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Nos enfants nous accuseront - Our children will accuse us.


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[quote user="TWINKLE"]

Please watch this short clip.   [/quote]

Thanks Twinks.

Gosh, that was a powerfully put message. A very sobering experience, I was not aware that the problem was so bad in France.

Unfortunately such food or employment doesn't come labelled 'could be dangerous for your health'. As we are retired and have the time we try to grow what we can in our small veg plot and buy from those traders who we hope are trustworthy in our local market. But we are fortunate in that we have a choice ...


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Yes it's scary, so what are we going to do about it?

France is the biggest user of pesticides in the EU, and worldwide second only to the US.  Campaign and/or keep up to date on developments here http://www.facebook.com/pages/Sick-of-Pesticides/38411248553?ref=mf

Support France's stance against GM crops here http://www.greenpeace.org/international/campaigns/genetic-engineering/take-action/support-anti-gmo-governments


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I don't know.  Part of the problem is raising public awareness. 

Look at Monsanto, a few years ago they were just the makers of Round-Up, and now it's pretty hard to find anyone who feels able to support their methods and products. 



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Yes you're right Cat!  I'm going to keep bumping this thread up to the top of the forum so that as many people as possible gets to see this video.

This is very disturbing too - bought to the media attention by Prince Charles.


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this is absolutely dreadful - thank you Twinkle and all the others for making us aware. the plight of the Indian farmers and others around the so called third world is so disturbing. On a different scale, it does shake the French rural dream.

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Saw that on French television about the poor Indian farmers and about the pesticides here.  Some pesticides which are now banned here are still sold in Spain.  It showed some French agriculteurs driving down there to load up.  I was put off any Spanish fruit or vegetables when they showed the "mixture" that was prepared and then put in the watering system of those enormous greenhouses of tomatoes, strawberries, etc.   [6]


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