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Unusual Coypu or Muskrat or ???


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Hi there

I haven't been on here long and only just found this sub-forum.  I might linger a while.

I've been in Tarn et Garonne 2 months (accompanied by small person, dog, cat, 4 horses and 2 ponies).

On our land we have several small ponds and in one we have a squatter but I'm not sure what.  The first time I saw him, I said "Oh my god, a guinea pig!". Then sanity re-established its tenuous hold and I remembered that (a) guinea pigs didn't really like water (had 100s when I was a small person) and (b) it really was quite a lot bigger than a guinea pig.  What my brain couldn't get around was the fact that it was WHITE.  It was obviously a rodent and a swimmer but......WHITE???  I'm assuming its an albino mutation of......er.....something.  At first I thought "Coypu" but when I checked in a friend's wildlife book, I think it was too small and more the size of a cat.  Could it be a Muskrat? 

I was so excited about it, that I practised my (limited) French on my neighbour....."Grand Blanc Souri en Etang!"  He smiled (for what seemed a long time) and left...  Then I thought that was rather stoopud as he'll be round tomorrow with his dog and gun.  But I guess he just thought "mad English woman".

So what do you think?  Are there muskrats in 82?  Any other ideas?  "Snowy" is very brave and doesn't disappear if you're not too noisy.  Has anybody else seen an albino?


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I'd like to see a photo.

Musk rat is a possibility, not sure of how common they are in Tarn et Garonne but you can usually ascertain the presence of Musk rats by what they eat and the fact that they often leave bits of dinner on the ground near the waterside, so you may find discarded shells or bits of freshwater crayfish, that type of thing.

A young Coypu is another possibility, they are vegetarian , so although no remains will be found in the vicinity, they often leave their excrement near the waterside, it's always very dark, like a large capsule, smooth and when mushed up has no solid contents.

Good luck (try and get a photo).


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We have a house in Aveyron (12) and have what we think is a Coypu living along side our etang but he is mink-coat brown.

I understand from a pest control website I found that Coypus grow up to 10kg and have tails like rats. Muskrats have flattened tails.

We think ours is cute too but I have been advised to contact the authorities if there is a colony as they eventually destroy the banks  of rivers and lakes. We hope there is only the one  and we'll give him a name!

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