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I've succeeded in trapping one of the two ragondins that have been kicking around here.


I'm told that one way to despatch them is to drown them by submerging the cage, which seems more humane than trying to stick it through with a metal spike as the ragondin catcher who provided the cage suggested. 

I don't want to delay too long, really need to put it down today so I can set the trap for the other one.  So - spike it (a bit gory and I doubt I'd hit the right spot first time) or drown it?

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Death by drowning, being trapped in a cage. Is death by impaling the only other alternative? Can't it be gassed, or something?

I am glad I am not the one to have to do it.[:'(]

One good reason to leave lake or a river ownership to others who are made of sterner stuff...

Come on Cassis, be honest: you can't expect to post a photo of a cute little mammal like this , declare its proposed modes of execution, and not expect an outcry. I mean, we all know it's going on, we know that in many cases it is kind of necessary, but some of us would prefer not to have our nose rubbed in it.

Have you given it a name yet?[blink]


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I used to think these things were cute and cuddly (even posted to that effect on this forum) but now I know them to be nasty little beggers, worse than mink maybe.  As for gassing, could you put the cage in a bin bag then run a pipe from the exhaust of your car to the bag?  After a while it would be either dead or unconcious and therefore easier to quickly despatch by whacking on the noggin/stabbing/running over with car.  None of these are nice options I know but sometimes it just has to be done.
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These creatures are a menace - they destroy étangs and riverbanks - so I've no compunction as regards killing it and its partner.  Those with a long memory may recall I despatched another of the blighters by poison and then whacking it on the head while it was lying groggily on the lakeside a few years back.

Unfortunately, I don't have a shotgun (nor do I have any immediate neighbours with guns).

I hadn't thought of gassing - but it sounds like a lot of hassle and not much better than drowning. 

Having had time to think on it since breakfast, I don't think the stabbing option is on (seriously, that's what the ragondin catcher was suggesting - he apologised for having forgotten to bring a spike to leave me for the purpose). 

I think it'll have to be drowning.  Either that or chop its tail off and sell it to next door's kids as a cochon d'inde.

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I can just imagine the look on the vet's face if I turned up with a ragondin and asked him to put it down!  He'd probably call for the men in white coats to take me away - I'm not falling into your trap, Christine! Nice one! [:D] [:D] [:D]

Anyway, the deed is done, turns out it was a quick and clean way to go.  I left the body at the edge of the field so at least it should make a decent meal for a fox or buzzard. Fingers crossed that the other one falls into the trap soon.

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I believe these natives of South America were introduced here to raise for meat - big mistake.  Should have stuck to piggies, lambsies and moo-cows plus the odd bunny wabbit.  East Anglia used to have a problem with them but I heard they had eradicated them.

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[quote user="Christine Animal"]

So if it was a "quick and clean way to go" Cassis, what was it finally?


Drowning.  Just submerged the cage in water.  Not a pleasant thing to have to do, but there you go - life ain't all rosy.

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[quote user="Christine Animal"]

Pathetic and disgusting.  Sorry, but that's my opinion.  If you can't do things correctly, then don't do them.

Oh, the superior human race !


"Correctly" being to take ragondins to the vet.  [Www]

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Why not, even a shot in the head would have been better.  Drowning an animal trapped in a cage is an easy and cowardly act.  I tried to see when you asked this morning how they deal with them and even a chasseur was asking about it as he couldn't see himself drowning one.  If you would like to see the forum I can probably find it again.

Just because an animal is classed as "nuisible", doesn't mean it deserves no respect and should not be humanely dealt with.

You came on here this morning asking what you should do with it.  Surely you should have found that out before you trapped them.  You obviously had no experience and did not know what you were doing, so found the easy way out.


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I think the drowning-in-cage option was a cowardly and despicable one.  If any animal is causing you a nuisance, the LEAST it deserves is a quick despatch.  Drowning in a cage, which involves delay and fear) appals me.[:(]

Chrissie (81)

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Oh dear.  I've upset the Bambi brigade.  Woe is me. 

If you could be a r s e d to read what I said, Christine, you'll know the local ragondin catcher provided the cage and advised trying to kill it with a spike.  If you see one of these things move in a cage then you'll know how many stabs that would take.  Drowning was a lot kinder.  If you've got a gun I'll invite you to come and shoot the next one.

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Was what an accident?  What are you on about? The photo was for the benefit of those who don't know what a ragondin is.

Was any good alternative means of despatch offered?  Gassing doesn't seem any better to me.  No-one here has a gun.  The professional catcher advised shoving a spike into it.  Get real, it's a rodent on the "most unwanted" list.  There are better things to lose sleep over.

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[quote user="cassis"]These creatures are a menace - they destroy étangs and riverbanks - so I've no compunction as regards killing it and its partner. 

Worthy of some analysis I think...................................

"These creatures are a menace"

Compared to the human race any damage that coypu do is completely and totally insignificant.

Drowning it, or indeed any living creature, in a cage is simply barbaric. Simply quoting that the locals do it this way just doesn't cut it.

If you feel the need to carry out this 'ethnic cleansing', at least equip yourself to do it humainly.

Better still leave them alone.

Angry, you bet....................................................[:@][:@]

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We are all aware that some animals are a nuisance and must be despatched, but some of us like to think we are doing it as quickly and humanely as possible.  Maybe that makes us the Bambi brgade.  I don't know. 

As long as you are happy with the route you have chosen, then that's OK.  But don't ask for everyone's approval and blessing.....

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