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Is this edible?


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The woods around us are very popular with cepe hunters and I did go hunting with a french neighbour whose knowledge was dished out on sight; most were unedible, and the only tip I gleaned that day was to cut or break a chunk off, just enough to reveal the inside, if it turns bluish tinge don't eat it! Everything we found, was either unedible, (quite a distinct blue tinge), or not worth eating because they weren't the best ones, which he added had already been 'harvested' by other visitors earlier.
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It looks like a cep but a cep is just one part of a big family - the boletes [url]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boletus[/url].  Some of which are edible, some not, some poisonous.  As everyone has already said; gang warily!  Eating wrongly identified fungi is extremely perilous - there are 'shrooms that when eaten make the option of kidney dialysis seem like an easy ride.  [url]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Destroying_angel[/url]  Having said that, there are plently of delicious fungi out there - but identification is absolutely critical and not always easy at all.  When in doubt, chuck it out![:)]

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My two neighbours (combined ages about 160 years, and born and bred here) think it's a cep so I've given it to them. There were some smaller ones next to it, but clearly the same species, so provided the neighbours are still alive tomorrow, I'll pick them for myself in a day or two.

I am pretty sure this one must be edible - the neighbours wanted to know where I'd found it.

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I've picked and eaten so many mushrooms recently that I've given them up for now.  Was in a restaurant 2 nights ago and, when mushroom sauce was offered to me, I declined and explained why.  So, they offered to give me Bearnaise or Peppercorn sauce instead.

I grudge paying for them as I find the Champignons de Paris  (the only sort of mushrooms that seems to be available at our Intermarché) not very interesting and now they're free, I don't think I can face another mushroom for a very long time.

Us humans are never satisfied, are we?

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