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in case anyone is interested, at the moment there is an effort to catch and radio coller three wolves in " le parc du mercantour " in south east france. A wildlife / wolf expert trapper from the united states has been brought over, a chap by the name of carter niemeyer , to carry out the careful project , he has had to learn to use drop nets instead of his usual traps as they are banned in france, but as of yet there is no sign. it is believed they are wandering in and out of italy and returning .

this is in order to begin a study of them longterm , as there are only 80 to 100 left in western europe around the alps notably in the parc mentioned above.


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hi chris and christine, yes i agree it is a worrying time for them, in the past they were as you know one of the most successful predators and only declined because of man hunting them to near extinction , i have a big soft spot for them and the african wild hunting dogs too which has received the same fate and only live in a tiny area in africa whereas again they were extremely numerous naturally.

i doubt that this study will have any bearing on their future , there are so many others in steep decline and no matter what it seems they will carry on and disappear from our planet, which i feel is a great loss.

we can only hope for the best, thankyou for the websites.



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I doubt that the wolves will disappear, monty, the French State is "personally" responsible for making sure that they don't, and this is one of the instances where they really do have to obey EU legislation and there are a number of French associations that will make sure of that.


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[quote user="chris pp"]

I doubt that the wolves will disappear, monty, the French State is "personally" responsible for making sure that they don't, and this is one of the instances where they really do have to obey EU legislation and there are a number of French associations that will make sure of that.



Now why doesn't THAT reassure me?

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thanks christine,

 the sites are great, fantastic pics, i routinely go to my local zoo at la palmyre and my wife has trouble dragging me away from the wolf enclosure !!

chris, i draw some comfort in your experienced words , but have seen too often throughout the world " protected species " continually poached / killed even though there are large organisations watching over them , a little negative of me maybe , i hope for the best.



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Here's another one for you.


WWF- France is another.

Yes, there's always a problem with protected species being illegally killed, captured or injured, and although the work of keeping on the Governments and other authorities "backs" is difficult and costs money, there are associations in France carrying out this task, often going as far as the EU.

Why not become a member of one or two? It costs very, very little for the annual subscription and it's numbers that count, more members equals more subsidies and a higher profile.


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  • 2 weeks later...

HI ,


thanks christine for this post, my point exactly regarding protected species still being killed, i am quite disgusted really.The supposed protection of these important species cannot be enforced without real consequences , which are rarely carried out.I can understand the killing of some species in Africa by farmers protecting their basic survival but in Switzerland ??

If the situation carries on it will not be long before we lose the most important and adaptable species on our earth, preaching i may be, but it was the careful domestication of the wolf that has given us our fruitful relationship with the dogs we own today , differing reasons for this situation i know, but still morally and universally wrong no matter how you look at it.



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