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Thousands of starlings and hundreds of cranes flying south...


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I woke up to that noise this morning. It was still dark, but now I know, thanks to Chris pp, that they're not just early risers. Top vid, Cat. Merci a tous, you guys are an education and Chris' site: well, what a great resource. We've got more kinds of newts in the pond than I knew existed.

...and a few other critters that I wish were a little further down the garden! Hey ho.

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Thanks, Cat. That definitely confirms that I saw cranes.  I feel privileged to have seen mine in such large numbers.

Your lot were funny.  A small group breaking away and then nearly colliding into the others.  I didn't think that they did that.

Living in France is amazing.  Today, I was at the ocean, gazing out and knowing that the nearest land mass was the USA.  The wind was warm and some birds (probably gulls) were gliding on the thermals - in November....


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Cathy is so lovely to thear you are so happy in France. But I can assure you it is possible to be very happy in the UK. the Bristol Channel is a fantastic place to see 1000000000000s of birds - and if you swim straight out - you will just get to another part of the USA!

I feel sad when Brits think that France is the only place to be happy - the UK is a beautiful country, so varied, and with huge parts which are definitely not overpopulated, and just wonderful. So many on the Forum have got off the rat race and feel so happy about it, in France - but you can get off the rat race, grow fruit and veg, have the a pig or chicken or 2, in the UK. Of course there is a big difference in house prices still- I have been so happy in the UK since I arrived in 1970. I love the wild north east coast, Norfolk, Devon, the Peak district, the Lakes and even huge bits of the Midlands. The list is endless. Castles, Churches, Cathedrals - the UK is an amazing country.

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Yes!  I saw some this morning; it was truly a magnificent sight.

Odile, sometimes it's not that people were unhappy in the UK.  It's just that many people come here to retire (like my OH and I) and, of course, life is so much less stressful through not having to work.

So then, there is time to develop new interests or indeed spend more time on old ones!

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We can't wait to be in our beloved Jura for our retirement. But we won't be running away from the UK - my parents situation made me feel like it was sort of 'time to go home'. There are many posters here who do seem to think France is the only place for happiness- growing veg, enjoying good walks and views, etc, etc- and I think all these and more can also be done in the UK- again sad to hear 'Ex pats' harping on about the awful state of the UK. France does have massive problems, just different. They should try and live in a ZUP for a while, and not rural Dordogneshire.

England is a very beautiful country too.

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Odile.  I am happy to be in the UK as well.  I know the Bristol Channel very well.  Indeed, I sailed the Channel there this summer, rounding both Steepholm and Flatholm, with the binos trained on the birds (and the burnt out Weston-super-Mare pier).

I was just commenting on how lovely it is to experience thermal winds in November.  As a sailor, I know only too well that you don't get these in the Bristol Channel at this time of year.

The area that I was looking out towards was in fact the Bay of Biscay - a place that many sailors try to avoid....

P.S. I know that the UK is beautiful.  I adore, for example, Shropshire and Wiltshire, but most of all, Gloucestershire, with its creamy stone buildings.



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I have never been to the Bristol channel, but mentioned it as I have heard so much about it, and is mentioned on your location. I'm glad to hear you haven;t forgotten about the beauty of your native UK. Have you ever been to Rutland? Just like the Cotswolds, but without the tourists. Wonderful. Regards. Swissie

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I do regret that my knowledge of Rutland is confined to:


I was pleased when Rutland regained its administrative status.  Before we get told off for going off topic, Odile, perhaps you shoukd start a Rutland thread with some photos for us to enjoy.

Back to cranes - take a look at this:



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