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we need some advice please, we have a very large pond in our garden, it's roughly 20 metres from the house, and is chocker with frogs, the noise is horrendous, we had some friends over last night and because the noise from the frogs was so bad, they went home, we could'nt hear each-other speak, if nothing can be done, does anyone know how long the noise will go on for, randy frogs, I don't do. Thanks alot.
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The simple answer is all summer.

I assume that this is your first year of living both here and in the countryside, it's what it's all about, the natural world and I would suggest that it's here to be enjoyed and protected, but then I would say that wouldn't I?

They are of course protected in law for what that's worth and as I assume you probably don't know one frog from another it may be that you have something special, almost every pond has. It's also worth noting that frogs provide a food source for all manner of other creatures, Long eared owls, Grass snakes and Herons spring to mind as obvious examples.

I'm always happy to provide information, please do have a look at our website, link below.

Chris Luck

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no the other side of the house isnt an option, we would be sitting in the drive way, our terrace is at the back and so is the kitchen, also our conservatory, I would love to fill the pond in, but it's enormous and would cost a fortune.
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Having lived near a large pond I know that the noise can be very loud; but the frogs will stop if there is a predator or animal about (our neighbours had a cat who would patrol around the pond and the frogs would shut up instantly!).  Perhaps getting a cat might solve the problem - okay, they'd probably catch a frog or two (but not all of them) but at least you might get some temporary respite from the noise.  Then, take the cats in during the night and the frogs have freedom to croak away while you're asleep.
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I wonder who was there first because I get the feeling that this is like someone who moves next to an airport and then complains about the noise.

We have hundreds of frogs in our bit of river and their evening calls are simply fantastic.

Try tuning your mind into the wonderful sounds of the countryside or, go and live in a city somewhere.

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You'll be suggesting a karaoke machine next.

Taking Chris' point fully, one chateau I visited offered a free loan of fishing nets and buckets, but they were seriously over-run (big moat).

How about making a screen between the house and the pond? I would think that unless you fill in the pond or use Weapons of Mass Frogstruction you aren't going to get rid of them.

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[quote user="Belle"]Gengulphus, I would consider anything and everything at the moment, the noise is surely more than I am expected to live with, until you HAVE lived with it you can't know what it's like.[/quote]

I have in fact spent most of my life beside such a frog infested pond, and indeed much closer than your 20 metres - and have to admit that their singing never struck me as a problem.

But if it is, what about an efficient grass snake or two?  I have a whopper in my orchard and have been delighted with the short work he makes various troublesome vermin.

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Our frogs started romancing this week - If you hold you party on the pond bank the frogs may tend to shut up. they are reasonably timid. Whenever I feed our fish the little 'dears' disappear with a 'plop' and then sit there glaring at me with just two eyes above the water.


If you try to get rid of them, more will arrive from somewhere else, Nature abhors a vacuum!

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well some people never fail to amaze me.have you any idea how many people in the world there are that would love the joyful singing of frogs rather than traffic roaring or yobs shouting . i suggest you embrace them into your life i have the same thing and i just love to sit out and listen to them. incidently if you clap they shut up albeit for a few seconds.,


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[quote user="happy bunny"]

well some people never fail to amaze me.have you any idea how many people in the world there are that would love the joyful singing of frogs rather than traffic roaring or yobs shouting . i suggest you embrace them into your life i have the same thing and i just love to sit out and listen to them. incidently if you clap they shut up albeit for a few seconds.,




Do you want to come round and take mine away.They are a b***dy nuisance I cannot get to sleep

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Not as much as I'll regret this Tressy! [;-)]

Belle, I envy you, I absolutely love the noise they make. We don't have them around here, which is a shame. There's a place I like to stay just because of the pond & frogs. I was sad enough to record them on my mobile. [:$] I hope you find a decent solution for you & the critters.

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Ours have been cricking away for a couple of weeks. But we like listening to them as do visitors and it has never bothered anyone to the extent of driving them away - unfortunately, in some cases.  Maybe it's psychological - if someone looks on it as a problem then de facto it is one. Some people detest the dawn chorus because it wakes them. 

Our pond comes within 4 metres of the kitchen window.  In the house you can't hear them.  As Mikew says, if you walk along the bank then they shut up pronto. Their eyesight is appalling for distinguishing shapes - but excellent for detecting movement.

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[quote user="Tressy"]

[quote user="happy bunny"]...incidently if you clap they shut up albeit for a few seconds.,[/quote]

Indeed they do!

They're quite like Finches in that respect. [:)]


Margaret and Matthew Finch from Cheltenham stayed with us last night.  Nice couple, but my God, they blathered on - I thought they would never go to bed.  I'll try your tip at breakfast.  Thank you.

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Thanks for all your unsympathic replys, it seems to me people on this forum are only helpful if you have a renovation, or technical problem, anything that affects your day to day living is taken as a joke, sorry happy bunny if I am one of those people that 'amaze' you, I have lived with traffic noise, not a problem, and shouting yobs? well they don't stand in one once place day and night for months on end, if the noise of the rotten frogs drove 8 of our friends home then it can't just be me, also someone said about moving next to an airport then moaning about it, well we asked the previous owners about frogs, and they said that for some reason they hardly get any, clearly a sales pitch.Anyway as I have said, I won't come on here for emotional support anymore, I will wait till I have a bunged up loo, or a dripping tap.
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Belle.  I'm not sure what advice you want people to give.  If you have frogs they will make noise. If that is unacceptable to you then you have a couple of choices.

Move.... a bit drastic I would have thought.

Or get rid of them.... as Chris has pointed out that they are protected then anything you do is likely to be illegal, therefore down to you if you go that route.

I'm not sure that there any other options.

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[quote user="Belle"]Thanks for all your unsympathic replys,


Sorry Belle, but if you post on an open forum you must expect replies that don't always fall on your side of the fence.

I, like Chris and many others, are animal lovers in the true sense of the word and relish our move to be, in many cases, closer to nature.

Personally, I get quite angry when I hear the "we don't like it, lets kill it" cries and until someone stops me, I will always defend the rights of all creatures to live peacefully.

Learn to enjoy them and you'll benefit greatly from the experience. IMHO....[:)]


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