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It's a cracker

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Hope this works - not posted a video clip before.

Last night saw one of the many thunderstorms we have at this time of year, and boy do we have some corkers.  Made me pots and pans rattle in the kitchen last night:


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It can be a bit disconcerting when the tree you are looking out at, 10 ft from the window, gets hit by lightening but it didn't change my enjoyment. Once the flash blindness had cleared [:D]

Last year, my wife rang from France, to let me listen to the storm over the phone, it was enjoyable until she realised that she was standing in the open porch with a mobile in her hand holding it up in the air as the thunder and lightening crashed around, it suddenly didn't seem such a sensible idea.

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I must be imagination challenged today.[:-))]

I can see what appears to be the outline of a tree or something similar on the right hand side, then there's what appears to me to be something like a chimney stack on the horizon low down in the distance.

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The very large tree - OH was strimming under when the first of the lightning came, so he decided being under it was not the best idea he'd had all week.

The "chimney stack" is the pylon which holds up our electricity and phone cables and is a little too close for comfort during storms.

As I speak, I can hear the distant drums of this evenings storm approaching so I'll have to sign off and shut down as our parafoudre (lightning protection thingy) got struck by lightning last year, and the last thing I want to lose is my phone line and internet connection, computer, etc.

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I'm another thunderstorm aficionado.  I have an automatic weather station here, and one of the devices I have  (and find fascinating) is a lightning detector.  I can watch storms developing all over France, and track their intensity and movement - there were quite a few kicking off yesterday, and a fair number again today.

Last year I recorded 33 days with thunder, and this year, it's 10 so far.

Suninfrance, that short video was good - I'd be very interested to see other examples if anyone wants to have a go.


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