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Ok I know that this is not in the true spirit of wildlife/nature/environment.    I have a spider phobia; generally I kind of cope with it (after a fashion !) and last year we didn't seem to get many biggies in the house.   This year it's different.     In fact this is prompted by the fact that there is the mother of all spiders sitting next to my woodburner right now; which means that I can't put any wood in it.   This means that OH will be very upset when he comes back in (hopefully soon) and finds the woodburner out !!    I can't bring myself to get near enough to them to kill them (they are the only thing I can bear to see killed, but sorry they have to go).

Thus, I need some kind  of  long-range spray.   It needs to be fairly long range because I can't get near enough to them to see them in detail; I once saw one really close up and promptly fainted !!

Does anyone know of a good spray you can buy from supermarket?   I have a fly spray but I am scared that might just fire him up and send him running around the house, whereby I would have to evacuate until I knew he was caught.

Sorry, I know it's pathetic but there you go.

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Sad thing is that I probably would if I had one ...

Luckily OH has come to my rescue on this occasion.  But I still need a spray if anyone knows of one.   I can't help thinking that perhaps that was a baby and that mum or dad are in the wall somewhere ...............    cold sweat coming on.

Now, must get that woodburner going again !!

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I can sympathise completely!

I can't stand the things which is not rational I know, but then if it were rational it wouldn't be a phobia!

I got a (large) can of spray specifically for spiders (arachnid) which is an ordinary aerosol can with a long spout that clips on the end.  This gives it enormous range, more than 2 metres, maybe 3 when the can is fresh, so you can stand at a 'safe' distance and give the beggers a squirt. Works fast too.

I got mine at Point Vert but I have seen similar in some Hypermarches inthe chemical warfare section.

Courage mon brave!!

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OMG just what I need.  

Tomorrow I am off to the chemical warfare section of M. bricolage - I have never seen it in there, but normally I am a little squeamish about the 'killing fields' section as I think of it, but this time I shall have a good delve and hopefully there will be something there.

I like the idea of the long range and quick kill.   Normally I am terrified to try squirting anything at them in case it kind of livens then up to a run, although in the days when I could be bothered with hairspray I found that worked not too badly, but it did seem a rather unpleasant death (ho ho, pretending like I really care !!).

Thanks all.

PS:   I couldn't do the vacuum cleaner thing, because if I knew there was a spider in there, then I wouldn't be able to empty the bag !  Another job for OH !!



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Johnson's raid, the ant and cockroach version. You're not supposed to spray it into the air but it's the only thing that will knock a wasp out in mid-flight. Hornets take longer, but spiders curl up and give up immediately.

Spray it round the skirting boards and it stops the creep-crawlies coming in too!
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I did think of that - spray and hot stove, but probably would have taken the risk if I had something suitable to hand !   Rather death by incineration than the chance of a spider crawling on me (only kidding - I think ?).

Actually I have some Raid so I will try that, but am anyway off to m bricolage this afternoon so will peruse the shelves there for the specific arachnid spray.


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Unless they are indoors, and in my face I don't kill them.  I even rescue the small ones from the pool skimmer with my cunningly made implement (slotted spoon tied to large wooden stick !).

Don't like killing them really I don't .............. I try to make up for it by being nice to everything else !!!!!   Snakes, mice, all welcome in my house / garden for a little visit and then off down the field to pastures new ....

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I have one of those Lakeland jobs that Hoddy was talking about. They are good. I am petrified of spiders but even more petrified of moths. But the Lakeland whatsit gives you lots of courage. Start off  "hoovering up" flies, wasps and small creepies and you will be surprised at how quick you become more brave. If I pick them up (the big ones that is) I then leave them in the whatsit until hubby comes in and let him empty it for me. He knows when to do this - I leave it outside the back door...

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Nell. I have to agree that the Lakeland Spider catchers are excellent and makes it so easy to dispose of the spiders humanely. Even a large spider when it is in the tube doesn't appears to be so  threatening. It is well worth buying a couple of the Lakeland catchers and if you do not like the results you can return at anytime and get a full refund. Is it lovely to do business with a company who operate a not time return policy for any legitimate reason, perhaps it is about time the French retailers to leaf out of their books. This is a reminder of the link Hoddy gave previously and they do deliver to France:  http://www.lakeland.co.uk/product.aspx/!20455


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