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Swimming With Sharks in 33!

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Have you heard about the mother shark and her two babies spotted just 10 metres from the water edge at Soulac-Sur-Mer?  Apparently they are blue sharks (requin bleue) and do not attack people.  They had to evacuate the beach last Wednesday!  They've moved into deeper waters now......but still!

I'm going there next week for a few days with my husband and daughter -  who enjoy swimming in the ocean and swim very well.  I'm still worried though - can anyone appease my fears? 

When I was 7,  I found my mothers copy of 'Jaws' (she used to hide it under the matress) and I read the first chapter - it's stayed with me forever!!!

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I'm not so sure about the "Blue Sharks don't attack people". As far as I'm aware they are as dangerous or safe as many types of shark and though most sharks will tend not to attack people they can (Blue sharks as well). There are certainly documented attacks on people by Blue sharks and the "official line" is that "they represent a danger to humans". That is not to say they will always attack as in practice many sharks will normally not attack.

It surprises me how people tend to think of UK waters as being "shark free". Once when sailing from the South Coast to Ireland, just of the northern coast of Cornwall, just after Lands End I saw three fins in the calm water ahead. Kept going and just as we approached, they turned and swam down the side of the boat (about a foot away from the boat). Thus it was easy to measure their size and they were close to 4m long. This was probably just a few miles off the coast. Seen sharks in the channel several times before.

I would not worry too much though. More people are killed each year by lightening than by sharks. I've been diving with sharks around even had my dive buddy/nutter start tugging on the tail of two whilst I was at their head end - and all they wanted to do was go away somewhere quite and get some peace.


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Ohhhhhhhh yes so we shall, all is going well at the moment, except my hubby has had his lap top stolen at work, which held a lot of important information on, if they bypass his sercurity they could cause us promblems if they wanted to.I think I have told everyone who needs to know and luckerly I have back up copies of all our personell stuff but he has lost a lost of work related stuff, so hes not a happy chappie today God dont you hate thiefs
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The worst bit is we keep our msn open all night and talk as and when we feel like it. But im all on my own to night and have had to put up with one phone call. I have emailed his computer with a mesage to the thief.

some questions

What is DAB as in digital radios?

When do ypur local  house taxes get sent out to you in france and do you know if they will post them here?

when i have sent out smileys(not the ones off here) have they come up with a web site atached to them? I have been told they do and that I cant post them any more.........but others do how do i stop the web site info?


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Pads, I think you need to copy your technical questions into the tech forum.

The people who may be able toanswer may not look here. Also, other people looking for information may not think a thread about sharks would contain the information they need.

I love thread drift, but from Sharks to DAB in one step is a step too quick for me[:D]

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this is from a thread where i asked about digital radios but they answered thinking i would know what they meant so trying not to look thick i thought id quickley ask the girls and see if they knew so i could go back to my other thred and talk again how sad can I get hey[;-)] 

not so much a drift as a quicky...........

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Hi pads,

Sorry; I get you now.

Those techie fiends don't speak the same language do they?[:D].

A long time ago, I had to pass a maths test to be able to go to University. Someone gave me a sample paper.[:'(] I had to go back to basic fractions to work up (eventually) to the hideous level of maths needed. I had a wonderful friend who was so kind and patient....I think people just forget what it feels like, and what it is like, when you really don't know how to do something.

Good luck, and I'm sorry I can't help[:(]

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[quote user="TWINKLE"]

I KNEW you'd say that!!!

Oy!  Girls - please.....can we talk about sharks here -  or I'm gonna report you all!


Shark steak on promo at our Leclerc this week.........9euros 50 per kilo, [img]http://bestsmileys.com/fish/10.gif[/img]

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[quote user="pads"]

we have had sharks spotted off the north coast of cornwall but no one seems to be bothered as many tourist on the bech as normal.

Still whats one tourist among friends[:)]


Twinkle, it's only nature, the poor things have got to eat.  I'm sure Chris pp would agree with that...   [8-|]   [:D]


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Careful what you say about me, I'm watching!

OK, When was the last time a human was attacked by any type of shark of the Atlantic coast of Europe?

and I'm not talking about Estate Agents, Car Dealers, Dodgy Builders etc.

Have a nice holiday Twinks and RELAX.


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