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Molehills - caused by 1 mole or 2?

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We have always had some molehills in our garden but during the last couple of weeks I have noticed that alongside every normal sized molehill, there is a smaller one. I hope this isn't a silly question but I wonder if these are being made by an adult and a baby mole (a molehill digger in training)? Just interested ....


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I remember your battles with moles and a football Cathy.


They do seem to work in a line, so this suggests a lone burrower. A little one at the side?

They do have babies sometimes - I once found a dead one about 3 inches long. The cat must have got at it.  [:(]

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Over our 2 acres of garden we have mole hills appear mostly i one part of the garden but sometimes appear in others. They have never really got any worse or any better in the 4 years we have been here. The cat does catch one every now and again but the mole hills always continue. Now I know she has got some from our garden as she has been seen doing it. But as I said they just continue.

The earth has been used in other parts of the garden, such as a raised bed for our vegetables and we are already stocking up the soil for next years raised bed. It can have its uses as long as you get them up quick before it kills the grass. I think that one day the whole place house and all will just fall into a big void made because of the amount of tunnels...   

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Moles were the bane of my dad's life! I could never understand his sheer hatred towards them. He used to block the holes bar one and put a tube to his car exhaust and into mole tunnel.

For gardeners - I use the mole hill earth from or meadow as potting soil - mixed with some compost. Great stuff. Having said that, I am quite happy for moles to enjoy the meadow - but they better watch out if they come into the garden! Althoug I could never do what my dad did - YUK so?!?

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