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I really should know this, but I don't: just seen a beaver-like creature (unfortunately dead) by the side of the road, where the road passes over a stream.  As I say, beaver/badger-shaped, shiny/oily brown fur, BUT ratty tail, rather than a squat, flat one.  Other than beavers and otters, I don't really know any other water-loving mammals of that ilk.  Any ideas?  Probably very obvious and I'll be acutely embarrassed, but hey-ho, you live and learn.....  


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We had one in the garden last year - only a small one, but a hell of a swimmer and Jude called him Spitz the Rat (after Mark Spitz, for those who remember the moustachioed one).


I disposed of him last year on the advice of our neighbours.  Is there still a price on their tails?

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[quote user="Cassis"] Is there still a price on their tails?

Hope so.  Looking forward to manfully striding into the Mairie tomorrow with it slung over my shoulder, collecting my €5,000, and striding back out without telling them I scooped it up off the roadside.  They'll think I'm handy with one of those rifle things - instant kudos.[:D]

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As I say, beaver/badger-shaped, shiny/oily brown fur, BUT ratty tail, rather than a squat, flat one.

You obviously had a good old look though! And as for asking if anyone else had seen any interesting roadkill today............!!

Me ghoulish..........lets just count how many posts i have started about something i found dead on the side of the road..................ummmmmm that'll be none then!

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[quote user="Meg and Mog"]Me ghoulish..........lets just count how many posts i have started about something i found dead on the side of the road..................ummmmmm that'll be none then!

Good, unanswerable point M&M.  Haven't been out monitoring today, too chilly....[Www] 

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