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Mole hari kiri !!!!


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Have cursed the mole nuisance many times,and the horrendous sunken runs in the lawn,now seem to accidently find the answer!Today found a dead mole in the water butt which has a sealed lid!Cannot have come up the overflow pipe from the soakaway cos there is a butt side internal filter.It must have entered the butt down the down spout drain off the roof.Now can moles climb vertical walls ?My wife did say that she had heard some heavy scrabbling noises in the bathroom roof space a couple of days ago.Since its demise in the water butt(it wasnt wearing SCUBA gear)no roof noises.I am erecting a sign  for directions of the moles to the butt!    Maude 
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Moles are meant to taste horrid - so  it could have been a reject from an airborne carnivore!

I see dead ones over in the wood from us and they always look perfect - never clear how they died - maybe old age - but they are never, ever mutilated by scavengers - they just eventually rot down by the side of the path!



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