celles relatives au stationnement) si le

    contrevenant paie sur-le-champ ou dans les trois jours
    .Après ce délai, l'amende forfaitaire rejoint son "tarif normal
  • L'amende forfaitaire à taux minoré doit être payée immédiatement ou dans les 3

    (dans les 7 jours dans le cas où l'avis de contravention a été envoyé au domicile du conducteur). Il est possible de la régler par timbre-amende ou par chèque à Paris. En contrepartie, on reçoit une quittance de paiement.
  • L'amende forfaitaire à taux normal s'applique lorsque l'on règle dans les 30

    qui suivent la constatation de l'infraction ou l'envoi de l'avis de contravention.
  • L'amende forfaitaire à taux majoré concerne les amendes qui ne sont pas

    réglées dans les 30 jours
    et pour lesquelles aucune réclamation n'a été présentée. Cette amende doit être payée dans les 30 jours.


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  • L'amende forfaitaire peut être minorée (-30 %) pour la plupart des contraventions (sauf celles relatives au stationnement) si le contrevenant paie sur-le-champ ou dans les trois jours.Après ce délai, l'amende forfaitaire rejoint son "tarif normal
  • As I said earlier, you pay the same amount whether it's to the flic at roadside, or at the tabac within three days....[;-)]


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