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After Crocodile in Pool - Terror on Lake

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A giant Sandre (not sure what it is in English) measuring 70 cms and weighing 8 kilos was attacking swimmers in the Lac Majeur, Switzerland on Saturday.

He bit six people and two ended up in hospital with 10 cms wounds.  The lake police divers tried to capture it with a net, but ended up harpooning it and offering a piece to tourists who might like to eat a bit!

Suisse: les dents du lac


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[quote user="moonraker"]Pikeperch in english.[/quote]


Says that in lots of dictionaries and I have never found a fisherman yet who has any idea what perch pike or pike perch is. 

They do however know of Sander aka Zander.


I think perch pike is an invention of Langenscheidt - which might in itself be loosely transalted as long sh*t or a load of sh*t.  [:D]

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