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What "wildlife " are you scared of ...

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I am about to go on holiday to a region that has been having lots of floods lately.....and crocs have been seen in surburban streets ....so far I have never "bumped into " anything that has really scared me .....I think meeting a crocodile when I put the bins out might do it ! ......... Have you met somthing in the wild  that really gave you a fright and what was it .
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In my case, I guess I'm a typical woman, snakes , any kind, and mice and above all rats.....

Once my farmer neighbour told me to have a look at the onions they had put to dry in the barn , when I stepped in, I was face to face with a big rat.. I was frozen and screamed my head off ....

She came along, and asked  " qu'est ce qui se passe ???"  " Oh, it s only a rat, we got many of them ..." [:-))][:-))]

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I was scared of many critters when I was 10, but in most cases it was a completely irrational fear.

By the time I was 20 the only irrational fear I had left was of slugs, and I've got rid of that one now.[:D]

I would still be scared of a crocodile, if one wandered into my garden, but I think that would be fair enough.


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I have now also discovered that the floods have driven snakes to take refuge by getting themselves into peoples cars .....I wouldnt have thought there was a way in from under vehicles or through the engine compartment ........starting to check the insurance policy now ! and praying the rains stop and all these creatures go home

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[quote user="chris pp"]



Poor little things.



YES EARWIGS, AND !!!!![:@] !!!


As a child my brothers told me that they went in your ears and ate your brains , then ate your hair from the inside, so then you would need to wear a wig. thats why they are called ear wigs, Now I know thats not true any more,but the the thought of them any where near me makes me crawl................[+o(]   


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We lived in the Cotswolds when I was a child.  One dark evening my father was driving the new cleaning lady home (it was remote) and the headlights picked up a badger lolloping along the road. 

"What's that?!!!!" she shrieked. 

"It's all right, it's only a badger." 

"What's a badger?!!!!!"

"It's just one of the wild animals that lives in the woods around here."

She never came back.  My mother was livid.

Chrissie (81)

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No ..Not Jurassic park......but I am thinking it might as well be .......I am going to Northern Queensland where they have had floods that were as they reported a   "50 year event "   Its hard to imagine that a place gould get rain like 32 inches in 3 days ...but thats the sort of monsoon  loads they have been getting ...Rivers and creeks gone from low or nothing up to 24 feet deep in a few days .... the main coast railway track was swept away such was the force of water.... I  did watch some of  " I am a celeb get me out of here "  so I know all the bugs and bities are in that area ....Its Mackay that had the crocs come up into the streets ......I feel sorry for a lot of people as they had felt safe having not seen such flooding for 40 years and had built  on areas that were suddenly under water ...up to the roofs .....Oh well ...lets hope it all goes away ....off to Vendee tomorrow  for a week or so to de winterise the house then off to face the crocs ....
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Spiders mainly.  Not mice, nor rats (even though I was chased by one when I was younger, much younger).  However, last year we did have an experience when our neighbours cows decided the grass was greener on our side of the fence.  When said neighbour came to herd them back into their field, they decided to make a dash for it - up my garden, towards me.  There can't be a lot, more scary, than a few dozen tons of limousin beef, stampeding towards you.  Certainly gets the adrenalin going.  The "herding" stick in my hand seemed a little inadequate at the time, so I legged it and let the farmer sort them out. 

Snakes - not keen, but not scared.  

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