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Bats on the wall


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They frequently visit our house.  Their favorite day spot is behind the south facing volets.   You can usually tell when they've arrived as they leave lots of small 'droppings' on the window sill.

I've gotten rather used to them, but don't leave my windows open at dusk.

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They can also be a bit partial to coming down the chimney!  We had 4 of them in the house just before we 'lit up' in late-Autumn last year.

When the ramoneur made his annual visit in April, he kindly meshed-up the stack - and charged me an extra €3 for the wire!  "You can't be serious", I said - and he genuinely thought I was complaining.

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Not an expert, but I wouldn't tell too many people as bats can be a protected species - a problem if they start to annoy you and you want to get rid of them!

'Animals' over here can be a (nice) pain , we have had owls falling down the chimney, bats flying down the corridors and a mouse with a mask like Zorro in the loft (it was called a lerot (?) - protected species according to some people I spoke to!)

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