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What Snake Was it?

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Indeed had thee joys of watching  a grass snake swim across a lake i was fishing last week near bressuire a pleasure to watch ..




Did try to tail it but twas fast as hell .

Is it me or does your mind and eyes open to the wonders of nature once in  france ??

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Is it me or does your mind and eyes open to the wonders of nature once in  france ??

Errr, no, it happened when I was rather small but I fully understand how that could be the case for a great number of people, especially if they have had little or no contact with the living world. Of course as we know from many of the postings on here and elsewhere, (and many of the other enquiries I receive), for many people it's not such a pleasure, more of a shock to realise that the "quiet country life" actually included all the other species that inhabit the same space.

Nice Grass snake.[:D]


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Indeed always had a love and a good eye for nature , i watched barn owls swooping over thee yorkshire rivers searching for prey as thee mist rises as dusk arrives breath taking indeed , watched pike spawn and later in the year take grassers and voles of thee top, pine marins in scotland  momments i will always treasure , but alas still in thee land of BOSH ,popping 40k on thee clock a year 60 hours a week and working my asssse of to pay thee men in black ( vat and tax ( they love me to bits face)) , not much do i miss when im owt .

Only thing that blows my stack is wasps and hornets , pppppppphhhhhhhhhh no use in thee world for them .......!!!!


Nice web site ;)

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[quote user="Cathy"]

If you found a viper in your house, would it be OK to call the pompiers?



Cathy, we found an Aspic Viper in the kitchen coiled up and hissing at one of our dogs. We shooed out the dog and took the sack out of our tall flip top bin. Directing the snake into it wasn't difficult, then he was removed from the premises and sent on his way. There was no mistaking him with his angular head and distinctive markings. Only wish i'd taken a photo.

To be honest I don't know if the Pompiers would come out. In your place, I wouldn't try to handle a snake - the rubbish bin works for all creatures. Mice have gone the same way and we just take them across the road !

Snakes like shade and damp cool areas. If you keep your trees and shrubs near the house cleared of undergrowth, it may keep them from approaching the house. A friend's young Labrador was bitten (fatally) on the tongue last Saturday.....the downside of life in the country.

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[quote user="Callie"]H E L P !!!!!!!! Can someone PLEASE explain how to insert a quote into a reply ? I make a mess every time I try.[/quote]


press the reply button on the right of the post. This will generate a reply box with the message in place already. If you want,  just delete the text you don't want to include in the quote. Then write your reply after the last quote bracket. If you would like to do more quotes, just copy the quote user and quote brackets around the text you want to quote. Make sure the brackets parts are written in exactly the same format

[quote user="Callie"]H E L P[/quote]

just like that.


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[quote user="Callie"][quote user="Cathy"]

If you found a viper in your house, would it be OK to call the pompiers?


[/quote] Cathy, we found an Aspic Viper in the kitchen coiled up and hissing at one of our dogs. We shooed out the dog and took the sack out of our tall flip top bin. Directing the snake into it wasn't difficult, then he was removed from the premises and sent on his way. There was no mistaking him with his angular head and distinctive markings. Only wish i'd taken a photo. To be honest I don't know if the Pompiers would come out. In your place, I wouldn't try to handle a snake - the rubbish bin works for all creatures. Mice have gone the same way and we just take them across the road ! Snakes like shade and damp cool areas. If you keep your trees and shrubs near the house cleared of undergrowth, it may keep them from approaching the house. A friend's young Labrador was bitten (fatally) on the tongue last Saturday.....the downside of life in the country.[/quote]

I presume you mean an asp viper?  Aspic is err..................savoury jelly made of (I think) calf's foot?

Even if your viper was in aspic, I don't think I'd fancy it!  Might look nice on a buffet table, I guess.

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Thank you for the informative link, Nickel, and apologies to Callie. 

My goodness how my knowledge of all these strange things increase on a daily basis.  This will teach me to lift my eyes off cookery books now and again.

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Shall I slice the aspic lengthways or in rounds?  Which do you think will look more attractive?  As for garnishes, I suppose I can't go wrong with sprigs of parsely from the garden and some lemon wedges?
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[quote user="Christine Animal"]I would be very interested to know how you get mice into a bin liner.  [/quote]

Let's see if this quote works (I think it's me goofing rather than the browser !)

I don't use the liner, I take the liner out then put the bin itself (a v. old Addis swing bin) on its side so that the mouse has no option. Snakes, mice, they all run into it !

Sorry about the viper in jelly - yes, I meant vipère aspic (didn't know its name in English). Snake meat is delicious, I'm told, but you can keep the jelly, to slippery.
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[quote user="Christine Animal"]It may come from Callie's browser.  It used to happen to someone else.  What are you using Callie?  If you can't quote you could maybe use "copy and paste" of the text you want, saying so and so said, yourself. I would be very interested to know how you get mice into a bin liner. [/quote]

Un GRAND merci à Christine Animal - YES, it was my browser.  [:(] I would never have thought of that !  I can now insert smileys and do all sorts of things ![:D]

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